Intro to Zouk - Dance Bootcamp and Practica
Sat Mar 08 2025 at 01:30 pm to 07:00 pm
14 E North St, Carlisle, PA, United States, Pennsylvania 17013 | Carlisle, PA
S C H E D U L E :——————————————————
1:30 - 5:00 Beginner Zouk Bootcamp covering Connection, Zouk Basics, and Leaders / Followers Technique
5:00 - 7:00 Zouk Practica / Social Dance
E V E N T ~ D E T A I L S :
At this bootcamp, we will explore various elements to embody a flowing, fun, and enjoyable zouk dance!
This bootcamp is suitable for new dancers. We will give each person the tools to dance zouk, a wonderful partner dance, which originated in Brazil!
During the bootcamp portion, from 1:30-5:00, we’ll instruct on the basics, musicality, and provide insight on qualities of movement that distinguish zouk as a comfortable, fun, and freeing dance style. Then afterwards, join us for a practica / social dance, from 5:00 - 7:00 PM. Zouk music is really versatile, so you may also choose to incorporate fusion/micro, blues, west coast swing (SWOUK anyone!?), or urban kiz.
Our instructor, Ben Meadows, also gives private lessons (he both leads and follows). Contact him via Facebook to schedule ➡️
No experience or partner necessary. What better time of the year to celebrate and do what we love--dance?!
And there are snacks and free parking, which we also love 😉
*~~ A T T E N T I O N ~~*:
To protect our fellow dancers who deal with asthma, migraines, or other allergic reactions, we strive to be a **Fragrance-Free Space.** Therefore, we kindly request that all dancers PLEASE REFRAIN FROM using perfume, cologne, or scented body sprays/lotions on the day of dances.
S C H E D U L E :
1:30 - 5:00 Beginner Zouk Bootcamp covering Connection, Zouk Basics, and Leaders / Followers Technique
5:00 - 7:00 Zouk Practica / Social Dance
R E G I S T E R ~ AND ~
R E S E R V E ~ Y O U R ~ S P O T
To REGISTER for the class and/or the social dance, fill out the Google Form via the link in the tickets.
*AND* TO RESERVE YOUR SPOT, please Venmo @Mia-Becker-1 with your chosen ticket payment amount, price options as shown in the section below. Last four digits of Mia's number --> 0687 (Venmo is preferred, but you may use PayPal @miarbecker).
T I C K E T ~ T Y P E S ~ AND ~
EARLY BIRD TICKET (on or before 3/1)*
- Zouk bootcamp + social = $35
- Zouk bootcamp only = $30
- Social only = $5
* payment must be submitted by 3/1 to qualify for early bird rate
- Zouk bootcamp + social = $40
- Zouk bootcamp only = $35
- Social only = $5
DISCOUNTED TICKET (Reduced price for students or others who require a lower cost of entry to participate)
- Discounted zouk bootcamp + social = $30
- Discounted zouk bootcamp only = $25
- Social only = $5
Bootcamp Buddy Promo: If you plan on attending the bootcamp portion of the event with a buddy, you may each get $10 off of the bootcamp admission price. For example, an "early bird zouk bootcamp + social" ticket would cost $25 for each buddy (i.e. $35 - $10 = $25). Just enter your buddy's name on the google form when you register!
L O C A T I O N :
14 E North St, Carlisle, PA 17013 (Central PA Swing Dance Club – aka The Green Door)
P A R K I N G :
There is a small, free, parking lot behind the studio, accessible through the alleyway (Nobel Ave.). There is also readily available, free street parking on Saturdays and Sundays.
Q U E S T I O N S ~ O R ~
C O M M E N T S :
Email us at [email protected] or
Message/comment through Facebook at Zouk of Central PA: Zouksylvania
A T ~ T H E ~ D O O R ~
R E G I S T R A T I O N ~ A N D ~
P A Y M E N T ~ O P T I O N S :
There is also the option to register online or at the door and pay cash at the door or use Venmo / PayPal on the event day…however, only the Standard and Discounted ticket types are available at the door, since the Early Bird sales end prior to the event.
R E F U N D ~ P O L I C Y :
If you are feeling unwell, please email us at [email protected] or message us on Facebook to request a refund (preferably prior to the start of the event). We offer refunds in the case of illness or personal/family emergency. OR you may request your payment to be used as a credit towards any of our future events (no expiration date). Please do not attend a dance event if you aren't feeling well; please rest at home and take care of yourself. If you do not request a refund, we will consider your payment as a credit, which can be used towards any of our future events.
C O D E ~ O F ~ C O N D U C T /
S A F E ~ S P A C E S ~ A G R E E M E N T
By attending an event associated with Zouk of Central PA: Zouksylvania, you agree to abide by the Safe Spaces Agreement / Code of Conduct, which can be found here:
If you ever observe/encounter any issues, please feel free to contact any of the teachers or organizers. You may also use this Google Form:
Incident Report Form ~ Zouksylvania ~ Safe Space Initiative:
See you all on the dance floor!!!
Where is it happening?
14 E North St, Carlisle, PA, United States, Pennsylvania 17013Event Location & Nearby Stays: