International Video Poetry Festival #12
Fri, 11 Apr, 2025 at 06:00 pm to Sat, 12 Apr, 2025 at 11:45 pm
Ελεύθερο Εμπρός Αυτοδιαχειριζόμενο Θέατρο | Athens, AT
Free Self Organized Theatre Empros
Riga Palamidi 2- Psiri – Athens Greece
Free entrance - suggested donation
International Video Poetry Festival celebrates twelve years of creative collaboration with more than 2000 artists from 85 countries in general, a world of poetic visions for the benefit of humanity. Poetry, cinema, music and spoken word come together to communicate the inspiration, dreams, ideas and hopes of all of us. This year the festival hosts significant artists such as Capétte, Amanda Shea, J.Chambers and Mad Kate, among other top international performers of the spoken word scene.
FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 2025
🎥 VIDEO POETRY ZONE | 18:00-23:00
Dive into a curated selection of international video poems exploring themes of:
Memories Across Borders (18:00-18:50)
Susann Carmen Jagodzińska (France), Xinyi Wang & Bhumika Billa (UK/India), Anya Ryzhkova (Germany), Mustafa Allawi (Australia), Athina Georgia Koumela (Greece), Nikolaj Schou (Denmark), Bonne Steinz (Netherlands), Yahssir M (Singapore)
Voices of Strength & Survival (18:50-19:50)
Zima & Proxie (Greece), Joseph Coëffic (Belgium), Hasan Pastaci (Belgium), Bobe Wu (USA), Helene Matte (Canada), Abrielle Marsden (USA), Peter Whittenberger (USA)
Cultural Dialogues (19:50-20:15)
Kapou Opa (Greece), Lucia Schmidt (Germany), Jaliya The Bird & Anelissa Nkanyuza (Angola), Romina Küper, Konstantin Münzel & Leon Golz (Germany)
Audience Award Films (20:15-21:15)
Choose your favorite film in this special selection! Pick up a voting leaflet at the entrance.
Madara Gruntmane (Latvia), Greg Roensch (USA), Mark Wilkinson (USA), Max Ferguson (Belgium/Hong Kong), Giovanni Scarpa (Italy), Damian Mihaylov (Bulgaria), Judy Lieff (USA), Róbert Bordás (Hungary), Faye Elena Goehner (Spain), Kamau & N'jeri Agyeman (USA)
Resistance & Social Consciousness (21:15-21:45)
Ki Yuk Lam (China/Hong Kong), Abdullah Harun ILHAN (Turkey), Evrah Rose (Wales), Heiko Reimer (Germany), Sandra Rengifo (Colombia), Talal Al Zubair (Sudan), Sana Sigola (UK)
Gender Perspectives & Feminist Poetics (21:45-22:15)
Hadi Moussally (Spain), ARDA GÜL (Turkey), Iman Omar (UK), Han Newton (UK), Josua Graf (Germany)
Life, Loss & Transformation (22:15-22:30)
Youssuf AlKassry (Egypt/Germany), SUKI (France), Maya Workowski (USA), Kamyar Mohsenin & Mohamed Abdullahi (USA), Katerina Anastasiou (Greece), Ishvar Krishnan (India)
Awards Announcement (22:30)
🎬 VIDEO ART ZONE | Opens at 20:00
Explore thought-provoking video art pieces
Inner Journeys & Mindfulness (20:00-20:30)
Lilian Robl (Germany), Thanut Rujitanont (Thailand), Nicholas Kallincos (Australia), Alkistis Papa (Greece), Duy Thanh Tran (Vietnam), Diek Grobler/Anne Vanschothorst (South Africa/Netherlands), Sally Rawhey (Egypt)
Feminist & Social Perspectives (20:30-21:12)
Jessica Poe & Wendy Anderson (USA), Erin Poppy Koronis (UK), Işıl Karataş (Austria), Marizó Siller & Daviel Shy (USA), Molly Lipson (UK), Sara Mychkine (France/Tunisia), Matthew Thompson (USA/Ireland), Eric Felipe-Barkin (USA)
Mythology & Surrealism (21:12-22:30)
Jacob Mark Shpall (USA), Fu Le (France/Portugal), Arwen Aznag (Belgium), Christos Balagiannis (Greece), HYENAZ (UK), Vasilios Papaioannu (USA), Anand Sapin (France), ReVerse Butcher (Australia), Shahar Marcus & Hagit Grossman (Israel), Chloe Azcuy (USA), Frances Rebollido (Philippines/Germany), Stela Ramos & Well Darwin (Brazil)
🎭 LIVE ZONE starts at 17.30
Spoken Word. Poetry Slam. Poetry readings. Live Concerts. Performances.
