Gem Yoga - Inner Alignment Manifesting Workshop for Yoga Teachers
Thu Nov 20 2025 at 01:00 pm to 02:30 pm
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About this Event
Gem Yoga Teacher Training - Inner Alignment Manifesting Workshop for Yoga Teachers
Together we gather to tune into our heart's desires and soul purpose to manifest (make real), in a way that is in alignment with our highest truth. Yoga teachers are kind, generous, compassionate souls who want to do their best in the world. We want to help as many people as we can while we are here. But this must be done in a way that is in alignment.
As we tap into our inner wisdom and intuition, and learn to navigate our emotional guidance system, we can create inspired action that brings us in alignment with our dharma. We know what action we need to take and when. We can learn to listen to intuitive breadcrumbs, gut feelings and listen to the signs of the universe to bring ourselves into more alignment and into the magical dance of life.
ABUNDANCE is your birthright. YOU ARE ABUNDANCE. It is not separate from you. When we learn to align our minds, bodies, emotions and vibration with all we are calling in, we adjust our energy and the universe responds.
Our limiting beliefs, conditioning and negative thought cycles block our abundant creative life force. Through cultivating awareness and self-enquiry we can shift our thinking and reality to allow more of what we desire to manifest.
First we must create space for stillness to connect with our dharma and highest truth. Then we can gain clarity on what it is we really want, what lights our soul up and what we came to Earth for. Once we have this clarity our actions and behaviours can reflect this and we can be a conscious co-creator with the universe.
"You are made of the same stuff that creates worlds". - Abraham Hicks.
As we step more consciously on to our dharmic path we understand we are connected to all, and the only way we can live out our highest expression is by being of service to all. When we create our wishes we can surrender them by stating we "I wish for this or whatever is best for my highest good and for the good of all".
Here are the main things we learn to practice through the art of manifesting:
- We practice being still to listen to our heart's desires.
- We practice surrender (ishvara pranidhana), aligning ourselves whilst detaching from the outcome.
- We practice gratitude for everything we have now, there is only now.
- We practice being brave to take inspired action.
- We practice trust, trust and more trust.
- We practice receiving. Our biggest block is often our unconscious unworthiness of how much we believe we can receive.
We can invite in more health, freedom, joy, wealth, abundance, time with friends and family, time in nature, adventure, play, creativity and hobbies.
What do you want to manifest/bring into being?
We gather on the powerful energy of the new moon bringing in new beginnings.
Workshop includes:
- Journaling
- Meditation
- Practical manifesting tools
- Inspired action
- Card reading
Raise your vibration and manifesting power in a safe group of like-minded souls.
If you cannot attend the workshop the replay of the workshop is available.
For more info contact gem: [email protected]
2025 Inner Alignment Manifesting Workshops:
Wednesday 29th January 1 - 2.30pm
Friday 28th February 1 - 2.30pm
Monday 31st March 1 - 2.30pm
Friday 25th April 1 - 2.30pm
Tuesday 27th May 1 - 2.30pm
Wednesday 25th June 1 - 2.30pm
Thursday 24th July 1 - 2.30pm
Friday 22nd August 1 - 2.30pm
Monday 22nd September 1 - 2.30pm
Tuesday 21st October 1 - 2.30pm
Thursday 20th November 1 - 2.30pm
Friday 19th December 1 - 2.30pm
Where is it happening?
OnlineGBP 25.00