Life Mastery 9 Month Yoga/Breathwork Training Program w/ Yogi Tenzin Starting May 24


Sat May 25 2024 at 01:00 am to Sun May 26 2024 at 09:00 pm


Life Force Healing and Yoga Center | Salt Lake City, UT

Pranasana Yoga is the yoga of energy work on the Light body. In this 9 month training program STARTING , May 24, 2024 We will dive into the nature of reality and the purpose of life as we explore the following topics:

1. What is yoga (it has very little to do with poses) and what contribution can my participation in yoga practices make toward my evolution as a conscious being of Light?
2. Who am I? What am I? What is this thing called I?
3. Principles and practices of energy healing/energy anatomy.
4. Principles and practices of Pranasana Yoga.
5. ADVANCED breath work techniques not taught ANYWHERE!
6.. Methods for rewiring your program.
7.. Newtonian Physics vs Quantum Physics
8.. Meditation, Consciousness and Mind
9. Anatomy of Consciousness and Chakra System
10. Energy Psychology and the Equation for Transformation
Pranasana Yoga is a form of Raja Yoga. In this prana-centric program you will learn to work with subtle energies for rapid healing, expansion of consciousness and opening of the HEART! In this program you will transmute blocked emotions and ego limitations that prevent you from living from your TRUE SELF. This program is not about yoga poses; THIS PROGRAM IS ABOUT SELF REALIZATION!
Each weekend ...ONE PER weekend.(NOT ONLINE) will include ceremony, rebirthing, lectures, training and practices that will help to unwind our ego delusions, distortions and attachments and allow the truth of our infinite nature to reveal itself as our true self.
This training will include Reiki 1, 2 and Master level initiations and practices in addition to very powerful transformational techniques of Pranasana Yoga.
During the training each participant can expect massive shifts in healing and expansion of consciousness as they learn and practice some of the most effective and unparalleled techniques and teachings for healing and evolution of consciousness ever assembled.
At the conclusion of this training each participant will have working knowledge which will enable them to:
1. Offer private energy healing AND PRANASANA YOGA sessions.
2. Offer group PRANASANA YOGA energy healing sessions.
3. Create their own Kriyas for personal transformation of self and others.
4. Establish and maintain a meditation practice.
5. Establish and maintain a personal COMPLETE yoga practice which includes the 8 limbs of yoga.
6.. Establish and maintain a new sense of confidence in their true self beyond the delusions of the material world.
7. Embark on their next level creation (s) with certainty and poise being fully grounded in their true essence.
9. Live, breathe and walk in MASTERY!
Cost: 801-205-0748
Limit: 12 people
Duration: 9 months beginning Friday, May 24, 7-10PM
May 25, Saturday 10-5,
May 26, Sunday 9-3
Subsequent sessions will be the FINAL FULL weekend of each month. Fri, Sat and Sun. Friday sessions will end after the 6th month.
All materials included.
Scholarships available for serious students which will cover PART of tuition. Interview required for scholarship applicants. Please initiate scholarship application by sending letter request to [email protected]. Include background, education level, income, current life situation and why you want scholarship. Payment plan available. Please READ recommendations from current and past clients and students. Venmo deposit to Phillip Nichols@YogiTenzin.
Nicole Marshall recommends Life Force Healing and Yoga Center.

I'm currently in month 3 of the 9 month Life Mastery class and already feel like I've grown leaps and bounds in my ascension journey! I've spent years in traditional talk therapy, even EMDR, and I've healed more in these 3 months.
This class is for EVERYONE. I honestly believe there is not a soul who wouldn't benefit from these teachings. The world would be so peaceful and beautiful if everyone was willing to heal and grow.
Yogi Tenzen has compiled YEARS worth of material and made it comprehensive through his own Pranasana Yoga framework. He combines the best of spiritual practices into easy, applicable lessons and daily practices to keep you healing and focused between monthly sessions, and for the rest of your life. He has a gift of getting to the core of what you need to know and would otherwise take you a lifetime of reading and research doing it on your own.
You will have homework and reading between each session and the material is very tailored and gets straight to the meat of what you are learning. The more you commit to doing the work, the more you will get out of it! He genuinely cares about his students and their healing/ascension journey and is there to help you along the way. The reason this is better than years spent in therapy is because it heals and cleans the energy body, the light body, taking you into ascension, joy, peace, and love.
I knew I needed this 9 month training when I first came to a hape ceremony. Honestly, I didn't love the breathwork but Phillip (Master Tenzen) let us know that it's there to show us where the ego still needs dissolving and where we need to heal. The more I let go and the deeper into the breathwork I get, the better and lighter I feel. I get a piece of universal source love that keeps me high vibing every time I practice. When we are triggered it is showing us our wounds and our blocks to ascension, to love, to healing. When you're getting a massage and they find a knot in your back, you don't stop them because that is where the pain is and you want them to work it out, so why would you stop healing an emotional trigger? The ego will keep you stuck and in pain, letting go and doing this work will help you transcend it and find peace and love from within.
This class is a gift that you will give yourself and everyone you connect with. It is beyond worth the cost and time spent. I cannot recommend it enough.
Peace, Love, and Light to You ??
Hillary Stewart Burton recommends Life Force Healing and Yoga Center.

