Knox Pride, LMU, & The Laurel Research Collective Presents: LGBTQIA+ Neurodivergent Pride - 6/18
Sun, 18 Jun, 2023 at 04:00 pm to Mon, 19 Jun, 2023 at 12:00 am
Knox Pride | Knoxville
Join us for a day of fun and community!!LMU, LMU Doctor of Occupational Therapy, The Laurel Research Collective, and Knox Pride are teaming up for the 1st Annual LGBTQIA+ Neurodivergent Pride Day!!
We will have:
- Vendors
- Sensory Friendly Spaces
- Outdoor games
- Water Balloon Fight
- Food trucks, Cookie Truck, and Gourmet Lemonade Stand
- Arts & Crafts for all ages
- Local Resource Providers
from 12pm - 4pm at Knox Pride
From 4pm - 8pm we will have a Silent Disco in the Vocational Suite of the Knox Pride Community and Resource Center!!
Plan to come up, have fun, and be with community!!