Murder at the Four Deuces 2
Sat, 04 Jan, 2025 at 07:00 pm
Tri-County Arts Council | Olean, NY
Murder at the Four Deuces 2 is an easy and fully interactive murder mystery party based during a speakeasy's New Years Eve party in 1924.
You do NOT have to have done the first Murder at the Four Deuces to enjoy the second.
Characters range from the Italian Mafia to the Irish Mob, Al Capone, and much much more!
Also, you do NOT have to play a character at all. You can simply super sleuth it up as yourself!
Tickets are $50 for the event.
Message us or contact Holden Bernstein on his FB or his email at [email protected] for further information or to buy tickets.
Also, join in on our discussions in the discussions tab!
The following are 100% mandatory for the event to go off successfully. Only choose these characters if you know 100% you can attend:
DON WANNABE is Chicago's Boss. Referred to as "The Gentleman", Don took over the family operations after the unfortunate demise of Don "Big Jim" Ravioli in 1920. He is a very even-tempered boss, who knows how to keep the peace and take care of his people. He is well-liked among his peers, which is very unusual in a Don.
MADAM MEME WANNABE is married to Don Wannabe and the owner of the classiest brothel in Chicago. With their combined head for business, the two have managed to amass a fortune. Tonight they host their annual New Year's Eve Party at their elite Four Deuces Speakeasy. MeMe is always the ultimate gracious hostess.
AL CAPONE is Don Wannabe's Chief Lieutenant. He came from New York and Don Wannabe hired him immediately as the bouncer for his new speakeasy. After the former Don's demise, he became second in command to the new Boss, Don wannabe. Within three months, he married Don Ravioli's widow, Carrie Crooner.
CARRIE CROONER-CAPONE is Don Big Jim Ravioli's widow. She married Al Capone within three months of her husband's death. She is now the headline jazz singer for the Four Deuces Speakeasy. They say Don Wannabe pays her extremely well.
CONGRESSMAN DARRIN TOOSTEAL lost his presidential bid when it became known he was a close associate of the slain Don Ravioli. His wife Mary, divorced him shortly afterward to marry Mayor Big Bill Bumpkin. Darrin maried Baroness Ravioli. We will let you draw your own conclusions there. Darrin is now in a political race against Big Bill Bumpkin to hold his Congressional seat.
BARONESS RAVIOLI-TOOSTEAL is the mother of the deceased Don, BIg Jim Ravioli. The Baroness still loves to wear tiaras and lord it over anyone she considers beneath her. She married the congressman shortly after his divorce. Don Wannabe took good care of her up until her marriage.
VICKY RAVIOLI-BIGWIG is the ex-wife to the slain Don Ravioli. It suprised us all when she eloped with the New York Capo, Beau Bigwig, right after her ex husband's murder. She is attending with her freind, Texas Molly. She hopes to see her daugter Rebecca and represent her husband's New York interests in Chicago.
WEISS GUY is the Boss of the North Side Irish Mob. He was invited by Don Wannabe to discuss some issues that seem to be causing friction between the two. It might have something to do with hijacked trucks. It is rumored that he is a hot head who may be the one behind the currecnt friction between the North and East side. Could it have anything to do with Rebecca spurning his marriage proposal years ago?
REBECCA RAVIOLI-SQUEEZE is the daughter of Vicky Ravioli-Bigwig and the slain Don BIg Jim Ravioli. She was arrested for her father's murder. After her mother Vicky married the New York Capo, the murder charges against her were dropped. It seems that all evidence in the case disapeared. Wonder how that happened? She secretly married Sly Squeeze before the Don's untimely murder and they are still married.
INSPECTOR NEVILLE "THE NOSE" NUTELLA will be attending the function to keep the peace. He is known to be a close associate of Don Wannabe.
The following are character that SHOULD attend for a fuller event. But they are not 100% needed. Choose one of these character if you are pretty sure you can go and will only miss if an issue arises:
BUGS MORON is Chief Lieutenant to Weiss Guy and the level headed one of the two. He will be attending to watch his boss's back and we hope keep his boss in check.
TEXAS MOLLY is from Waco Texas and the proud owner of a New York speakeasy called the 300 Club. This fiesty gal portrayed the first cowgirl in the movie The Wildkat and was the pistol-packing, barrel-racing Queen of the West. She is here with her friend Vickie Ravioli-Bigwig.
MAYOR BIG BILL BUMPKIN is the Mayor of Chicago. Bill married Mary toosteal after her divorce. They still appear happy. The Mayor is a close friend of Don Wannabe and is now running against Congressman Toosteal for his Congressional Seat.
MARY BUMPKIN is the wife of Mayor Big Bill Bumpkin. Mary comes from old money and powerful connections and remains the perfect political wife. Since divorcing Congressman Darrin toosteal, it is said that her new marriage is a very happy one.
RHETT BUMBLER is a local gambler that is not very good at cards or dice. His attempts to cheat are so laughable that most people overlook them. No one knowns where his loyalties lie or if he even has any. He has been stepping out with Donna Wannabe for the past year. Wonder what her brother Don Wannabe thinks of that match?
DONNA WANNABE is Don Wannabe's little sister. Donna is now seeing Rhett Bumbler. This very determined woman chased Rhett for three years before catching him. She wrote a tell-all book on the inside look at film stars. While it is very successful, she is no longer welcome in Hollywood. That book burned all her bridges out west!
SLY SQUEEZE acquires the horse race results for Capo Beau Bigwig. He has an agreement with the Telegraph Company to be the only person to receive the live results immediately in the Chicago, New York, and other areas. The Capo sells these results to his local Bosses including Don Wannabe who then sells them to local bookies for half of their take. He is married to Rebecca Ravioli-Suqeeze.
VANESSA CROONER is the mother of Carrie Cronner-Capone. It is widely known that Vanessa thinks Al is no better for her sweet little girl than her last husband, the deceased Don Big Jim Ravioli. Vanessa and Guilda Guiseppi are inseparable friends.
CASH STEAL is attending as Vanessa Crooner's escort. He rents a room from her. Vanessa claims he is an excellent handyman to have around. No Comment!
GUILDA GUISEPPI is a possible widow and an accountant. Her husband, Jack Guiseppi, went missing the day after Don Ravioli was murdered. Vanessa Crooner is her best freind.
MAMA BARKER had four sons that run errands for Don Wannabe. The Don sees a lot of promise in the boys and likes Momma for her dedicated loyalty to her boys.
The following are all the secondary characters. They definitely compliment the other characters but the game can function without them. Please choose these characters if you plan to attend but might have to bail:
PENNY CHEATUM is a high-profile attorney who specialized in "Family" Law. Her services are always in high demand from those that run in these same circles.
HENRY HOOCH is begging to devlop a name for himself. They say he brews up some of the best hooch this side of the Mason-Dixon line.
SERINA SIREN and her brother recently arrived from Italy. Their father, Guido, disappeared after rumors that he was plotting his boss's demise. The Sicily Family thought seeing America would be best for the Siren children. Serina is known to be a very modern woman who has the brains and looks to get what she wants.
HOBART T. KING made the movie picture, On the Wagon. It was supposed to be a Western, but the few that saw it said it was a disaster. We have heard he is here scouting for talent and investors for a new romantic film.
GLENNA GLIB was voted Most Talkative Person every year in college. Nothing more needs to be said. If you have further questions. Glenna will happily regale you for hours with the answers. Glenna is the new cocktail waitress at the Four Deuces.
TOM HOPS is the Four Deuces sophisticated, talented, and amiable bartender.
SCOOP JENNINGS is a little known-reporter beginning to out-scoop the big boys.
SAM SIREN is Serina's brother and the son of the deceased Guido Siren from the Italy Family. Sam is looking to join a new Family. They say he is very talented but can he be trusted?
COLOR PENCILLE is an up-and-coming artist. She comes from a creative family who was scandalized when her mother chose to marry a lawyer! It was simply shocking... a lawyer with no artistic interest whatsoever.
R. K. OSWALD is the owner of W4DR Radio Station, and his station is the most listened to in Chicago. He also hosts a talk show.
HENRY HYDE is the infamous actor, well known for his trigger temper, lofty demands, and charm. That last one is resereved for only a special few. Rumor's say he also fears being cursed!
MARIE INHASTE has been widowed four times. They call her the Black Widow. Each of her rich and powerful husbands died of heart failure. Men really have a lot to say about that fact. She may be on the lookout for #5.
STAN DINGPROUD is an absent-minded English Professor. He is brilliant, but has a habit of walking off in the middle of a conversation.
MAY FLOWERS is a quircky psychologist, whose favorite pastime is analyzing everyone she meets.
SALLY FORTH is a famous psychic. Sally claims to hear voices of the dealy departed. Imagine that? This writer wonders if they follow her into the bathroom. Maybe someone should ask her.
DR. HUGH DEMANN claims to be a world-renowned physician, but nobody seems to have heard of him. He says he is here for a top secret confrence with some of the greatest minds from around the world.
LOU NATIC is a little paranoid. Okay, so maybe he's a lot paranoid. His theories are interesting, to say the least.
ROBIN BANKS is called the gentleman thief. Ladies practically swoon at the thought of being robbed by him. He is quite debonaire!
JENNA FELINE is a very eccentric heiress. She has oodles of cats that occupy her massive estate that her father left her. She dresses quite strangely.
BETTY KANT claims to be a forensic entomologist who prefers to be called a maggotologist. Her knowledge of bugs can reveal when, where, and sometimes how, a victim died. At least, these are the claims she makes. Sounds like voodoo science to us.
GEORGIO GIGOLO is all the rage with the ladies. Suave and debonair, he can charm most ladies out of anything he desires.
CAROLYN MONROE is considered a sex goddess. She is blond and beautiful, but not too bright. She isn't afraid to use her many assets to get what she wants from life.
DR. HECKLE is a strange one. One moment the Doctor is intelligent. albeit boring; the next, he is outgoing, chasing women, guzzling booze, and eating in excess, with no manners whatsoever.
MR. SMITH claims to be in town on business, but no one seems to know him or agree on his business.
LESTER JESTER is a practical joker. Watch your back with this one around you!
KARMA DELIGHT is a circus show headliner belly dancer. They say she has some killer moves. She claims to have been betrothed to an Arab Prince before he was murdered.
JIMMY SKIMMY is highly successful accountant. Some wonder just how he came by all of his expensive little toys. Many seem to be outside the reach of even the best accountant's income. But they say he is the best at what he does.
KIKKI KICKIT is a for-hire bodyguard. While many find the occupation unusual or even scandalous for a woman. They wouldn't dare say that aloud. She was trained in the Far East, and it is said that she can K*ll a man with one strike.
VERA LEIGH is a celebrated artist. In fact, she is almost famous. They say she produced some of the best forgeries of famous works seen in recent years.
MRS. SMITH is no relation to Mr. Smith. She owns Soul Repaer, Inc. Her business license says she is a bounty hunter, but there are whispers that she is an assassin.