MIFGASH II: Encounters between Languages with Mati Shemoelof
Sun Jun 05 2022 at 02:30 pm to 04:30 pm
Radialsystem | Berlin, BE

MIFGASH II: Encounters between Languages with Mati ShemoelofOn the Visionary Power of Multilingual Poetry
Migration to a new country usually engenders several processes: the degradation of the migrant’s main language into a minority language, the need for constant translation, and also the entry into a new existence in which the migrant must redefine words, terms, and concepts whose meanings lie in the culture or language-game of the culture in which they are used. Migration is not only the experience of migrants. People born into a family with a migration background also experience migration in their transgenerational heritage. Even people without migration experience can gain insight into the unique mindset that emerges from the migration experience through direct contact. In Berlin, one third of the inhabitants have a migration background.
The writing workshop will focus on a visionary concept of multilingual poetry writing. The writing technique presented here, which was developed by Mati Shemoelof, is not tied to any particular language, though the focus will be on Hebrew and German. By crossing language boundaries, the workshop participants will attempt to recreate and explore the particular mindset of people with migration experience. In this way, we would like to propose another step towards achieving tolerance and understanding between people and sustaining our flourishing cultural diversity.
About the MIFGASHIM Series
With the MIFGASHIM series, the ID Festival 2022 offers a variety of enriching encounters: encounters between different languages and cultures, between different religions and, first and foremost, encounters between people. Visitors can look forward to meeting leading figures of the young Israeli community in Germany.
“Ich bin juden dichtar”/Mati Shemoelof
Ish shraibe hebre’ish
Ein Mann screibt Ivrit
du fragst warum shraibe ish hebre’ish in Berlin
walla, keine Ahnung,
ish kann nish shraiben gut Inglis oder
naturlish kain gut Deutshn
und ich bin Fremder in Dir
und was du danke, wo ist dein herz, mit mein werte, und wo wohns Du nun zwischen diesen Worten,
ish bin ain Lachmann, ish bin shlecht juden, immigrant von iraq,
ish bin juden, und ish bin arabisch.
Warum kain viele hebre’isch in dein stadt,
aber so viele andre immigrant
ish wais,
ish wais,
und jets, jeden Tag ish frage, das immer fragen,
und du sagt, bitte, wir kann tansen, und nish vergessen, Aber wie soll ich tanzen,
wenn in meinem Bauch eine Torahrolle lodert,
die sich mir nicht verbrennt.
Aus: „Bagdad | Haifa | Berlin” (Berlin: Aphorisma Verlag). 2019. Übersetzung: Dr. Jan Kühne.
Sun 5 June 14:30
Discussion & Writing Workshop
Radialsystem Studio C
MIFGASH II 8 | 5 €
2 hours
German, Hebrew, English & other languages
Where is it happening?
Radialsystem, Holzmarktstraße 33,Berlin, GermanyEvent Location & Nearby Stays: