Garddwriaeth a Chadwraeth / Horticulture and Conservation
Wed Feb 12 2025 at 11:00 am to 02:00 pm
Rhyl Library, Museum & One Stop Shop | Rhyl, WA
Garddwriaeth a Chadwraeth - Sesiwn gwybodaeth a blasu / Horticulture and Conservation Information + Taster DayAbout this Event
Mae’r sesiwn wybodaeth hon wedi’i dylunio i roi mewnwelediadau gwerthfawr i Gadwraeth, gan gynnwys yr hyn rydym yn ei wneud yn Sir Ddinbych ac archwilio amrywiaeth o lwybrau gyrfa a chyfleoedd o fewn y maes.
Dilynir hyn gan sesiwn flasu yn ein meithrinfa goed lle bydd cyfranogwyr yn cyfrannu at blannu coedlan newydd 70 erw.
This information session is designed to provide valuable insights into Conservation, including what we are doing in Denbighshire and exploring a variety of career paths and opportunities within the field.
This is followed by a taster session at our tree nursery where participants will contribute to the planting of a new 70-acre wood.
Where is it happening?
Rhyl Library, Museum & One Stop Shop, Church Street, Rhyl, United KingdomEvent Location & Nearby Stays: