Meta-NLP Practitioner Certification Program
Sat, 22 Feb, 2025 at 10:00 am to Sat, 01 Mar, 2025 at 07:30 pm
1310 Gallery - Sailboat Bend Artist Lofts | Fort Lauderdale, FL

About this Event
Welcome to the adventure of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)! A HIGHLY EXPERIENTIAL adventure that involves practicing new skills and learning to use your entire mind-body system to its full potential. This adventure involves discovering how to run your own brain, manage your own states, become an expert coach/communicator, and have the most cutting edge tools to achieve higher levels of productivity and success.
Imagine that! With the NLP/Coaching Essentials Workshop, you will take the first step in exploring how you have mapped out your sense of reality. And as you do, we will put into your hands the tools to refine and transform your experience of reality so that it enhances you in ways that will revolutionize your life. A big promise? You bet.
And yet that is part of the magic and wonder of this cutting-edge technology that we call NLP.
Are You Ready to Become an Expert Coach/Communicator?
This exploration will also provide something else. It will richly inform you about others… how to read them, how to influence them, and how to create rich relationships with them. In today’s world communication is more important than ever. With the ever increasing rate of technology, the world is getting smaller, and the ability to communicate with a massive audience exists at the tips of your fingers. And at the same time, the importance of maintaining close relationships and smooth communication within your personal relationships and family is as important as ever. And just like anything, these skills improve and become more effective the more that you have awareness, and the more that you use them. In our NLP Certification program, each skill builds upon the previous so that by the end of the training you are able to perform most of the skills automatically, without even thinking about it!
See What Our Students are Saying:

“I come from a coaching background having been through the Tony Robbins Training… the “toolbox” that I already have just went through a sharpening process. Because I understand about the NLP process, I will be a lot more effective when working with people, bringing them right to their desired outcomes!!!” – Estee Levinson, Personalized Enrichment Coach and Life Facilitator
“Partaking in the Perception Academy’s NLP Practitioner Certification program unveiled skills and insights I didn’t know were possible. The power of the human mind is boundless, and this course took me on a sojourn to the infinite limits of the powerhouse that is my mind. I cannot imagine an instructure, teacher, facilitator and coach more qualified that Jason Schneider to lead a person on this path to coaching, personal development, and many other useful skills. I have never met anyone with such an abundance of expertise, versatility, and ingenuity as Jason. Most importantly, Jason is kind, warm and approachable with a great sense of humor to boot, and I am so glad that I had him and my delightful cohort to support me on this amazing odyssey of Perception Academy’s Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner Certification program.” – Steven Laskin, Writer
“Taking the time and money to invest in myself for the past eight days in Perception Academy’s NLP Practitioner Certification was far more rewarding than any other trip such as the story from Eat Pray Love could ever provide. Leaving this class I am feeling more armored with mental tools that I have ever received in all of my years of schooling.” – Leaha Perl, Nature Based Educator
“I highly recommend Jason Schneider as a trainer, coach, and a mentor. He has a huge knowledge in NLP and Neuro-Semantics. This training helped me overcome my fears and achieve my objectives. I will definitely take more of his courses.” – Karolina Krakowska, Coach
“Perception Academy is second to none in NLP Training. Jason does a remarkable job training and coaching students. As a student I felt immersed in the land of NLP and like a hungry visitor to Willy Wonka’s (Jason Schneider’s) Chocolate (NLP) factory. I never wanted to leave.” – Michael Laskin
“After meeting him and taking the course, Jason solidified that I made the right choice. Jason connected to each person in the course, modeling what he was teaching. This is important to me because the teaching only carries the integrity of the teacher. Jason’s integrity, passion and ability to deliver were on point. When making an investment I look for my ROI (Return on Investment) and I was satisfied before I was half way through! There’s no question to me that what I learned was priceless and useful to me. I now have more tools to understand both myself and others, allowing me to communicate more effectively. I highly recommend this NLP Practitioner certification program!” – Willow Green, NLP Practitioner & Coach
“Experiencing the NLP Practitioner training with Jason was empowering and a self-discovery journey. I have a much greater understanding of the theory, methodology and application of Neuro-Semantic patterns. It was an awakening and enlightening experience. Thank you Jason, I admire your skills and way to teach Meta-NLP.” – Salvador Mora, NLP Trainer & Director of Soy Familia
“Jason exudes the heart of NLP & Neuro-Semantics. It’s like having three trainers in one. A symphony of expertise collected into one man. He demonstrates the techniques of the training in a way that is easily absorbed.” – Seth Blankenship, Coach
Hear What Our Students are Saying:
Can a Workshop Help You to Succeed?
Yes! NLP is itself a model for succeeding in whatever you do. At its heart, NLP and Neuro-Semantics are highly experiential, so merely reading about it will not equip you to become truly masterful. For that reason, this 8-day training focuses on giving hands-on practice with the processes, techniques, and strategies to integrate the full NLP Practitioner skillset.
What’s Inside:
Day 1: Communication Excellence using NLP
- Introduction to the NLP Communication Model – From inputting information through your senses and processing that information to the system outputs of your emotional states and behavior, learn how communication works within individuals such as yourself, as well as from person to person for enhanced coaching, communication, and personal growth.
- Sensory Representations – The way you perceive things is personal to you, and your memories and imaginations operate like ‘mental-movies’ that you watch in the theatre of your mind. Gain awareness of these typically subconscious ”language of the mind” and how you subconsciously communicate within yourself and to others. Learn why some of your communications have not been working, as well as build skills to communicate more effectively with a larger range of people.
- Meta-representational system of language – Learn how you use symbols and codes (i.e. language) to describe the mental movies of your mind (at an even higher level) and become more effective in your spoken and written communications as well as become aware of the magic-like power words have on emotions so you can use this power with consciousness rather than automatically.
- Levels of Referencing and Representing – Have you ever been frustrated that you were sad, and then angry at yourself for being frustrated? Or perhaps you have been happy that you had a realization and just delighted in your happiness? That is because as humans we think in levels and layers! Gain understanding about the never-ending self-reflexive chain of our thoughts about our thoughts, and how to gain control over this process in yourself so you can frame situations in ways that promote empowerment.
- Rapport Building – Rapport is the foundation of all relationships — your relationship with yourself as well as your relationships with others. It is easy to communicate with people who are like you, but what about those who aren’t? Gain valuable skills and tools to increase your flexibility in relating with just about anybody — even people who are unlike you or people that you may have found puzzling.
Day 2: Leveraging Mind-Body States
- Eliciting and Understanding Mind-Body States – What are states, how do they work? What states do you go into on a day to day basis? How much do you have your states vs. your states having you? Learn valuable skills and strategies for mastering your emotions and influencing the emotions of those whom you communicate with ease.
- Calibrating States – Our bodies communicate much more than our words much of the time. Practice skills in effectively reading the non-verbal communication of others and use this information to become more powerful at connecting with, understanding, and influencing others. Strategies to gain access to your most resourceful states in the moments when you need them and to elicit empowering states in others to better manage your emotions and perform at your best.
- Eye Accessing Cues – The eyes are the windows to the soul, well, at least they are the windows to our internal processing. Learn how to recognize and utilize the secret eye-movement clues that give you insight into the minds of the people with whom you communicate with.
- Anchoring in All Sensory Systems – Do you know how a certain perfume or a certain song can pull you back into an old emotion? Gain the skill to use this process consciously to put yourself into the resourceful state of your choice in an instant, as well as the power to give this tool to others that you come into contact with.
- Recognize and Utilize ‘Sub-Modalities’ – The cinematic features of the mind– Do you know how sometimes you can remember an old memory and it doesn’t effect you emotionally, and at other times it sucks you right in? Gain skill in controlling the typically unconscious ‘cinematic features’ of the movies in your mind so you can take control over your habitual states and create a compelling future.
