Modern Gospel Awards 2024
Sat Sep 28 2024 at 06:00 pm to 11:00 pm
Accra City Hall (Omanye Aba Hall) | Accra, AA
Modern Gospel Awards ( MOGA AWARDS ) – Rewarding Gospel Creatives.
Modern Gospel Awards have seen great personalities and talents over the years in the gospel industry who holds the gospel music in high esteem. Many of them made great impact and are still making greater impacts in the lives of many people with their songs through motivation and inspiration.
Their immerse contribution can never be overlook and need massive recognition. As an award scheme which has the gospel music industry at heart there’s the need to geared up and put respect honor and recognition on these great and hardworking musicians and all the workers in the Gospel Vineyard. With regards to building a strong effective and vibrant Gospel Music Industry accross the globe It is the vision of this great award scheme to honor and reward the hardworking Gospel Creatives who are putting Ghana Africa and the world Gospel Music on the Map.
Where is it happening?
Accra City Hall (Omanye Aba Hall), HQ2W+9HV, Accra, GhanaUSD 0.00