Dobbeltkoncert: Stanislav Stechenko & Eduardo Pascual Diez
Thu Nov 21 2024 at 07:30 pm
Sankt Markus Kirke | Aalborg, NJ
Dobbelkoncert.21.11.24 Sankt Markus Kirke kl. 19.30
Gratis Entre, Free Entrance.
Arrangør Sankt Markus Kirke og AGFC.
English see below.
Eduardo Pascual Diez, Spanien
Stanislav Stechenko, Ukraine
Om Stanislav Stechenko, Ukraine
Vinder af den 5 Aalborg Internationale Guitar Competition 2023.
I en alder af fem begyndte Stanislav at lære vokal og klaver, og senere i en alder af 9 år begynder han at studere guitar i Mirgorod musikskole (lærer Kasyanenko M, 2004-2011) Kandidater fra Kyiv Music College opkaldt efter Glier (2011- 2015, lærer Drozdova O), Kyiv University of Culture and Arts (prof. Zhadko V.) og Kharkiv National University of Arts opkaldt efter Kotlyarevsky (prof. Dotsenko V).(2015-2019) I guitar- og dirigentklasse.
Hochschule für Musik und Theater München (Prof.Halasz),(2019-2023), Akademie für Tonkunst Darmstadt(Prof.Hoppstock).(2021-2024). Som forsker i DAAD Fonden.
Stanislav Steshenko er deltager og vinder af mange internationale konkurrencer, opførte koncerter på scener i Ukraine, Polen, Rusland, Tyskland, Danmark, Italien, Grækenland, Belgien, Luxembourg, Spanien, Chile, Kroatien. Stanislav er den første performer af ukrainske komponisters premierekompositioner. Herunder samarbejde med orkestret "Kyiv Soloists".
Om: Eduardo Pascual Diez, Spanien
Eduardo Pascual, guitarlærer ved konservatoriet i Valladolid siden 1992. Han har tilbudt turnéer i mere end 35 lande, herunder nogle af de vigtigste koncertsale og teatre i Europa, Canada, USA, Central- og Sydamerika, og mesterklasser i mest prestigefyldte udestuer.
Bachelorgrad fra Royal Conservatoire of Music of Madrid, PGCE ved Complutense University of Madrid. Guitar Postgraduate ved Higher Conservoatoire of Salamanca med Jaime Catalá, med speciale i John Dowlands lut virker. Ph.d. fra det autonome universitet i Madrid, hvor han helligede sig undersøgelsen af Esteban Dazas liv og arbejde.
Han blev født i Torrelavega, Cantabria, Spanien og er blevet finpudset i at tage mesterklasser hos blandt andre David Russell, Demetrio Ballesteros og José L. Rodrigo.
Han er normalt jurymedlem i de internationale guitarkonkurrencer, såsom GFA (Canada) JoAnn Falleta Guitar Concerto Competition (NY), Grifyce-Trzebiatów (Polen), Rust (Østrig), Lima (Peru), Morelia, Guitar Without Borders, Chihuahua ... (Mexico), BRNO (Tjekkiet), Fiuggi, Rospigliosi, i Lamporecchio, Xmas Guitar Contest, Lecce, Reggio Calabria... (Italien), Ciudad de Valladolid, Villa de Aranda (Burgos), Andrés Segovia og Guitar´s County (Jaén), Girona, i Spanien. Kunstnerisk leder af den internationale GUITARFEST "Esteban Daza" i Valladolid og den Internationale GuitarFest of Torrelavega (Cantabria), blandt andre sammen med hans manager Daliborka Obradovic.
Berømte komponister som Nikolay Yordanov, Victor Hugo Ñopo, Roberto Fabbri, Uros Dojcinovic, Sandro Di Stefano, Sabino De Bari, Rodrigo Nefthalí og Marco Aurelio Alvírez, har dedikeret deres værker.
Han har indspillet en DVD med Belgrade ARCO String Quartet, på Vrnjacka Banja Music Festival og 8 CD'er med livekoncerter.
Eduardo Pascual spiller med guitarer lavet af Gabriel Hernández (Mexico), Armin HANIKA (Tyskland), José Antonio Lagunar (Madrid) og Manuel Contreras "25th Anniversary" (1995, Spanien), som sponsorerede og især har dedikeret deres guitarer; og har også sponsoreret af Valenciana klassiske strygere, og og for elektrisk "Jimmy Wess", af Veerkamp House, Mexico.
Fremragende personligheder fra kunst- og kulturverdenen har sagt om ham:
"Der er i guitaristen Eduardo Pascual en tredobbelt tråd, der udvikler sig til fælles og nærede hinanden: en tolk med en omfattende international bane, der undersøger og formidler et repertoire, der dækker alle epoker, inklusive nutidige, den involverede lærer, stringent, som transmitterer til eleven sin passion for musikken generelt og i særdeleshed for guitaren, og endelig som arrangør af festivaler, koncerter og kurser. En sum, der definerer din personlighed som en stor kilde til opmuntring og kunstnerisk projektion.”
