Sat, 02 Apr, 2022 at 09:00 pm to Sun, 03 Apr, 2022 at 05:00 am
HAH Poznań | Poznan, WP

Z ponad dwudziestoletnim doświadczeniem za konsolą Jack Chang to nie tylko gwiazda światowego formatu, ale też DJ legitymujący się światowej klasy reputacją. Dotychczas wystąpił w 25 państwach i 60 miastach na całym świecie od Honolulu aż do Sydney. Jest nieco rozdarty między bardziej fetyszystyczną sceną, a tę bardziej mainstreamową, a jego ugruntowana pozycja jako DJa trwa do teraz w całym spektrum imprez gejowskiego wszechświata, z sukcesami na obu końcach spektrum.
Jack w Europie znany jest w środowisku fetyszystycznym, przez swoją współpracę z takimi eventami jak Folsom Europe aż od jego początków w roku 2004 jako wydarzenie uliczne i owianą „złą sławą ;-)” imprezą zamykającą, imprezami PiG Berlin, Amsterdam Leather Pride (od 2005) a także praktycznie każdym innym eventem dla skórzaków na kontynencie od „Into the Tank” w Madrycie, poprzez Hamburg Leather Weekend aż do mniejszych eventów w klubach takich jak The Hoist czy Eagle w Londynie. Co więcej, występował jako najmłodszy rezydent klubów takich jak Suzie Kreuger’s FIST club (obecnie HardOn), The Boots (Antwerpia) czy SLM (Kopenhaga). Cały czas występuje (nawet po 23 latach) na Maspalomas Fetish Week oraz w Darklands (Antwerpia).
W 2008 sława Jacka dotarła za Atlantyk, gdzie wystąpił na zarówna wschodnim, jak i zachodnim wybrzeżu USA na Los Angeles Leather Pride, na Palm Springs Leather Pride, w The Eagle (Nowy Jork), Eagle Atlanta, jak i bardziej na pólnocy – w Kanadzie w Eagle Toronto, Ruff Vancouver, czy też dalej na południu – w Meksyku na Manifest czy też w Brazylii na The Original Brazilian Pool Party i jej siostrzanej imprezie, Revolution.
Jego upór i ciężka praca sprawiły, że zyskał uznanie w społeczności zostając Najlepszym Fetish-DJem dwukrotnie (jako pierwszy DJ na świecie), uzyskując nagrody przyznawane przez X-Awards w 2013 i 2017 roku.
Jest wykształconym klasycznie muzykiem (fortepian, skrzypce, teoria muzyki – 11 szkoły), a swój sukces wśród publiki zawdzięcza poza koncertom swojej wszechstronności jako remixer, producent, pracujący dla niezależnych labeli z Europy, Północnej i Południowej Ameryki. Produkuje utwory w kilku językach, a jego sława rośnie za sprawą jego pracy w studio, jak i występów na żywo w klubach i imprezach na całym świecie.
Obecnie prowadzi streamowaną audycję “Virtual World Tour”, we współpracy z dotychczasowymi i nowymi partnerami. Produkuje, robi remixy dla 6 labeli w studio we Frankfurcie nad Menem.
Więcej informacji:
With well over two decades worth of professional DJ performance experience, Jack Chang is not just
recognized just as an international DJ, but a DJ with a reputation of truly global class having
performed in 25 countries, and across over 60 cities around the world, having reached both the very
Western-most edge of the world map with performances for American circuit events in Honolulu,
Hawaii, and in the East, as far as Sydney, Australia. Having one foot in the fetish dance scene, and
the other in the mainstream gay circuit, Jack’s unique position in the market continues, even now, to
amplify the successes of his career across both sides of the gay party universe.
Jack is most known in Europe for his work serving the fetish community, having worked with Folsom
Europe since its inception in 2004 at the street fair and the infamous closing party, PiG Berlin,
Amsterdam Leather Pride since 2005, and has appeared at every single major leather event across
the continent, from Into The Tank in Madrid, Hamburg Leather Weekend, and has worked in both
large and smaller events and clubs such as The Hoist and Eagle London as well as the youngest
resident DJ for Suzie Kreuger’s FIST club, now known as HardOn, The Boots in Antwerp, and SLM
Copenhagen. He continues to perform even now, 23 years later, for Maspalomas Fetish Week, and
Darklands in Antwerp.