Day 3: Linguistic Excellence using NLP
- The Meta-Model of Language – Language, as a way for describing reality, can get a bit fuzzy at times. This leads to all kinds of misunderstandings, miscommunications, and misleading or even toxic ways of thinking. Do you ever speak to yourself in a way that is unresourceful? Do others around you speak in an unresourceful way at times? Have you ever been involved in a misunderstanding or had trouble getting your message across? Gain skill in taking the meta-representational system of your language and bring it back to the experience that it was meant to describe in order to find more useful descriptions and ultimately create a more resourceful reality for yourself and for others.
- Advanced Goal-Setting Techniques – If you don’t know or care where you are heading then it doesn’t matter which choices you make in life. If you are unclear about your desired outcomes in life, you will get unclear results. Beyond SMART goals, the NLP goal-setting skills put you in the driver’s seat when it comes to making the future that you desire into a reality, and all of your outcomes along the way.
- Meta-Programs – This is personality programming on another level. Gain awareness and understanding about how your thinking patterns differ from the patterns of others. These patterns are the structure of Personality! Gain skill in detecting your own patterns and expanding your possibilities for personal and professional growth and gain skill in recognizing the patterns of others to communicate to them in a way that builds rapport and understanding while breaking through communication barriers and unleashing your potentials.
Day 4: Utilizing the Higher States of Mind
- Meta-States – The Meta-States model of Neuro-Semantics has been called “the model that ate NLP”. Meta-States (Neuro-Semantic states) go beyond our typical mind-body states and set our frame-of-reference that govern all of the lower levels. The quality of our states and especially the quality of our meta-states determines the quality of our life. Learn to understand how you have been meta-stating yourself in order to gain a much higher proficiency in state management and learn processes to build customized designer states for any situation.
- Meta-States as Beliefs – Neuro-Semantics finally makes clear the structure of how to turn thoughts into beliefs and to turn beliefs into mere thoughts. Gain skill in managing this process for your self and others to downgrade limiting beliefs as well as to install the empowering beliefs you deserve.
- Meta-Stating Submodalities – Delve deeper into the structure of the representations in your mind and learn how to recognize & alter the structure of your memories and imaginations for higher self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and self-control.
- Framing – Beyond the power of influencing mental-movies is the power of framing experience. If you are not aware of this process you open yourself to be much more easily manipulated by the media, politicians, salespeople, and by your own unresourceful and automatic ways of framing reality. Our higher frames of mind organize and control all of the thoughts contained within, which makes them much more powerful than mental-movies. Learn the 7 directions that you can frame reality to become skilled at de-constructing beliefs, creating new meaning, transcending old meanings, and reframing experiences with ease. Becoming skilled at framing gives you powerful tools to control your own subjective reality, to generate more resourceful outlooks on life for yourself and others, improve your negotiation skills, change beliefs with ease, and develop powerful skills for overcoming objections.
Day 5: Strategies of Excellence & Modeling using NLP
- NLP Strategy Model – Most of the time our communication follows a set of habits and patterns and NLP teaches us how to become more flexible in our behavior to get more productive results, especially when something isn’t working. Practice how to elicit strategies of excellence from others in order to replicate those strategies within your self and teach them to others. Also, we will practice altering habits/strategies that can be improved upon, and install new habits. Practice eliciting and installing strategies for understanding, learning, motivation, believing, spelling, love, influencing, decision making, etc.
- The SCORE Model – The SCORE model provides a way to sort out a large amount of information we are constantly being bombarded with for more effective problem-solving and organizational skills. The SCORE model is an NLP tool for effectively moving from present state to the desired state and offers us the most basic NLP pattern for coaching ourselves and others toward success.
