Gulfport Mind Body Spirit Expo at the Historic Gulfport Casino
Sat Aug 06 2022 at 09:00 am to 05:00 pm
City of Gulfport: Gulfport Casino Ballroom | Gulfport, FL

About this Event
Refresh and be well, Gulfport! This is a FREE Event at the historic Gulfport Casino!
Join the Gulfport CommUNITY for a full day of exploring Mindfulness, Happiness, and Healthy Balance with opportunities for Spiritual & Personal development and more. Seminars offered FREE of charge, Individual Sessions available at 15 min/ $25.
This free event will include Speakers on Creating Calm during Chaos with Meditation, Numerology, Chakras with the Angels, Reclaiming your connection to the Divine and more. A Living Green Market with vendors for Healthy Living including essential oils, Spiritual Jewelry, Crystals, Organic foods, Candles, Aromatherapy Spa Products, Native American Medicine Bags, and more.
Experience vendors and speakers who encourage a true Mind Body Spirit approach to whole wellness.
100+ Presenters- Individual sessions are available from many vendors with15 min sessions for $25. Including: psychics, angel readers, tea leaf readings, tarot card readings, Past Life readings, Astrology, Shamanic journey, channeled readings, energy healing, reiki practitioners, chiropractors, acupuncture, plant based nutrition coaching, chakra clearing, crystal bed, sound healing therapy, empowerment coaching and more. To find a listing of the vendors/readers/healers/speakers registered, visit the facebook page @Gulfportmindbodyspiritconnection
Gulfport Mind, Body and Spirit Expo is open to the public and hosted by Unity of Gulfport, “boldly building consciousness and community”. The expo will promote collective consciousness, commUnity and mental, physical, and spiritual health and wellness.
To register to be a vendor or presenter at the Gulfport Mind Body Spirit Expo, purchase a ticket here for the appropriate category, vendor, reader, healer, speaker or a combination ticket if you want to be in 2 or 3 categories. We look forward to having you participate in this fabulour event. Maximize your exposure with a SPONSORSHIP (see below).
Please ensure you register in the appropriate category. If you have any questions about the category that is best for you, please email us at [email protected]. Register as a healer or reader if you intend to do 15 minute appointments (mini sessions) at the expo. We market 15 minutes for $25 and you are free to set your own time increments and prices. If you will use different times / prices please let us know so we can schedule you accordingly and let the guest know. The event is open to the public from 9am - 5pm. Readers and Healers may choose to schedule appointments from 10am - 5pm but must be set up prior to 9am. I know some are energized by doing multiple sessions in a day and some feel the energy drain. What works for you is right and perfect.
Expo VENDOR INDOOR Table Space - $85.00 One 8' Table with 2 Chairs *table and chairs provided, no additional tables may be added. If you need more than one table you may purchase 2 table spaces or an outdoor vendor space. You are a VENDOR if you sell products, books, art, jewelry, candles, crystals, etc. Vendors may NOT offer readings in their space unless registered as a 'COMBO" (see below).
Expo VENDOR OUTDOOR Booth Space - $110.00 - approx. 10' x 10' space. This space offers the opportunity to showcase you and your company to maximum potential! This Outside Booth may also be for a Reader or Healer. *tents, tables, chairs are NOT included - vendors must provide their own.
Expo READER INDOOR Table Space - $85.00 One 4x4 table with 2 Chairs *table is NOT provided; chairs are provided, reader will provide table. You are a reader if you schedule 15 min readings throughout the day.
Expo HEALER INDOOR Space - $85.00 Space for Healing (massage) table or chair with 2 Chairs provided. Space for a small display table *massage table will not be provided. You are a healer if you schedule 15 min sessions throughout the day.
Expo SPEAKER Indoor Stage - $75.00 30 minute time slots on the hour and half hour from 10am - 4pm (We have updated the speaking floor plan to a more intimate experience for speakers and attendees. We will have a sound barrier between the speaking area and the vendor/reader/healer area.
