Don Quijote / Don Kîxot
Tue, 12 Apr, 2022 at 08:00 pm
Katakomben Theater im Girardet Haus | Essen, NW

DI 12. April 2022, 20 UhrDon Quijote / Don Kîxot
Şanoya Bajêr a Amedê (Amed Şehİr Tİyatrosu) / In kurdischer Sprache / With English surtitles
‘‘Ich möchte nach meinem Herzen gehen / ob ich dann betteln / ob ich dann meinen Kopf auf einen Stein legen müsste, statt auf einem weichen Kissen / Das waere mir nur recht.’’
Es war ein mal ein Mann, er hatte viele Romane gelesen heldenhafte Ritter Geschiechten. Er bildete sich ein, er waere auch so ein held wie sie. Eigentlich hieß er Keseda, aber dieser Name passte nicht zu einem Helden. Deshalb nannte er sich Don Quichotte. Er ernannte einen Bauer namens Sancho Panza zu seinem Gehilfen und machte sich auf die Wege. Er wollte die Armen beschützen, die Bösen bestraffen.
Die Schauspielerinnen, Schauspieler des ‘’Stadttheater Amed’’ und der Regiesseuer Ferhad Feqi suchen in diesem Werk von Cervantes, nach ihren eigenen Don Quichotte und Sancho Panza.
Das Stadttheater von Diyarbakır, das seit 2003 Stücke in kurdischer Sprache aufführte, wurde 2016 nach Absetzung des gewählten kurdischen Bürgermeisters durch die AKP aufgelöst und setzt nun seine Arbeit als freies Theater unter dem Namen Şanoya Bajêr a Amedê fort.
Nach Miguel de Cervantes
Regie Ferhad Feqî
Özcan ATEŞ
Şahbettin DAĞ
İsmail DAĞ
Foto: Özkan Küçük
Eintritt: 25 Euro/15 Euro
Who Are We ?
Diyarbakır City Theater was founded by Diyarbakır Municipality in 1990, it was closed during the Refah Party period between 1995 and 1999, and the theater was reopened when the local government changed in 1999. The City Theater performed inTurkish until 2003 due to the political obstacles in front of the Kurdish language. The first Kurdish t theater was played in 2003 and until 2009, half of its repertoire consisted of Kurdish works. After 2009, All the plays were perfpormed completely in Kurmacî and Zazaki dialects of Kurdish. Until the trustee appointed by the AKP government to the municipality in November 2016 terminated the contracts of all theater actors in January 2017, the City Theater presented at least 5 theater plays, 2 of which were children’s plays, to the audience.In 2012, Hamlet, an international (Amsterdam-Theater Rast) project, made a great impression with over 60 performances in Europe, Iraq and Turkey. In addition, it played the Kurdish epic Mem û Zîn and designed the Cemil Pasha Mansion in Diyarbakır’s Sur district in the form of a venue theater with 60 actors and musicians, creating a strong work with a cultural texture. The period of Kurdish theater, performed with the support of local governments in Turkey, ended with unlawful procedures, but a new page was opened.
Diyarbakır City Theater actors, consisting of professional actors, came together without wasting time and decided to continue their theater traditions as Şanoya Bajêr a Amedê (Amed City Theater / AŞT). In February 2017, he started private theater with a new name and venue. AŞT created its artistic story by only bringing its productions together with the audience, without receiving economic support from state institutions.
Amed City Theatre filled a huge gap in the native language of independent and alternative theater not only in Diyarbakır but also in the whole region. Since 2017, it has managed to survive despite very difficult economic and political conditions. Through culture and art, it contributed to citizens, especially young people, to come together, freely discuss, produce content and activities, express themselves, and as a result, use Kurdish in the artistic field, and develop democratic citizenship and democracy.
As a result of the impact created by our artistic productions, a theater center which 150 people capacity was built in 2020 with the contributions of the audience, professional chambers, theater groups, arts supporter institutions such as EED and the Goethe Institute. Contrary to the public spaces squeezed by the political pressures of today’s Turkey, AŞT reached an average of 8000 audience in 1 year with its productions.
It staged 13 plays, 4 theater festivals, 1 children’s festival, 4 children’s plays, in a four years special theater history with a group of 14 people who were dramaturg ,actors, directors and sound-lighting technicians. AŞT(Amed City Theatre) continues its uninterrupted adventure.
Where is it happening?
Katakomben Theater im Girardet Haus, Girardetstr. 8, Essen, GermanyEvent Location & Nearby Stays: