Florida4Warriors Tampa Silkies Ruck
Sat, 26 Apr, 2025 at 08:00 am
The Bad Monkey 1717 E 7th Ave, Tampa, FL 33605 | Tampa, FL
Look out Tampa it's time for some Silkies again!!! It's the 11th Annual Florida4Warriors Tampa Silkies Ruck
Now, this is not your normal ruck, it is geared to allow plenty of time for camaraderie, not an athletic event. All our Rucks are between 10-14 miles, with a 2-3 miles per hour pace. Of course, we DO NOT ruck this straight through, and there will be frequent stops for bathrooms, food/beverages, and some shenanigans! We will have food, snacks, waters, Gatorades, drinks, and supplies being donated for the entire ruck, right up to dinner and drinks at the end!! Plan to stay a few hours for after party. We do not have a set uniform of the day, but of course silkies, your best americano wear, boots, and ruck sacks are encouraged. Most will have weight in their rucks as well.
The mission of OUR Silkies Ruck is to bring our Veterans, Active duty, Reservist, National Guard, LEO, and Fire Rescue responders together in an environment where they can bond with other Battle Buddies and create a support network to prevent suicide and improve mental health. What most do not understand is that these men and women operate differently than others when it comes to emotional situations, and most turn to humor and camaraderie as a coping mechanism. With the ruck we add humor to the mix; participants wear only their combat boots and “silkies,” minuscule, green physical training shorts made famous by the Marines, and other humorous things. It is in this atmosphere that the bonds and support can be developed. This is what the purpose of the Silkies Rucks are.
ID - we will be checking IDs in order to be served at the bars.
WATER - we will have water on our support vehicles, but you are encouraged to have your own as well.
CASH - we are asking everyone to pay cash at the stops - this will help get faster service and for tipping.
Snacks - Nuts, bars, food that will fuel you throughout the day.
Sunblock and Head Gear
SILKIES, BOOTS, AND RUCKS - attire and footwear are totally up to the participant and rucks/weight is optional.
FLAGS - Patriotic, unit, branch, (NO political or religious flags will be allowed)
Face Mask
Eye Pro - Sunglasses, goggles
Vaseline, Band-Aids, Moleskin etc.
Extra socks – The distance may take a toll on your feet.
Tylenol or Motrin... but seriously Tylenol for the hangover.
Silkies Safety Brief
* It is imperative that we stay on the sidewalks when permitted, do not block traffic or jump in front of cars.
1. ALCOHOL • Public drinking is illegal - there we said it!!!
• There will be NO open containers on this hike! We have stops for food and drinks, and then a great after party!!!
• DO NOT bring outside alcohol into any of the sponsor establishments. You can bring it poolside at the Tiki Bar for after party.
• Anyone getting Shitty-Faced drunk will be removed from the ruck and put in a safety vehicle. We will not have public intoxication. Let's have fun, not cause nonprofit issues!
• There is a NO TOLERANCE for illegal drugs. You will be asked to leave the event if you have them.
• If you have a prescription, it's for you not anyone else. Please do not give out meds.
• Cannabis even with legal prescription still cannot be done in public areas. Please do not use it while you are on the ruck in a public area.
***Don't get in trouble, and don't give Florida4Warriors a bad reputation!
Ruck participates.
1. The hike is Veterans, Active duty, Reservist, National Guard, LEO, and Fire Rescue
ONLY, please help and join us at stops if you do not fall under one of these.
3. Please civilians DO NOT follow hikers. Meet at stops so we have no traffic issues.
5. Please be respectful of the bars, other patrons, and the city so we are asked back in the future.
6. Don’t bring any weapons, weapon accessories, magazines, ammo, flash bangs, grenades, nuclear devices, WMDs or other illegal arms. We will be going into public venues, so if you are licensed CC please keep it away.
7. To avoid throat punching liberal hippies please try to avoid engaging people in matters about politics, and the military that will end in us getting kicked out and arrested.
8. YOU MUST be wearing the F4W wrist bracelet that you will receive at registration - this includes volunteers and drivers as well as participants
Do "check-in" on Facebook as we progress through the hike.
Do whatever it takes to help a fellow Battle Buddy out.
Do mumble the words "I love you" to a bunch of dudes/dudettes you've never met.
DO bring moto shirts and everything you own that is red, white, and blue or a F4W shirt!!
UOD Suggestions:
• Marines: Green/Black silkies/Body/face paint/Desert/combat boots.
• Sailors: Green/blue/black silkies/ Body/face paint/Desert/combat boots
• Soldiers: Green/black silkies/Body/face paint/Banana hammocks/Desert/combat boots - You can leave the gay reflective army belts at home...oh and the berets too.
• Airmen: Green/blue/black/pink silkies/Body/face paint/Desert/combat boots...remember there is no air conditioning during the march because it's happening "outside" lol.
• Coasties: Turquoise/aquamarine/pink silkies with dolphin caricatures/Body/face paint/Desert/combat boots -Prepare to hear Coastie jokes from your Navy brethren for the entirety of the march.