Ken Dark Invites // Rafael Cerato


Fri, 18 Oct, 2024 at 11:00 pm


Club Monument | Tallinn, HA

Ken Dark Invites RAFAEL CERATO - 18.10.24 - Club Monument Tallinn
Uus hooaeg, uus asukoht, uued maailmaklassi artistid ja kõige ägedam publik!
Tavapiletid ja piiratud kogus VIP (eelisjärjekorras sissepääs klubisse ja VIP alale, eraldi baar, eraldi WC ja tasuta garderoob) pileteid on saadaval:
Varajased piletid on selleks puhuks välja müüdud.

Kes mängib Solomun'iga koos pidudel B2B formaadis DJ sette?
Kelle lugusid mängivad regulaarselt absoluutne enamus kõige suuremaid elektroonilise muusika nimesid?
Kes on produtseerinud lugusid koos Artbat'i, Goom Gum'i ja paljude teiste tippartistidega?
Kes laseb välja muusikat selliste suurte plaadifirmade nagu DIYNAMIC, Stil Vor Talent, Suara ja tema enda loodud Ritual'i alt?
Jah, teil on õigus - see on RAFAEL CERATO!
Siinmail esimest korda esinev Rafael Cerato on aastatepikkuse staažiga artist, kes on pitseerinud oma nime house ja meloodilise techno skene autahvlile.
Pidevalt mööda maailma tuuritav mees on tuntud oma ülienergilise lavalise oleku ja DJ-settide poolest - järjekordne artist Ken Dark Invites üritustesarja raames, kelle esinemist oleks keskmisest suurem patt maha magada.
Kuula teda ja tšeki sotsiaalmeediat:
Legendaarne "Uplift", millel on youtube's 12 miljonit kuulamist:

Tantsupõrandate killer "Rock It" koos Goom Gumi'ga

Õhtu juhatan sisse mina, Ken Dark spetsiaalse 3-tunnise setiga ja õhtu juhatab välja orkaan nimega THIS:IS:MARGUS.
Sündmus toimub:
Club Monument, Vana-posti 8, Tallinn


Ken Dark Invites RAFAEL CERATO - 18.10.24 - Club Monument Tallinn
New season, new venue, new world-class artists and the coolest crowd in town!
Regular tickets and small amount of VIP (fast entrance to the club and VIP area, private bar, private toilets, free of charge wardrobe) tickets are available:
Early Music Lovers tickets are sold out.

Who plays B2B sets with Solomun?
Who's tracks are played by the biggest names in the industry?
Who has produced tracks with Artbat, Goom Gum et cetera?
Who releases tracks under DIYNAMIC, Stil Vor Talent, Suara and Ritual?
Yeah, you are damn right - this is RAFAEL CERATO!
After many years in the big game, Rafael finally graces us with his presence in Estonia.
Constantly touring around the world, performing on the most enviable venues and producing top quality music has put him amongst the highest rankings on the scene.
Another artist on my party series who you just can not miss.
Listen to his tracks and check out the social media:
Legendary "Uplift", which has been played over 12 million times on youtube:

Dancefloor killer "Rock It" with Goom Gum:

Me, also known as Ken Dark, will play special 3 hours warm-up set for Rafael Cerato and hurricane called THIS:IS:MARGUS is going to lift the energy levels to wrap the night up!
Event takes place at:
Club Monument, Vana-posti 8, Tallinn

23:00 | 21+
Pilet / Ticket
Eelmüük / Pre-sale
19€ - Early Bird
25€ - Regular Ticket
29€ - Regular Ticket / Doors
VIP-laua reserveeringud ja info
[email protected]
VIP table reservations and information:
[email protected]
A new heartbeat in Tallinn's nightlife
Follow us -
Vana-Posti 8, Tallinn
*Korraldajatel on õigus teha programmis muudatusi
*The organisers reserve the right to make changes to the event program


Where is it happening?

Club Monument, Müürivahe 16, Kesklinn, Tallinn, 10146 Harju Maakond, Eesti,Tallinn, Estonia

Event Location & Nearby Stays:

Ken Dark

Host or Publisher Ken Dark

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