Day 6: Utilizing Time-Lines & Trance for Change & Transformation
- Time Lines – Have you ever tripped over a pile of time? Of course not! And that is because ‘time’ is not a real thing, it is a psychological concept and your relationship with that concept has pervasive impacts on your behavior and personality. Do you feel like you never have enough time? Or perhaps you live in the past or the future more than the present? How effectively are you utilizing your concept of time to serve you to performing at your best and being your best self? Learn to recognize the typically unconscious patterns that you and others use to ‘encode’ their concept of time for enhanced communication, connection, understanding, personal flexibility, and empowerment. You will also learn processes for releasing negative emotions of the past, releasing anxiety about ‘future’ events, create a more compelling future and so much more.
- Milton Model – The Milton model, named after the famous hypnotist Milton H. Erickson, provides us with the linguistic distinctions for influence, persuasion, trance, public speaking in front of groups, as well as the tonal distinctions that make for a hypnotic voice. Learn the structure of influence as a tool for mental self-defense as well as a powerful tool for leadership and influence.
Day 7 – 8: Experiencing & Facilitating Patterns of Excellence, Practical Case Studies, & Assessment
NLP Patterns within this Program:
In the NLP Practitioner Certification Training you will Learn, practice, and gain skill in the following processes from NLP & Neuro-Semantics…
- Rapport – for building quick unconscious connection with others.
- Calibration – for reading body language more effectively and understanding others more deeply.
- Pacing and Leading – for deeper connections, coaching, selling, and leadership.
- Eye Accessing cues – for reading eye movements/patterns and determining their meaning for advanced non-verbal communication and a deep understanding of others & their unconscious programs.
- Triple Description aka Perceptual Positioning – for gaining deeper perspective, improved negotiation skills, deeper wisdom, and facilitating others to gain more perspective & resourcefulness.
- Swish Pattern – for shifting unresourceful habits in yourself and others.
- Circle of Excellence – for building ‘designer’ states to prepare for upcoming presentations, performances and events.
- Move Rewind (Trauma Relief, Fast Phobia Cure, VK Dissociation) – for blowing out strong negative emotions such as phobias, trauma and/or post-traumatic stress.
- Eliciting States – for higher emotional intelligence, state management, influence, leadership, quick change work, and for eliciting peak performance states in yourself and others.
- Collapsing Anchors – for blowing out recurring negative emotions and replacing them with more resourceful states and perspectives.
- Meta-Model of Language: Detecting patterns of deletion, generalization and distortion in language for breaking limiting beliefs, sales objections, deeper understanding, and transforming self-talk for the better.
- Expanding Meta-Programs – Learn about the structure of personality to increase personal flexibility, unleash potentials, expand blind spots, and to more deeply connect, understand and influence a wider range of others for personal growth and connections.
- Well-Formed Outcome Pattern – for setting goals that are well-formed, achievable, and so compelling that they pull on you to achieve them at the unconscious level.
- Basic Meta-Stating – for cutting off negative thought loops, shifting emotional states in real time, and for an overall sense of resourcefulness. Reframing Criticism – into high-quality feedback to accelerate your development path and facilitate others to do the same.
- Conscious Reframing – for overcoming objections, shifting perspectives and to create higher levels of inner creativity in how you see the world so you can expand your perspective and facilitate others to do the same.
- Six-Step Reframing – for shifting unconscious habits and creatively building & installing new responses.
- Meta-Yes Belief Change – Learn about the structure of beliefs to quickly replace unresourceful beliefs in yourself and others.
- SCORE Model – for organizing data and thoughts into useful categories for coaching and enhanced problem-solving skills.
- Releasing Negative Emotions – using the natural process that happens in humans automatically so you can do it consciously by choice.
- Overcoming Anxiety – using the natural process that happens in humans automatically so you can do it consciously by choice.
- Decision Destroyer – for blowing out unresourceful decisions of the past and opening you up to re-decide with more perspective.
- Re-Imprinting – for shifting deep unconscious patterns installed before the age of 7.
