GRIVA Program Meeting: David Givens - Native American History
Tue, 26 Apr, 2022 at 11:00 pm to Wed, 27 Apr, 2022 at 12:00 am
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March 22nd marks the 400th anniversary of an attack on the colony in which the Powhatan sought to rid themselves of an ever-increasing English population. Since the inception of excavations by the Jamestown Rediscovery archaeology team, the dig has largely been focused on the first permanent English settlement on the Jamestown Island. As the excavations continued, the archaeologists began to find a large amount of Virginia Indian artifacts alongside the European material culture. Deep pits, ditches, and wells preserved a “moment in time” when the colonists and indigenous population negotiate a new, multi-cultural world. This year, the team is seeking to explore, highlight, and give agency to early interaction between Native and newcomer. Mr. Givens will discuss the team’s effort to be responsible stewards of our Nation’s diverse history.David Givens is a staff archaeologist with the Jamestown Rediscovery Project. Mr. Givens specializes in archaeological Geographic Information Systems. His job involves the linking of volumes of spatial data and archaeological information into a viable and sustainable digital archive. He is also a principal author of the book Church and State: The Archaeology of The Foundations of Democracy.
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