Holistic Support for Parents making Vaccination Decisions
Tue Jun 03 2025 at 07:30 pm to 09:30 pm
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About this Event
Holistic Support for Parents making Vaccination Decisions.
Options and Maximising Good Outcomes
This is an ONLINE event.
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Part One
How Parents, Families and Practitioners making vaccination decisions can achieve balance, clarity and respect
Resolving differing views between parents, practitioners and their families
Consent - NICE and General Medical Council Guidance to doctors
Accessing Government Vaccine information for Health Professionals, UK & USA
Using the Electronic Medicines Compendium to find Patient Information Leaflets (PILs) and the Summaries of Product Characteristics (SmPCs)
Antibodies and their role in the Immune System
The ‘Immunity Pyramid’
The Non-specific Immune System
Mortality/Death Rates before and after the introduction of vaccines in the UK
The Importance of well managed childhood illnesses.
Homeoprophylaxis - neither vaccination nor a substitute for vaccination.
Constitutional treatment
Genus Epidemicus
Resources for further reading
Part Two
Vaccination Clearance
Clearing the undesirable effects of vaccines described in the manufacturers’ product literature
Correct management of fever
Supporting Elimination
Formal Homeopathic clearance schedule
Natural support on the day of vaccination
Being sure the baby child or adult is as well as possible
Getting the best possible antibody response
Getting the best possible body detoxification response
Helpful Supplements
Schedule for homeopathic cover at the time of vaccination
Plenary/ Questions
To ensure that participants:
+ Achieve clarity in accessing the information they need to make the best possible decisions regarding their children's and their own health.
+ Are confident in being able to access information on health from official government sources.
+ Achieve a working knowledge of the complexity of the immune system.
+ Have knowledge of a range of holistic measures they can use to achive the best possible health outcome for their children and themselves .
+ Therapists can use this information to support their clients making important healthcare decisions so that the parents or carers feel empowered rather than anxious.
You will be able to join this lecture at 7.15 pm
Other lectures by Dr Jayne Donegan
Where is it happening?
OnlineGBP 11.29