Fort Myers Cosplay Con 2021


Sun Sep 26 2021 at 11:00 am to 05:00 pm


Alliance for the Arts | Fort Myers, FL

As Fort Myers continues to host more Comic-Con and Con-esque events, the members of the Fort Myers Cosplay Club were inspired to invent the convention of our dreams. A convention hosted FOR us, BY us.
The Fort Myers Cosplay Club is proud to announce the birth of Cosplay Con -- a new kind of local convention that focuses on the fandoms that make up our town’s “nerd scene”. The event will be held on Sunday, September 26, 2021 at Alliance of the Arts from 11am to 5pm.
With our Club members volunteering their time, talents, and feedback, we plan to host a convention full of the programming we look forward to at conventions, all put into one event.
Tabletop games, helpful demos and workshops, LARP sessions, cosplay mini shoots, informative panels from local experts in the field, cosplay contests for craftsmanship AND showmanship, and so much more are planned -- and the list continues to grow!
Ticket sales will benefit Alliance of the Arts. Any profits made will benefit the Fort Myers Cosplay Club so that we can continue Cosplay Con as an annual convention and improve our monthly events.
We would love to involve as much of the community in this as possible. We are looking for Sponsors, Vendors, and willing volunteers to make Cosplay Con a success. For more information on how you can get involved, please email Amanda at [email protected] or fill out the contact form on our website
Please note: This event is hosted inside at the Alliance for the Arts. In compliance with CDC guidelines, face masks are required at all times while inside the building and you are advised to keep 6 feet between you and others. Space is will be limited to maximize social distancing. You will be required to adhere to all posted signage and procedures while on the Alliance campus. This information is subject to change.

Where is it happening?

Alliance for the Arts, 10091 McGregor Blvd, Fort Myers, United States

Event Location & Nearby Stays:

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