Diego Magdaleno Fernández, National Music Award, medlem af Royal Academy of Fine Arts of the Immaculate Conception.
"Guitaristen Eduardo Pascuals repertoire dækker alle stilarter og dominerer hver enkelt perfekt."
Félix Ángel del Barrio,
Violinist og orkesterleder.
About: Stanislav Stechenko, Ukraine
Stanislav Steshenko was born 15.01.1996
Winner of the 5th Aalborg Internationale Guitar Competition 2023.
At the age of five Stanislav began to learn vocals and piano, and later at the age of 9 years he begins study guitar in Mirgorod music school (teacher Kasyanenko M,2004-2011) Graduates from the Kyiv Music College named after Glier (2011-2015, teacher Drozdova O), Kyiv University of Culture and Arts (prof. Zhadko V.) and Kharkiv National University of Arts named after Kotlyarevsky (prof. Dotsenko V).(2015-2019) In guitar and conducting class.
Hochschule für Musik und Theater München (Prof.Halasz),(2019-2023), Akademie für Tonkunst Darmstadt(Prof.Hoppstock).(2021-2024). As a scholar of the DAAD Foundation.
Stanislav Steshenko is a participant and winner of many international competitions, performed concerts on stages in Ukraine, Poland, russia, Germany, Denmark, Italy, Greece, Belgium, Luxembourg, Spain, Chile, Croatia. Stanislav is the first performer of the premiere compositions of Ukrainian composers. Including collaboration with the orchestra "Kyiv Soloists".
About: Eduardo Pascual Diez, Spain
Eduardo Pascual, guitar
Eduardo Pascual, guitar teacher at the Conservatoire of Valladolid since 1992. He has offered tours in more than 35 countries, including some of the most important concert halls and theaters in Europe, Canada, USA, Central and South America, and master classes in the most prestigious conservatories.
Bachelor degree from Royal Conservatoire of Music of Madrid, PGCE by the Complutense University of Madrid. Guitar Postgraduate at the Higher Conservoatoire of Salamanca with Jaime Catalá, specializing on John
Dowland's lute works. PhD from Autonomous University of Madrid, devoting himself to the investigation of the life and work of Esteban Daza.
He was born in Torrelavega, Cantabria, Spain and has been honed taking master classes with David Russell, Demetrio Ballesteros and José L. Rodrigo, among others.
He is usually jury member in the international guitar competitions, such as the GFA (Canada) JoAnn Falleta Guitar Concerto Competition (NY), Grifyce-Trzebiatów (Poland), Rust (Austria), Lima (Peru), Morelia, Guitar Without Borders, Chihuahua ... (Mexico), BRNO (Czech Republic), Fiuggi,
Rospigliosi, in Lamporecchio, Xmas Guitar Contest, Lecce, Reggio Calabria… (Italy), Ciudad de Valladolid, Villa de Aranda (Burgos), Andrés Segovia and Guitar´s County (Jaén), Girona, in Spain. Artistic director of the International GUITARFEST “Esteban Daza” in Valladolid and the
International GuitarFest of Torrelavega (Cantabria), among others, along with his manager Daliborka Obradovic.
Renowned composers as Nikolay Yordanov, Victor Hugo Ñopo, Roberto Fabbri, Uros Dojcinovic, Sandro Di Stefano, Sabino De Bari, Rodrigo Nefthalí and Marco Aurelio Alvírez, have dedicated their Works.
He has recorded a DVD with the Belgrade ARCO String Quartet, at the Vrnjacka Banja Music Festival and 8 CD´s with concerts live offered live.
Eduardo Pascual plays with guitars made by Gabriel Hernández (Mexico), Armin HANIKA (Germany), José Antonio Lagunar (Madrid) and Manuel Contreras "25th Anniversary" (1995, Spain), who sponsored and especially have dedicated their guitars; and has also sponsored by Valenciana classical strings, and and for electric “Jimmy Wess”, by Veerkamp House, Mexico.
Outstanding personalities from the world of Art & Culture have said of him:
“There is in the guitarist Eduardo Pascual a triple strand that develops in common and fed each other: an interpreter with an extensive international trajectory that investigates and disseminates a repertoire that covers all eras, including contemporary, the teacher involved, rigorous, who transmits to the student his passion for the music in general and particularly to the guitar, and finally, as organizer of festivals, concerts
and courses. A sum that defines your personality as a great source of encouragement and artistic projection.”
Diego Magdaleno Fernández, National Music Award, Member of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of the Immaculate Conception.
“The repertoire of the guitarist Eduardo Pascual covers all styles, dominating each one perfectly.”
Félix Ángel del Barrio,
Violinist and director of orchestra.
Where is it happening?
Sankt Markus Kirke, Teglværks Allé 17, 9000 Aalborg, Danmark,Aalborg, DenmarkEvent Location & Nearby Stays: