Fair Housing Basics - Religion & National Origin as Protected Classes
Thu Aug 21 2025 at 02:00 pm to 03:30 pm
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About this Event
About This Event
This online training will discuss the basics of the Fair Housing Act, including the jurisdictional elements of a fair housing complaint and examples of discriminatory conduct by housing providers, as well as a closer look at the protected classes of Religion and National Origin - two of the original four protected classes in the FHA.
With questions regarding the event, interpretation, or reasonable accommodations, please reach out to Zoe Olson at Zoe Ann Olson [email protected] or Peg Richards at Peg Richards [email protected]
About The Presenters
Zoe Ann Olson has been the Executive Director of Intermountain Fair Housing Council, Inc. for over ten years now. Ms. Olson has 14 years of experience as an attorney with Idaho Legal Aid Services, Inc. Ms. Olson has extensive housing law experience including the FHA and the Idaho housing law. She was a fair housing speaker at the Washington Affordable Housing Association Conference in 2019, at the Housing Solutions Conference in 2020, at the National Low-Income Housing Coalition Member Updates and the Fair Housing in Land Use and AFFH Conference at the University of Idaho in 2021, at the IREM and NARPM Fair Housing Idaho Conference in 2022 and 2023 respectively, and the lead fair housing training throughout Idaho in 2012 to 2023. In 2022, she is the recipient of the Idaho Woman Lawyers Bertha Stull Green Public Service Lawyer Award and the Inns of Court Unsung Hero Award.
Peg Richards joined IFHC in October 2022 as the Education Project Director. Her background includes working with people experiencing homelessness, oversight of a low-income housing program, advocating for the disenfranchised, and educating our community about the experiences of people with whom she has worked for the past two decades. Peg also has a strong background in writing and communication practices. She has contributed to the IFHC team by creating guides, handouts, and other educational materials. And is currently providing multiple opportunities across the state, to ensure all Idahoans understand housing rights, how to advocate for their rights, and Fair Housing laws and best practices.
Where is it happening?
OnlineUSD 0.00