18:00 - 19.00
Sofia Barka | Maro Galani | Orestis Batakis | Umar Uzair (MALAYSIA) Thomas Tsalapatis | Vasso Christodoulou
19.00 - 19:30
Ishvar Krishnan (INDIA) | Mochi | Prokne | Georgia Diakou
Marouso Athanasiou | Adama Diop (SENEGAL)
19:30 - 20:30
Ze Mitsos | Hannah Newton (UK) | Yannis Raouzaios | Sami Rhymes (UK)
20:30 - 21:15
Sissy Doutsiou | Mad Kate (USA / DE) | Giasemaki | Tasos Sagris & Whodoes
21:15 - 23:15
Fâné | A.Epitheti | capétte | Amanda Shea (USA) | J.Chambers (JAMAICA/UK) | Makis Moulos | Black Bee | Oytekan
23:15 - 00:15
[Badpoetry] feat. Çağla Meknuze (TURKEY) | Poppy Delta
Ioanna Loutsia | Kapou Opa | Larry Cool
🎬 VIDEO ART ZONE | Opens at 20:00
Nature & Environmental Reflections (20:00-20:35)
Pascale Chau-huu & Thomasine Giesecke (France), Ian Gibbins (Australia), Eray Demir (Turkey), Finn Harvor (Republic of Korea), Sarah Seené (Canada), Matt Mullins (USA), Mir Anabil (Bangladesh)
Identity & Human Connection (20:35-21:05)
Mersolis Schöne (Austria), H. Paul Moon (USA), Lotte Wang & Zehua Shao (China/UK), Karlis Andzs (UK), Tanya Bozhinova (Bulgaria), Sofie Jo Lebow & Ana Cuco (Czech Republic/Portugal/USA)
Digital Age & Technology (21:05-21:19)
Dmitry Kemell (USA), Dwayne & Ebba Jahn (Germany), Karina Bush (Italy), Anna Halbleib (Spain)
Experimental & Political (21:19-22:50)
Andrea Erre (Mexico), Giancarlo Semeraro (UK), Avia Gurman Murphy (Ireland), Dmytro Bondarchuk (Ukraine), Vito A. Rowlands (USA/Belgium), Janet Lees (UK), Kevin O'Neill (USA), Bairbre Flood (IRELAND)
Το 12ο Διεθνές Φεστιβάλ Βίντεο Ποίησης (IVPF), μία από τις κορυφαίες διεθνείς συναντήσεις οπτικής ποίησης και spoken word, επιστρέφει στην Αθήνα στις 11-12 Απριλίου 2025 με την συμμετοχή 130 καλλιτεχνών από 43 χώρες.
Το Ινστιτούτο Πειραματικών Τεχνών ιδρύει το 2011 το Intenernational Video Poetry Festival και φέρνει για πρώτη φορά το αθηναϊκό κοινό σε επαφή με την τέχνη της Bιντεοποίησης. Εμπνευσμένο από την ψηφιακή πλατφόρμα Moving Poems (ΗΠΑ), το φεστιβάλ έχει εξελιχθεί σε ένα δυναμικό διεθνές πεδίο συνεργασίας καλλιτεχνών από την Αμερική, την Ασία, την Ευρώπη και την Αφρική.
Μέσω του Show Room Video Poetry Zone και του Live Performance Zone, το IVPF δημιουργεί έναν ανοιχτό δημόσιο χώρο για όλες τις μορφές σύγχρονης οπτικής ποίησης, spoken word performances, συναυλίες, video art shows, εργαστήρια και διαλέξεις.
Η Bιντεοποίηση είναι μια σύγχρονη μορφή τέχνης όπου το ποιητικό κείμενο συναντά την κινούμενη εικόνα, δημιουργώντας μια νέα οπτικοακουστική εμπειρία. Μπορεί να πάρει διάφορες πειραματικές μορφές όπως animation, κολάζ, film poetry, video dance συνδυάζοντας λέξεις, εικόνες, ήχους και κίνηση σε ένα ενιαίο καλλιτεχνικό έργο.
Η σκηνή του spoken word στην Ελλάδα ξεκινάει το 1990, με το Κενό Δίκτυο να πρωτοπορεί οργανώνοντας τα multi media δρώμενα ποίησης «Περιβάλλοντα Λέξεων» συνδυάζοντας ζωντανούς αυτοσχεδιασμούς ανάμεσα σε ποιητές, djs και visual artists. Μέσα στα χρόνια, η σκηνή εμπλουτίστηκε περαιτέρω από πρωτοβουλίες όπως οι συναθροίσεις «Ταράτσα Ποίηση» (2022 – 2024), η εισαγωγή του «Poetry Slam» στην Αθήνα, στις αρχές του 2018, και άλλες συλλογικές προσπάθειες, δημιουργώντας μια ζωντανή underground κοινότητα που συνεχίζει να εξελίσσεται.
Σήμερα, αυτό το δυναμικό τοπίο αποτελεί το ιδανικό σκηνικό για το 12o International Video Poetry Festival, που διοργανώνεται από το Ινστιτούτο Πειραματικών Τεχνών σε συνεργασία με το Κενό Δίκτυο.
The 12th International Video Poetry Festival (IVPF), one of the leading international gatherings for visual poetry and spoken word, returns to Athens on April 11-12, 2025, featuring 130 artists from 43 countries.
The Institute for Experimental Arts founded the International Video Poetry Festival in 2011, introducing the art of Video Poetry to the Athenian audience for the first time. Inspired by the digital platform Moving Poems (USA), the festival has evolved into a dynamic international field of collaboration between artists from America, Asia, Europe, and Africa.
Through its Show Room Video Poetry Zone and Live Performance Zone, IVPF creates an open public space for all forms of contemporary visual poetry, spoken word performances, concerts, video art shows, workshops, and lectures.
Video Poetry is a contemporary art form where poetic text meets moving image, creating a new audiovisual experience. It can take various experimental forms such as animation, collage, film poetry, video dance, combining words, images, sounds, and movement into a unified artistic work.
The spoken word scene in Greece began in 1990, with Void Network pioneering through the organization of multi-media poetry events "Word Environments" combining live improvisations between poets, DJs, and visual artists. Over the years, the scene has been further enriched by initiatives such as "Taratsa Poetry" gatherings (2022 – 2024), the introduction of "Poetry Slam" in Athens in early 2018, and other collective efforts, creating a vibrant underground community that continues to evolve.
Today, this dynamic landscape serves as the perfect backdrop for the 12th International Video Poetry Festival, organized by the Institute for Experimental Arts in cooperation with Void Network.
Organized by:
+The Institute [for Experimental Arts]
Supported by:
Void Network
Moving Poems
#VideoPoetry #FilmFestival #SpokenWord #PoetryInMotion #InternationalFestival
Where is it happening?
Ελεύθερο Εμπρός Αυτοδιαχειριζόμενο Θέατρο, Παλαμήδου Ρήγα 9, 105 54 Αθήνα, Ελλάδα,Athens, GreeceEvent Location & Nearby Stays: