in memory of wagon master charles hall.of tellico wagon train.


Thu, 29 Jun, 2023 at 09:00 am to Mon, 03 Jul, 2023 at 12:00 pm


Cherohala Market Inc | Tellico Plains, TN

ok theys going to be a special ride coming up. june 29th and june 30th. 2. days of gathering days threw july 3rd. . this. ride is open for horse back riders. and wagon riders botn. this ride is. in. memory. of. charles hall. he was the tellico wagon train master here in tellico plains for years. started. wagon trains here back in 1959. he done wagon trains here threw. 1960s. 70s. 80s 90s. charles was our mayor of tellico plains for years to. charles died back in 2016 charles lead wagon trains to murphy. and robbinville. north carliona for years here. he was a good man. so. charles got me started doing horse events. back in 2014. so some friends in tellico plains. ask me if id bring back a old memory in tellico plains so. this ride. since we are only going to be on the high way for mile and a half from camp site. going to cut off across the road from tellico beach drive in and hit a old gravel road. wheres no traffic and hit old. furance road that goes back into the cherokee national forest lots shade tree riding. so we will ride it about half way and turn around and ride back to camp site. the miles will be around. 13 to 14 miles. so. since wagon riders can ride with us trail riders. on this event ride. tellico back country welcomes. any wagon riders. are welcome to camp with us and ride to. this ride is like riding on north river. so its easy for wagons. old back road gravels in the forest. so my friends. tellico kiwians. is having a square dance country band. hwy 33 band from maryville tn. and they are a good band. great dance music of all kinds. so the kiwians. will have all kinds of food vendors in old town. and it starts at 7 oclock saturday evening july 1st. and you. riders can walk across the road from camp site to the dance. and the camp site is across the road. from. cherohAla markert.. so im using. cherohala markert store. for the camp site. across from the store cause the field as no address. so camp site is across fr the store and mexican eating place. adress is. 450 cherohala sky way on 165. tellico plains tn 37385. easy to see camp site. one of the best fields in tellico plains. so gathering day is friday jume 29th and 30th gates open at 9 morning open all day. and the wagon and horse back ride is saturday morning july 1st. and we will pull out from camp site at 830 morning. this is a free event. for camping. no charge for camping. everybody go home by 12. oclock. sunday july 2nd this is a one day ride. for. wagon riders and horse back riders to. so u can walk from camp across road. get bags ice. and. anything u wont. and u can eat at store. got deli. and u got mexican place to eat across road fr camp and saturday evening. tellico. kiwians will have all kinds. food vendors. set up. get anything u wont. and u can walk up old town. see all new stores. open. got. tellico. gear. got lots stuff go in look at and theys more stores in old town walk in see things. u can do all of this from camp site. walk fr camp. ok. if u like water tubing. big bear tubing company. is next to camp site on tellico river. so u can walk fr camp site to catch a school bus at big bear tubing and they will haul u up to iron works grill on tellico river. thats where u get out tube river so u can walk fr camp or drive to big bear tubing. gives u somthing to do on gathering day. and if u wont breakfaat. coffee. cokes stuff saturday morning. just walk across road to. cherohala. markert. eat breakfast. they will open at. 430. in morning saturday morning july 1st. so u early. birds can eat early ones gets up that early. so be sure eat breakfast. between. 430 and. 8. oclock cause the. wagon and horse back ride will pull out at 830. be sure pack u a lunch. and cokes water stuff in wagons. or. saddle bags. so im doing this special ride. in. memory. of late charles hall ride. lot u knew charles. hall. that road with him for years. so i welcome wagons to for this special. ride for my friend in heaven today. charles hall. and tellico. kiwians. thats putting. the big square dance on in town. we welcome you for this july. celebration. in old town tellico plains. i will have plenty. horse tubs of water. for your horses plus got creek. and tellico river. water . thank you from all of us. you can have a camp fire ? at camp but. no open fires. on the ground. u must have a fire ? pitt. only. no open fires on the grass. small fire pitts only. thank you ? . other new up date. patrick hawkins here tellico plains. use be mayor. he will be doing photograghy. making picts of camp and picts videos of wagon train all picts. free to all u riders. enjoy. big bear tubing company. joins in with the tellico wagon train camp. 88. acears. fields. woods. iv open all. woods. up on tellico river camp and creeks so nobody as to camp in the field in the hot sun. plenty. shade camping now. on tellico river. new camp site. for tellico plains wagon train. BE SURE TO.TELL. YOUR. FRIENDS. TO.BRING THERE. OWN. HAY. FOR THERE. HORSES. FOR CAMP. MY HAY GUY DIDNT GET TO CUT. IS FIELD. YET. DUE TO WEATHER. BE SURE EVERYBODY. BRINGS ON SQUARE BALES HAY. THANK YOU

Where is it happening?

Cherohala Market Inc, 450 Cherohala Skwy,Tellico Plains,TN,United States

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Ricky Shaw

Host or Publisher Ricky Shaw

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