Moved from the Heart, Advanced Aqua Body works Training & Retreat


Thu, 23 Feb, 2023 at 10:00 am to Mon, 27 Feb, 2023 at 06:00 pm


Aqua Massage & Swim Byron | Byron Bay, NS

We’ll learn and enjoy: Bodywork with massage techniques and stretches integrated into the flow of movement and hydrodynamic forces.
Exploring principles: like submerging with spiral-rolls or holding 1 or 2 different parts of the body, like a shoulder and under a knee or just the rib-cage, the heart.
Here is an opportunity to practice, expand and receive Aqua Body works sessions with experienced session givers.
*Learning and developing new methods to support and move a receiver fluidly through water while staying grounded and connected with the breath, letting the water do the work.
*Exploring principles like submerging with spiral-rolls and dolphin undulations. Like 'Moved from the Heart, with a wave', up & down as well as sideways.
*Expending our massage skills while loosening our Head, Neck, Shoulders, Hips, Knees and Spine in warm water while freeing our body from stress and aches from computer work etc.
* Integration of Somatic Experiencing® to facilitate guidance in connecting with our own resources including basic hypnotic language for deeper connection.

Aqua Body work training is especially beneficial to trained therapists and bodywork practitioners, however any curious minds and bodies are welcome to join and benefit from this dynamic and potentially deeply therapeutic modality.
All students get a mini session.
All students get a Certificate.

Where is it happening?

Aqua Massage & Swim Byron, Grays Lane site 11 Tyagarah.,Byron Bay,NSW,Australia
Masta Aqua Watsu

Host or Publisher Masta Aqua Watsu

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