- Finishing Unfinished Business – to complete whatever developmental stages you may not have competed as a child so you can continue your personal evolution, become more whole, and accelerate your self-actualization journey.
- Visual Squash – for resolving inner conflicts and deep incongruence so that you can become more whole and aligned within yourself.
- Strategy Elicitation & Utilization – for modeling the unconscious patterns of excellence in yourself and others to replicate the ones that work well and reprogram/alter the ones that do not.
- Effective Selling – Learn the NLP pattern for selling in a way that is authentic.
- Negotiating for Agreement – Learn the NLP process for effective negotiating, mediating, and resolving interpersonal conflict.
- Having Great Meetings – Learn the NLP process for holding effective meetings to be more productive and have better time management and energy management.
Remember: This training is highly experiential! Not only will you watch all of the above patterns demonstrated but you will practice them yourself as well as experience them for personal growth! In addition to being life-altering, this course delivers an internationally recognized certification as an NLP Practitioner along with the highest standards across the industry. This course also serves as Module 1 in getting certified as a professional coach under the MCF.
SAVE $200 with Coupon Code: EARLYBIRDNLP – Expires December 20th, 2024
“I would explain this course as a HUGE eye-opener. It offers the tools that you will need to grow in all aspects of your life. NLP is truly formatted for an easy learning flow. Overall the program was very impactful and I am going to live by the saying, ‘Whoever sets the frame runs the game’.”
Emily Garcia
Social Worker
About Your Facilitator:
As an internationally recognized Neuro-Semantic NLP Trainer Jason Schneider has assisted in certifying hundreds of NLP Practitioners and Life Coaches around the world including top-end sports coaches, professional athletes, CEOs, judges, law enforcement agents, psychologists, parents, teenagers, and individuals from all walks of life to improve their communication skills and become better people. He teaches NLP in a way that is fun, easy, natural, and authentic with a focus on self-actualization: Unleashing the highest potential in ourselves and others.

“Awe-inspiring and very powerful. The patterns and strategies taught and demonstrated can be easily put into practice in your everyday routines, your daily interactions with co-workers, friends, and family. “
Nancy Zapata
“Just loved the entire experience. Lots of material covered and you made it all come together.”
Alan McBrearty
President at Alpha Sun and Sport
“This NLP Practitioner Course has already been a game-changer for me and my coaching practice. Clients are now thinking in more dimensions, which have resulted in more enhance outcomes that are mutually agreed on. That a course like your’s can deliver tools such as these make my work so much more powerful and the clients’s experience so much deeper. Thank’s again. “
Jay Feldman
Executive Coach
“My coaching has been taken to the next level and my personal development has been greatly enhanced.”
Devin Burke
Health Coach & Founder of Renew Wellness Retreats
Ready to Reserve Your Space?
Are you ready to learn and practice the essential skills of Neuro-Linguistic programming to improve your personal and professional communications, relationships, your level of influence & accelerate your outcome achievement?
SAVE $200 with Coupon Code: EARLYBIRDNLP – Expires December 20th, 2024
NLP Practitioner Certification Program:
1310 Gallery, Fort Lauderdale | Feb 22- March 1, 2024 | 10 am – approximately 7:30 pm
- 8-Day Live Training Program covering the internationally recognized competencies of NLP, coaching, and masterful communication
- Full Training manual and limited post-training support
- Each skill/exercise is demonstrated, experienced, practiced and there is time for additional Q&A and supportive feedback after each skill.
- Refreshments including daily catered lunch, coffee, tea, water, snacks.
- A network/community of like-minded individuals to support you as you develop your skills, self, and potentially even a coaching practice.
- Internationally Recognized Certification as an NLP Practitioner as well as Module 1 of 3 toward becoming a professional Meta-Coach.
Register Now: only $2,500
Where is it happening?
1310 Gallery - Sailboat Bend Artist Lofts, 1310 Southwest 2nd Court, Fort Lauderdale, United StatesEvent Location & Nearby Stays:
USD 2856.39