“Kohtumine kunstnikuga”/”Meet the Artist”: Annachiara Gallo, Vanessa Geniali, Chiara Fiore.
Fri Nov 15 2024 at 06:00 pm
Sakala 3 | Tallinn, HA
Seekord kohtume Fine5 Tantsuteatris residentuuris viibiva 3 noore Itaalia tantsukunstnikuga, kes esitlevad end läbi lühikese omaloomingu, avavad end vestluses, rääkides arusaamadest, mõtetest ja kogemustest tantsijana, meenutavad oma õpinguid Roomas ning kohtumisi erinevate koreograafidega. Kohtumisel avame teemasid loomevaldkonna (sh tantsukunstnikuna töötamise) väärtusruumist, ambitsioonidest ja reaalsetest valdkonnas töötamise võimalustest. Kohtumist modereerib teatri kunstiline juht Renee Nõmmik.Vaba sissepääs.
This time we will meet 3 young Italian dance artists who are currently in residency at Fine5 Dance Theatre and will present themselves through a short original work, open an open talk about their thoughts and experiences as a dancer, recalling their studies in Rome, and meetings with different choreographers. We will open the topics about the values of the creative field (working as dance artists) and ambitions and realities of being part of the field. The meeting will be moderated by the theater's artistic director, Renee Nõmmik.
Free entrance.
Where is it happening?
Sakala 3, Sakala 3, Kesklinn, Tallinn, 10141 Harju Maakond, Eesti,Tallinn, EstoniaEvent Location & Nearby Stays: