Prison Ink Tattoo Festival 2025
Thu, 29 May, 2025 at 11:00 pm to Sat, 31 May, 2025 at 11:00 pm
FÆNGSLET | Horsens, VJ
I 2025 er vi igen klar med Prison Ink Tattoo Festival. Det bliver den 9. udgave af tatoveringsfestivalen, der løber af stablen i det helt unikke Fængslet, Horsens. Vi går "back to the roots" og rykker ind i den store hal Magasinet som mainroom med tatovører og scene og også ind i Snedkeriet med Dark Market. I Nordgården vil der være hyggeligt outdoor areal med bar, streetfood m.m. Indtil 2006 husede Fængslet fanger, men har siden fået status som en af de mest specielle og unikke kulturinstitutioner i Danmark. Det hele foregår i Kr. Himmelfartsferien, 29. - 31. maj, 2024. Du kan blive tatoveret af de bedste tatovører fra mere end 20 forskellige lande i alle stilater eller du kan få stillet din nysgerrighed. Cirka. 200 tatovører sidder klar til at tatovere dig i autentiske fængselsomgivelser. Nyd festivalstemningen med streetfood, øl og drinks, amerikanerbiltræf, motorcykeltræf og meget mere.In 2025 we are back with the Prison Ink Tattoo Festival. It will be the 9th edition of the international tattoo convention, which will take place in the unique Prison, Horsens. We go back to the roots of Prison Ink and move into the large hall Magasinet as the main room with tattoo artists and stage and also into Snedkeriet with Dark Market. In Nordgården there will be a cozy outdoor area with bar, street food etc. Until 2006, the prison housed prisoners, but has since gained status as one of the most special and unique cultural institutions in Denmark. It all takes place in Kr. Himmelfartsferien, May 29 - 31, 2024. You can be tattooed by the best tattoo artists from more than 20 different countries in all styles or you can satisfy your curiosity and chat with the artists about you idea. Around 200 tattoo artists are ready to tattoo you in authentic prison surroundings. Enjoy the festival atmosphere with street food, DJ, beer and drinks, American car meet, motorcycle meet and much more
Where is it happening?
FÆNGSLET, Fussingsvej 8, 8700 Horsens, Danmark,Horsens, DenmarkEvent Location & Nearby Stays: