LIVE Stand Up Comedy with Amber Klear and Friends - benefitting Veterans of Log Base Seitz
Fri, 30 Jun, 2023 at 08:00 pm
Sullivan VFW | Sullivan, IL

Join us at the Sullivan, IL VFW for a great night for a great cause. Amber Klear and Friends will be performing and you just NEVER know what is going to happen, but you KNOW it will be a good time! She's the host of STL's Let's Talk, has been heard on CBS, seen on Fox TV and performed at Sturgis and now she's coming to you and bringing friends! *not suitable for young audiences*
The cause:
Your generous support helps the Veterans of Log Base Seitz (VLBS), a not-for-profit (NFP) organization committed to offering impacted service men and women much needed support in the form of physical, emotional, spiritual, and economic resources throughout the year. Specifically, the VLBS, NFP supports the 1544th Transportation Company, which was assigned to Logistics Base Seitz in 2004-2005 to escort mail and supplies along some of Iraq’s most deadly routes. The unit is forever bonded over the loss of 5 Soldiers and 28 Purple Heart recipients during a year-long tour on one of the most heavily mortared bases in Iraq. The VLBS, NFP hosts at least two major events each year: a golf outing and a retreat to connect our members with family and community. We are raising funds to support the Post 9/11 VLBS Annual Golf Tournament held in Paris, IL on Saturday, 9 September 2023 and a 4-day family retreat held at Camp Manitowa in Benton, IL on the 2024 four-day Memorial Day weekend (24-27 May). VLBS is a 501(c)(19) organization