Ecstatic Saturdays INDOORS @ Siobhan Davies Studio: Ecstatic Dance & Cacao
Sat, 03 Oct, 2020 at 06:15 pm to Sat, 12 Dec, 2020 at 08:00 pm
Siobhan Davies Studios | London, EN

No booze, No Shoes, No Chit Chat, Move However You Wish!!
About this Event
WE ARE BACK and excited to be restarting our INDOOR Ecstatic Dance London classes @ the beautiful Siobhan Davies Dance studios (Roof studio) 5:45pm-8pm
*Respectfully Socially Distanced & Covid compliant* - more details below.
Ecstatic Saturdays INDOORS: We are offering two dance classes in the evening! Online bookings only, no spaces on the door due to limited capacity!
◈ for 8:15pm-10:30pm, sign up here:
◈ LIVE BROADCAST: Can't attend in person? Tune in for a Live Broadcast! We live-stream our unique Ecstatic Dance experience to you, on your own dance floor, safe at home. Sign up here:
Brought to you by: - We love to dance. We love music. We love to inspire, to connect, to heal and transform! MUSIC - MOVEMENT - COMMUNITY!
No booze, No Shoes, No Chit Chat, Move However You Wish!!
We appreciate everyone's support and would love you to join us for our indoor Ecstatic Dance classes! You and your awesome friends are invited to join us for weekly freestyle, expressive dance & moving meditation classes. An Evening of Ecstatic Dance with No Alcohol, No Drugs - Just Music, Amazing Rhythms and Cacao!
Should you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to get in touch: [email protected]
Seth & Dee x
ABOUT ECSTATIC DANCE:Enter an open space...and with your bare feet explore the exhilarating feeling of moving your body freely. You are invited to move, play, connect, sweat, stretch, sound, unwind, renew, release, improvise, transform. Be true to yourself, while respecting your body, in this space that we co-create together.
Our Ecstatic Dance classes create a safe and respectful environment that embraces 'all ways'. We offer a movement practice that supports your free expression of emotions and inner space through movement and music.
Our intention for these Ecstatic Dance classes is self-exploration through dance and movement, increasing overall wellbeing and fitness level, connection, fun, healing, expanding human potential and community building through freestyle ecstatic dance.
No experience necessary.
More details about Ecstatic Dance practice specifics, music, cacao, facilitator, what to expect, what to bring - please scroll down.
31 OCT (FULL MOON) 5:45pm-8pm Tantric Trance Dance & 8:15pm-10:30pm Ecstatic Dance
07 NOV 5:45pm-8pm Ecstatic Dance & 8:15pm-10:30pm Ecstatic Dance
14 NOV 5:45pm-8pm Ecstatic Dance & 8:15pm-10:30pm Ecstatic Dance
21 NOV 5:45pm-8pm Ecstatic Dance & 8:15pm-10:30pm Ecstatic Dance
28 NOV (FULL MOON) *6:00pm-8:15pm Tantric Trance Dance & 8:15pm-10:30pm (*please note the later start time)
05 DEC 5:45pm-8pm Ecstatic Dance & 8:15pm-10:30pm Ecstatic Dance
12 DEC 5:45pm-8pm Ecstatic Dance & 8:15pm-10:30pm Ecstatic Dance
19 DEC (FULL MOON) 5:45pm-8pm Tantric Trance Dance & 8:15pm-10:30pm Ecstatic Dance
The UK Government has now raised the alert level for London to “high-risk” Tier 2 taking full effect from this Friday night, 16 October 2020. We would like to confirm that our planned classes and workshops are going ahead at the Siobhan Davies Studios as per Tier 2 (Local Covid alert: high) guidelines on website:
- Venues following COVID-19 secure guidelines can host more than 6 people in total, in line with guidance for their sector, but no one should visit or socialise in a group of greater than 6 (unless they are all part of the same household or support bubble). It is also important that people from different households (who are not meeting as a support bubble) remain socially distanced.
- Exercise classes and organised sport can continue to take place outdoors. These will only be permitted indoors if it is possible for people to avoid mixing with people they do not live with or share a support bubble with, or for youth or disability sport.
Siobhan Davies Studios do not have to close so long as they continue to operate as a Covid-secure venue.
SAFETY GUIDELINES & PREVENTION MEASURES:We kindly ask that you respect and follow Siobhan Davies Dance Studio safety guidelines. We reserve the right to exclude and ask to leave any participant who does not honour the below safety guidelines:
SYMPTOMS: If you are showing any Covid-19 symptoms (a high temperature, a new, continuous cough, a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste) please DO NOT attend the class. Any participant repeatedly coughing in the space will be asked to leave immediately.
SOCIAL DISTANCING: please DO NOT gather in groups of more than 6 before/after class and during the breaks. Please, no talking/chit chat during the class. If you need to talk to, you are welcome to TALK/CHAT before/after the class OUTSIDE the building.
CHECK IN: please arrive ON time for the check in (not before the indicated time) and please leave promptly after the class. This is to avoid overcrowding and ensure smooth check in and changeover between the sessions.
FACE COVERING: please wear whilst moving through the building. Once you are in the Roof Studio, you can take your face covering off.
TEMPERATURE CHECK: upon entering the building. Anyone with temp above 37.50C will not be allowed to enter the building.
HAND WASHING: please sanitise your hands upon entering the building. Wash and sanitise your hands regularly and after using the bathroom. All touch hotspots will be regularly cleaned with disinfectant between each session.
CONTACT DETAILS: name and contact details will be kept for 21 days by the venue for track and trace purposes. If you have booked 2 or more tickets under your name, we will need to obtain name & email address from other attendees .
BATHROOMS: please ONLY use bathrooms on the 1st floor by the lift as these are for Roof studio users only. DO NOT use any other toilets in the building.
CHANGING ROOMS: located on the 1st floor. Follow the signs. ONLY 2 people at the time in the changing rooms. Where possible - please come already dressed in comfortable clothing and dress in layers.
WATER REFILL: please top up your water bottle from the flasks provided outside the Roof studio. It’s tap water.
OTHER AREAS IN THE BUILDING: please DO NOT SIT/ EAT/ CHAT in any other areas of the building to ensure the safety of staff and other attendees.
FRESH AIR: venue has windows that will be opened and fans placed in front of the windows to allow more air flow in the space. There is also a back door fire exit which will be opened between each session to ventilate the space.
CACAO: our Raw Vegan Cacao is carefully prepared in a clean kitchen and will be poured in eco friendly paper cups and served on a tray. Bring your own hot drink if you do not wish to drink cacao.

We love creating beautiful classes for you all and we invest a lot of time, energy and skills to make these classes happen. Your support is greatly appreciated. We have set a donation option to reduce your ticket fee cost. Any tickets booked below the indicated donation amount will be refunded immediately.
1 ticket per transaction please! Limited spaces & ticket availability!
We invite you to book using the Honesty Price Scale:
- Concession £15 (limited availability)
- Regular £20
Online bookings only, no spaces on the door due to limited capacity!
We also offer limited FREE *crew spaces in exchange of you helping us set up and pack down. If you would like to crew, please send us an email to [email protected] (*Requirement - you need to have attended at least one of our indoor ecstatic dance class at Siobhan Davies Studios before you can join the crew)
EVENTBRITE ORDER CONFIRMATION: Email might be in the spam folder. Please check. Do not print any paper tickets, we will check you in by your name.
CANCELLATION POLICY:We do not offer refunds if you cannot attend. You are welcome to pass on your ticket to a friend, colleague or family member however please let us know the date & time of the booked session, name and email address of the person attending in your place for track & trace purposes. Send us an email with replacement person's details to: [email protected]
If we need to cancel the class due to unforeseen circumstances, we will issue a full refund.
SCHEDULE:◈ 5:45pm-6:00pm Arrival/ Check in (please do not arrive before 5:45pm to avoid overcrowding outside of the building)
◈ 6:00pm-7:45pm Dance Warm-up and Stretch/ Cacao/ Ecstatic Dance SoundWave
◈ 7:45pm-8.00pm Relaxation
◈ 8:00pm Class ends (we kindly ask all participants to vacate the building as promptly as possible as we need to ensure a smooth exit and avoid overcrowding in the bag/coat/shoe area after the session. Thank you)
WHAT YOU WILL NEED:1. Loose-fitting clothes that let you move your body and free yourself. Please come already dressed in comfortable clothing and dress in layers as there is a limited space (2 people at the time) in the changing rooms located on the 1st floor. Please only use the bathrooms located on the 1st floor by the lift as these are for Roof studio attendees only. Do not use other areas in the venue for sitting/ eating/ chatting - please use the outdoor area at the front of the building.
2. We dance barefoot, in soft indoor shoes or grip socks.
3. A Reusable water bottle to keep hydrated during the dance. Tap water refill available at the designated water refill stations outside the Roof Studio. Do not use the venue's kitchen.
4. You can wear a face covering during the sessions if you choose to. We ask all participants to keep the face mask on whilst moving through the space before and after the class.
ABOUT ECSTATIC DANCE:Enter an open space...and with your bare feet explore the exhilarating feeling of moving your body freely. You are invited to move, play, connect, sweat, stretch, sound, unwind, renew, release, improvise, transform. Be true to yourself, while respecting your body, in this space that we co-create together.
Our Ecstatic Dance classes create a safe and respectful environment that embraces 'all ways'. We offer a movement practice that supports your free expression of emotions and inner space through movement and music.
Our intention for these Ecstatic Dance classes is self-exploration through dance and movement, increasing overall wellbeing and fitness level, connection, fun, healing, expanding human potential and community building through freestyle ecstatic dance.
No experience necessary.
ECSTATIC DANCE PRACTICE SPECIFICS:Warm-up: 15 minutes stretch, move/dance and reflect on the intention for the dance to a gentle sound wave.
The Practice: 90 minutes of freestyle dancing to a large sound wave featuring Live DJ set with our resident DJ Seth Newman. Some guidance & facilitation will be provided. And then we will let the music, the community and our own inner space direct our steps, our movements, our expression, our journey.
Relaxation : 15 minutes of Deep Relaxation.
"Our bodies instinctively know what feels good or bad, right or wrong. However, often our heads get in the way. Ecstatic Dance is about finding our way through to what feels good. How can we use dance to consciously transform towards finding joy, without denying our anger or sadness? Ask yourself: what’s my body feeling in this moment? Does it feel good moving this way, or that? Does it feel nourishing to dance with another, or dance solo? Where do I most feel connected with Self? Let your body lead the way." ~ Abigail Harris
ECSTATIC DANCE GUIDELINES:1. No talking during the dance (if you wish to talk to, you are welcome to chat before/after dance outside the building). When we dance without the chitchat, something alchemical can happen on the dancefloor. A unified field of Being emerges and we feel both wild and free, contained within ourselves And connected to something much, much greater than our individual selves.
2. Drug-Free, Smoke-Free, Alcohol-Free environment
3. No photos or videos, Mobile phones muted and out of sight
4. Care/Awareness for the co-created space and each other
5. Move your body however you wish
6. No spectating. Stay connected to your own body, sensations, emotions, and feelings. Ecstatic Dance is about you and your relationship to the Dance. Dancers feel uncomfortable when being spectated at. Come prepared to Dance yourself free from inhibitions without giving a F@ck what others think.
7. You can dance alone, or with as many partners as (you) like to join. (If you’d rather not dance with someone, thank them for the offer by placing your hands in prayer position at your heart – Namaste.)
WHAT TO EXPECT:1. Next-level, conscious, inspiring electronic dance music
2. A beautiful, sacred, heartful and fun dance journey
3. A safe space for you to dance freely in
4. Vibrant people who love to dance and love music!
ABOUT THE MUSIC:“Enlightened Electro, World Beat, Deep House and Downtempo Bliss, plus a few surprises slipped in for good measure! Ecstatic Music Journeys for Conscious Movement and Sacred Celebration.”
WHY CACAO & ECSTATIC DANCE?Cacao is the ultimate heart opener, it will give you energy, revitalise your BodyMind inviting you to express, release & unleash your creativity during the dance!
◈ Join us to explore Cacao + Ecstatic Dance as a potent synthesis for Transformation!
Release what no longer serves you, and invite in what you want more of in your life!
ABOUT DJ AND FACILITATOR:◈ Sessions are facilitated and DJed by Seth Newman, Seth is the pioneer of Ecstatic Dance in the UK, who started Ecstatic Dance journeys with his band Urubu & Ecstatic Dance London in 2009 and has been running conscious dance classes & events as well as various body-mind integration classes and workshops for many years.
◈ His inspiration for these classes come from many sources including Humanistic & Body Psychotherapy, the Human Potential Movement, 5 Rhythms, Active meditations and from the teachings of the Indian Mystic Osho whom he grew up with in India in the 1970s. Seth brings a wealth of experience holding heart-centered spaces.

INSTAGRAM: @urubu_school_of_transformation, @ecstatic_dance_london
FACEBOOK: Ecstatic Dance London, URUBU, Ecstatic Dance Temple, Ecstatic Dance Festivals
FACEBOOK GROUPS: URUBU - Ecstatic Dance London, Ecstatic Dance London
MEETUP: Urubu's Ecstatic Dance & Moving Meditation Community, Ecstatic Dance Temple
YOUTUBE: URUBU School of Transformational Arts
EMAIL: [email protected]
Where is it happening?
Siobhan Davies Studios, 85 Saint George's Road, London, United KingdomGBP 16.76 to GBP 27.54