Expo COMBO x 2 - $140.00 any combination of 2 categories, ie Healer/Vendor; Reader/Vendor; Speaker/Vendor, Speaker/Reader, etc.
Expo COMBO x 3 - $170.00 any combination of 3 categories, ie Healer/Speaker/Vendor, Reader/Vendor/Speaker, etc.
Expo Food Concessions $145.00 providing lunch and snacks that are in alignment with Mind Body Spirit Wellness. Only one Food Concession inside and one outside.
RETURNING Vendor - $20 discount using Confidential Promo Code (Valid Until 5/01/2022)
MARKETING OPTION - $25 (Have a full page AD in the Event Program Book + Advance Booking Event Page)
NON-PROFIT - $50 *Must submit proof of non-profit status - Contact [email protected]
RAFFLE OPPORTUNITY - For exposure to your company and to benefit Unity of Gulfport, there will be a RAFFLE event in conjunction with the Gulfport Mind Body Spirit Expo. Vendors/Healers/Readers/Speakers will have the opportunity to donate one item (product, gift certificate or gift basket) to showcase your product and/or service. The RAFFLE items will be displayed inside the Casino and bids will be placed. Everyone loves an RAFFLE and 'winning' great stuff! It will be wonderful exposure for you. All donors will be listed in the event program. Thank you in advance for your participation and please email [email protected] with your donation details in order to be listed in the event advertising and program. Please have all donated items either Friday or Saturday during set up.
SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES - For local corporate / business sponsors and vendors who wish to stand out in a prominent way and see the value in partnering with Gulfport Mind Body Spirit Expo and our mission for this event, we are offering event sponsorships. There are 3 levels of sponsorship to consider, depending on your goals and the level of visibility you desire. A limited number of sponsorships are available, and we offer category exclusivity in our top two levels. We encourage interested sponsors to sign up early for maximum advertising exposure. If you sign up for a sponsorship level that offers category exclusivity, be aware any registrants already in that category will be allowed to participate. Early sponsorship commitment is a win/win!
PARTNER SPONSOR: $1500Exclusive logo representation on advertisements for FOUR full weeks prior to the expo.
Category Exclusivity ~ You will be the only representative of your product or service at the Expo.
(i.e. if you are a Crystal Dealer, there will be no other Crystal Dealers as vendors, Chiropractor ,
etc. * category exclusivity is not available to Readers and Healers)
Main stage availability for up to 30 minutes with logo on Stage. Logo recognition on all expo
signage at the Casino.
10'x10' booth in the location of your choice outside on the Boardwalk (w/option to add a second)
Logo on staff shirts and Full Page - Back Cover of the Expo Program distributed at the Expo and for 3 weeks prior at the area metaphysical shops.
Featured sponsor shout-out on Expo Facebook page and official Facebook event
Your logo linking to your website ~ featured on all marketing emails
MC stage recognition throughout the day.
ASSOCIATE SPONSOR : $800Main stage availability for up to 30minutes.
Exclusive logo recognition on our Stage banner
Logo recognition on all expo signage at the Casino + Full page in the Program
10'x10' booth in the location of your choice outside on the pad (w/option to add a second)
Logo recognition on staff shirts
Featured sponsor shout-out on Expo Facebook page and official Facebook event
Your logo linking to your website ~ featured on all marketing emails
MC stage recognition throughout the day
COMMUNITY SPONSOR: $400Vendor Table in the location of your choice inside the casino (w/option to add a second)
Logo recognition on staff shirts Half page in the Program + Featured sponsor shout-out on
Expo Facebook page and official Facebook event
Your logo linking to your website ~ featured on all marketing emails
MC stage recognition throughout the day
CANCELLATIONS AND REFUNDS - Prior to 6/01/2022, cancellation will result in a $50 cancellation fee. After 7/01/2022, all fees are non-refundable.

Where is it happening?
City of Gulfport: Gulfport Casino Ballroom, 5500 Shore Boulevard South, Gulfport, United StatesUSD 0.00 to USD 1500.00