Merch & Tattoo Fest - Christmas Edition
Sat Dec 14 2024 at 04:00 pm to 09:00 pm
Splaiul Independentei 311, 030112 Bucharest, Romania | Bucharest, BU
Ajuns la cea de-a cincea editie (primele doua desfasurandu-se in vechea locatie Encore Club), acest eveniment special va imbina magia Craciunului cu pasiunea pentru muzica Rock, Metal, Punk dar si pentru arta tatuajelor!
Saloanele tattoo vor avea oportunitatea sa se prezinte, sa-ti expuna portofoliile si sa faca programari potentialilor clienti, in timp ce trupele / festivalurile / alti vendori isi vor putea vinde CD-urile, vinyl-urile, tricourile, hanoracele, sepcile etc.
Pentru a participa, te rugam sa completezi formularele de inregistrare (separat pentru fiecare categorie - trupa / festival / alti vendori sau salon de tatuaje), pana pe data de 10 decembrie 2024 (ora 23:59). Link-urile catre formularele de inscriere sunt disponibile mai jos:
Trupe / Festivaluri / Alti vendori:
Saloane Tattoo:
⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ ATENTIE! Numarul locurilor pentru vendori / saloane tatuaje ESTE LIMITAT pentru aceasta editie, asa ca nu amana! Inscrie-te repede si rezerva-ti locul!!!
Intrarea pentru vizitatori este ca de obicei, libera!
🇬🇧 Encore Club (Splaiul Independentei Nr. 311) invites you to embrace the holiday spirit at Merch & Tattoo Fest – Christmas Edition, on Saturday, December 14, 2024, between 4:00 PM and 9:00 PM!
Now in its fifth edition (the first two taking place at the old Encore Club location), this special event will combine the magic of Christmas with the passion for Rock, Metal, Punk music, and tattoo art!
Tattoo studios will have the opportunity to showcase their portfolios, present themselves, and schedule appointments with potential clients, while bands / festivals / other vendors can sell CDs, vinyl records, T-shirts, hoodies, caps, and more.
To participate, please fill out the registration forms (separate for each category: band / festival / other vendors or tattoo studio) by December 10, 2024 (11:59 PM).
Links to the registration forms are available below:
Bands / festivals / other vendors:
Tattoo studios:
⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ ATTENTION! The number of spots for vendors and tattoo studios is LIMITED for this edition, so don’t delay. Sign up quickly and secure your spot!
As always, admission for visitors is completely free!
Where is it happening?
Splaiul Independentei 311, 030112 Bucharest, Romania, Splaiul Independenței 311, 060042 București, România,Bucharest, RomaniaEvent Location & Nearby Stays: