Open Future 揭幕:未來 (Bilingual improv theatre 雙語即興劇場)


Sat, 05 Feb, 2022 at 08:00 pm


Two Three Comedy - 23喜劇 | Taipei, TP

Come see us on Feb. 5th at Two Three Comedy 8:00pm! Buy tickets online now! Don’t miss it!
Do you remember the time capsule we made with everyone in the audience at the show last February? ???
We have finally come to the moment to open this time capsule!
FIG invites everyone to join us for this special occasion! We're going to uncover what we and the audience wrote on the slips of paper last year and incorporate those words into our performances! Without any script or props, we will be showcasing bilingual improv entirely based on your ideas! In addition to the time capsules, we’ll also get suggestions from the audience in real time. As a bonus, FIG is also inviting 3 special guest performers to join us on stage for the first time! It’s the perfect combination of Past, Present, and Future!

FIG 在此邀請大家一起來參與這特別的場合!我們將揭開去年我們以及現場觀眾在紙條上寫了些什麼,並且將這些文字巧妙地融入我們的演出當中!在沒有任何劇本以及道具的情況下,這次我們將演出雙語即興劇,所以準備好你們的靈感跟著我們一起說故事。除了時光膠囊我們還會即興演出觀眾當場的建議。最後加碼, FIG特別邀請三位即興表演者首次與我們在舞台上演出!這是融合過去.現在與未來的關鍵時刻!
可於演出當天至Two Three Comedy 23喜劇門口現場購票或匯款訂票。
Two Three Comedy 23喜劇吧檯(營業時間06:00 p.m.~02:00 a.m)
1. 演出當天7點半開放入座。
2. 禁帶外食。
3. 演出內容可能含有敏感話題或詞彙。
4. 配合政府防疫政策,敬請配合:
(1) 入場前需配合手部消毒。
(2) 測量體溫(37.5度以下方可入場)。
(3) 填寫基本聯絡資料(僅供防疫備查用)。
(4) 歡迎全程配戴口罩。
(5) 根據疾病管制局政策,3月19日起所有入境者必須居家檢疫14天。若您尚在居家檢疫或有發燒等感冒症狀者,請勿參加!
⧪How to purchase tickets:
Tickets may be purchased at the door on the day of the performance or you can purchase them online!
NT$400 per person (1 drink included).
Buy tickets online now and enter a raffle to get free entry to FIG's next performance! *Eligible for ticket(s) purchased online only.
Applicable for 1 future ticket, must purchase 1 drink upon entry.
Buy tickets here:
1. Stage room doors open at 7:30 p.m. for audience seating.
2. No outside food or beverage allowed.
3. The show may contain sensitive content.
4. In accordance with government health standards, FIG asks that the public comply with the following safety measures:
(1) Alcohol-based spray will be used to disinfect hands upon entering.
(2) Body temperature will be checked using a forehead thermometer (temperatures below 37.5°C are considered safe to enter the space).
(3) Each individual will be asked to fill out a brief online form providing basic contact information (to be used only for contact purposes in case of an emergency).
(4) Individuals are encouraged to wear face masks for the duration of the show.
(5)According to the CDC policy, anyone entering Taiwan after March 19th must be quarantined at home for 14 days. If you are still at home for quarantine or have cold symptoms such as fever, please do not participate.
(6)The venue will be using table dividers and socially distanced chairs to guarantee safety.

Where is it happening?

Two Three Comedy - 23喜劇, No 286, Linsen North Road, Taipei, Taiwan

Event Location & Nearby Stays:

FIG Formosa Improv Group

Host or Publisher FIG Formosa Improv Group

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