In 2008 Jack’s reputation spread across the Atlantic on the fetish scene and has worked for events
on both East and West Coasts such as Los Angeles Leather Pride, Palm Springs Leather Pride, The
Eagle in New York City, Eagle Atlanta, as well as further North in Canada for Eagle Toronto, Ruff
Vancouver, and further south in Mexico for Maninfest and in Brazil for The Original Brazilian Pool
Party and its sister event, Revolution.
His relentless work has earned him international acclaim and recognition by the community having
been the first DJ to win the award twice for Best European Fetish DJ by the X-Awards in 2013 and
Trained in classical music (Piano, Violin, Classical Music Theory) for 11 years, his ongoing success has
not just been held in high regard by the general public simply from great performances, but from his
versatility, not just as a DJ, but also as Remixer, and Producer / Recording Artist, having remixed
projects so far, for five independent dance music labels based in Europe, North and South America,
producing work in several languages, and is fast becoming as well-known for his studio work, as well
his live performances at events and nightclubs around the world.
Jack is currently devoting his time to live streams for his “Virtual World Tour”, participating in online
live stream events with partner promoters both old and new. He has also been busy with production
work in the studio, creating both official dance remixes for six dance music labels from around the
world from his studio in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
For more information on DJ Jack Chang, including live tour date announcements and remix and
production releases, check out his Facebook Page at
To stream his live recordings for free on Soundcloud, please check out
Jack’s visual blog can also be found on Instagram at
Strona 1 z 2With well over two decades worth of professional DJ performance experience, Jack Chang is not justrecognized just as an international DJ, but a DJ with a reputation of truly global class havingperformed in 25 countries, and across over 60 cities around the world, having reached both the veryWestern-most edge of the world map with performances for American circuit events in Honolulu,Hawaii, and in the East, as far as Sydney, Australia. Having one foot in the fetish dance scene, andthe other in the mainstream gay circuit, Jack’s unique position in the market continues, even now, toamplify the successes of his career across both sides of the gay party universe.Jack is most known in Europe for his work serving the fetish community, having worked with FolsomEurope since its inception in 2004 at the street fair and the infamous closing party, PiG Berlin,Amsterdam Leather Pride since 2005, and has appeared at every single major leather event acrossthe continent, from Into The Tank in Madrid, Hamburg Leather Weekend, and has worked in bothlarge and smaller events and clubs such as The Hoist and Eagle London as well as the youngestresident DJ for Suzie Kreuger’s FIST club, now known as HardOn, The Boots in Antwerp, and SLMCopenhagen. He continues to perform even now, 23 years later, for Maspalomas Fetish Week, andDarklands in Antwerp.In 2008 Jack’s reputation spread across the Atlantic on the fetish scene and has worked for eventson both East and West Coasts such as Los Angeles Leather Pride, Palm Springs Leather Pride, TheEagle in New York City, Eagle Atlanta, as well as further North in Canada for Eagle Toronto, RuffVancouver, and further south in Mexico for Maninfest and in Brazil for The Original Brazilian PoolParty and its sister event, Revolution.His relentless work has earned him international acclaim and recognition by the community havingbeen the first DJ to win the award twice for Best European Fetish DJ by the X-Awards in 2013 and2017.Trained in classical music (Piano, Violin, Classical Music Theory) for 11 years, his ongoing success hasnot just been held in high regard by the general public simply from great performances, but from hisversatility, not just as a DJ, but also as Remixer, and Producer / Recording Artist, having remixedprojects so far, for five independent dance music labels based in Europe, North and South America,producing work in several languages, and is fast becoming as well-known for his studio work, as wellhis live performances at events and nightclubs around the world.Jack is currently devoting his time to live streams for his “Virtual World Tour”, participating in onlinelive stream events with partner promoters both old and new. He has also been busy with productionwork in the studio, creating both official dance remixes for six dance music labels from around theworld from his studio in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.For more information on DJ Jack Chang, including live tour date announcements and remix andproduction releases, check out his Facebook Page athttp://www.facebook.com/djjackchang.officialfanpageTo stream his live recordings for free on Soundcloud, please check outhttp://www.soundcloud.com/djjackchangJack’s visual blog can also be found on Instagram at http://www.instagram.com/changmusic