Eta Aquarids Meteor Shower, Supernova observation and Star Gazing


Sun May 05 2024 at 06:00 pm to Mon May 06 2024 at 06:00 am


Wonders of universe, Gunjavane | Pune, MH

Eta Aquarid Meteor Shower Supernova observation and Star Gazing

Let's Count the Shooting STARS!!!


Special Attraction: Meteors Supernova star Saturn Galaxies Nebulae etc.

This is only most favorable Meteor Shower of 2024 in India. 

Do you know that Eta Aquarids Meteor Shower is generated from the most famous Comet Halley's comet.

What makes Eta Aquarids meteor showers most exciting is their astounding speed of 60 miles per hour with which these meteors shoot through the atmosphere.

Attractions for Star Gazing:

1. Shooting Stars (Meteor Shower).

2. Supernova 2024ggi observation 

3. Milky way galaxy observation

4. Planets: Mars Saturn and Moon.

5. Star Gazing through Advanced telescope: experience the Amazing colorful views of Deep Sky objects like Galaxies Nebulae.

6. Information of Constellations Stars and Planets.

After this there is no better chance to see Meteor Shower for year.

Location: Rajgad fort base.

Event details:

  1. Introduction of the activities
  2. Telescope set up
  3. Introduction to Evening Sky.
  4. 1st Session: Observation of evening objects - Planets Stars and Constellations.
  5. Dinner break 9.30pm
  6. 2nd Session at 10pm: Meteor Shower Supernova Observation along with Nebulae Star Clusters.
  7. Rest period: 11.30pm to 2am.
  8. 3rd session: 2am onwards till morning.
  9. Close up with Group Photos at 7am.

Event charges inclusive of accommodation veg dinner morning breakfast and tea stay and star gazing. 

Last date of registration: 3rd May.

Transport: Self travel.


  1. Slight changes in the schedule based will be done as necessary during event.
  2. Incase of bad weather conditions we will continue to have informative discussion on various topics in Astronomy.
  3. No refund no event cancellation will be done.


Wonders of Universe

Where is it happening?

Wonders of universe, Gunjavane, Pune, India

INR 2000.00

Wonders of Universe

Host or Publisher Wonders of Universe

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