Jersey City Ward Tour 2025
Sun, 01 Jun, 2025 at 11:00 am
Exchange Place | Jersey City, NJ
The Jersey City Ward Tour is back on Sunday, June 1, 2025, at 11:00am. 3,000 Bikes. 15 Miles. 6 Wards. 1 Great Day in Jersey City!
The Jersey City Ward Tour is rolling around town on Sunday, June 1, taking you (and 3,000 of your closest friends) on a tour of our great city.
Start: Exchange Place at the foot of Montgomery Street. Check-in begins at 9am, roll out at 11am.
End: Back where we started at Exchange Place. Riders will find a bike parking area and great food and refreshments.
We’ll ride on streets (or sometimes on one side of a street) that are closed to motor-vehicle traffic by the Jersey City Police Department. Officers on bikes and in motor vehicles will escort us throughout the ride.
Riders must wear helmets. Young children may be carried securely on an adult's bike in appropriate child seats, bakfiets buckets, trailers, tag-along attachments, etc.
All riders must also be able to maintain a pace of approximately 10 mph. This is a fairly relaxed pace for an adult who bikes even occasionally.
We take some breaks to catch a breath and to allow for smooth traffic control, and our one long break in Lincoln Park roughly at the halfway point, after the only steep uphill on the course (so you can just walk your bike up that hill if you want).
Please note that the Ward Tour is not timed, and it is NOT a race. In fact, we will STRICTLY limit the front of the ride group to 10 mph.
But we must also emphasize: YOU MUST BE ABLE TO KEEP UP WITH THE GROUP, OR WE WILL HAVE TO ASK YOU TO CUT YOUR RIDE SHORT, as police re-open the streets to motor traffic behind us.
Also note, if you can’t keep up, if your bike quits on you, or if you simply want to drop out along the way, we will TRY to help you, but ultimately YOU are responsible for getting yourself home if need be. We will have marshals and others with mechanical skills in the pack, and at least one van following the tour to try to pick up riders. But this is not always possible. If you need to go home, please ride according to all traffic laws. You may be able to catch a light rail or PATH train to shorten your trip home.
We strongly recommend that you and everyone in your party do at least some bike riding in the weeks before the tour.
We do NOT rent or otherwise provide the bikes!
The tour rolls out at 11 a.m. SHARP, but you will need to pick up an official tour bib number before the start, 9:00–10:30 a.m. There will also be opportunities to pick up your bib before tour day. Details will be announced ass the tour approaches.
We encourage you to dress up yourself and your bike colorfully!
PLEASE NOTE: The Ward Tour & Festival is officially a RAIN OR SHINE event. There is NO rain date.
We will ride June 1 even if it’s raining, in any weather that’s not dangerous—or we will simply cancel till next year for any that is (e.g. lightning, hail, very high winds, plague of frogs …). There are no refunds, as our costs are not refundable to us.
NOTE: Bike parking at the finish will be supervised, but is self-parking, not valet check-in/check-out, so YOU MUST BRING A LOCK if you want to park your bike there.
Bike JC is a citizen-based advocacy organization that aims to make Jersey City streets welcoming for bicyclists, by promoting bike-friendly policies, including bike lanes; and bicycle education.
We hope to see you June 1! With protected bike lanes filling out in Downtown, Journal Square, and surrounding neighborhoods—and proposals for other parts of the city up for public hearings—this is shaping up to be another important year for biking in Jersey City. Come celebrate the victories with us—and let everyone know we need the great work to continue!
The Jersey City Ward Tour is presented by Bike JC in partnership with the City of Jersey City, Mayor Steven M. Fulop, the Jersey City Municipal Council, and the Office of Cultural Affairs, and through the generosity of our sponsors and the efforts of our volunteers.
We need your help making the event running smoothly: beforehand, at the start, during the ride, and at the finish. Sign up to volunteer here:
See you June 1!