Just completed the 9 month lIfe mastery training with Yogi Tenzin. It was absolutely life changing and although intense and difficult at times, the information I have gained will be a huge part of my life going forward… I am a better parent…..A better wife…a better sibling….and just all around improvised version of myself. The teachings about living with love and forgiveness and peace is invaluable. So grateful for the people I met and the knowledge I’ve gained thru the course. I can now take this info with me out into the world and share it and embody it. The breath work and meditation practice has helped me so much and I’m so grateful to have a daily practice that I can use to continue to evolve.
Jared Dutson recommends Life Force Healing and Yoga Center.
I absolutely loved my experience with Yogi Tenzin! I just finished his 9 month program.
I’ve struggled mentally for the past two years with anxiety and depression. Everything I tried seemed to just mask the symptoms. Within three weeks of fallowing his program the anxiety dropped at least 80%. For the first time in over a year I felt like me again. Although I still have stuff come up I feel so much more confident and stable and have the tools to clear it.
I feel like I accomplished more in those 9 months than the past 10 years of healing work.
It’s a big commitment but the payoff was well worth it!

Natalie Blair recommends Life Force Healing and Yoga Center.

Looking back where I was 9 months ago until now brings such joy to my soul. It’s difficult to even put into words the shifts that have taken place in my life since I started Phillips Mastery Class.
I remember scrolling through Instagram when a dear friend posted how life changing Phillips weekly Breathwork classes were. I knew the benefits of breathwork so this post intrigued me to dig deeper. I looked into the class and for whatever reason something in my body said “yup, this is the next step. This is the thing”. So I called and had a conversation and signed up shortly after.
If I new the change this would bring into my life then, I would have paid double what Phillip charges. I am eternally grateful for all the the studying and life experiences this man has pushed through to be able to teach such beautiful work.
So, I know I do not have control over whether ANYONE chooses to sign up for this class, but what I can do is plant a seed and express to you how this is one of the best decisions I have made in my life thus far. I have never recommended anything I haven’t tried myself and encourage you to dig deeper and make the call. You won’t regret it?
Phillips wife Barbara is a gem and brings a beautiful, fun and welcoming energy to every class as well. What a dynamic duo!
Love you both and thank you for encouraging me to do THE work! I am grateful and extremely blessed to have crossed paths♥️
Natalie Blair
Jenny Schvaneveldt Bragg recommends Life Force Healing and Yoga Center.

A few of years ago I was working with a woman who had been going through a very transformative class. Little did I know that very class would be the journey I would end up on that changed the course my life.
A year ago I was very lost and saw a therapist who supported eastern medicine practices so even though talk therapy wasn’t helping, she sent me to get Reiki. Therapy, medication, psychiatry, all seemed to become wastes of time and money. It wasn’t helping me figure out my purpose. The questions I had about life, about my life, how to live with my past and be happy and healthy.
By opening my mind, seeking out my path, I was directed towards Philip and his Master class after receiving reiki from someone who had been through the course (not remembering it was the same I had heard so much about years ago). I scheduled a one on one with him (highly recommended) and went to a weekly class and I was ready and anxious to begin. I wanted to know more, I was hungry for more of what he had to share. What I didn’t know was how much I would learn. Not only did I become a Reiki Master and learned how to use the practice to heal others, I learned SO much about the human mind, consciousness, the power we all have within us, quantum physics, eastern practices, breathing techniques, EFT, energy vibrations and the meaning of life for me.
It healed so many wounds that were so deep I never thought they would or could close.
I obtained a Sangha that I will forever cherish. Each one of the people in my completed class holds a place in my heart and life. It’s a beautiful community that shows you unconditional love and welcomes you to learn and express yourself without judgement.
I would highly recommend this class to anyone for so many reasons. The amount of knowledge you learn, the lessons that you will forever carry on, and the ability to use gifts many never knew they had are just a handful of benefits.
Yogi Tenzin is an amazing teacher. He is kind, warm and welcoming and his wife Barbara is equally incredible. If you’re looking for any change in your life, if you feel stuck, alone, confused, frustrated, take a weekly class, sign up for the course; you won’t regret it!! Om Shanti, Namaste ???
75 More reviews on Life Force Mastery Yoga page on Facebook!!!!

Where is it happening?

Life Force Healing and Yoga Center, 1852 E 3300 S, Salt Lake City, UT 84106-3962, United States,Millcreek, Utah
Life Force Healing and Yoga Center

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