Disainiöö|Tallinn Design Festival 2023


Mon Sep 18 2023 at 12:00 pm to Sun Sep 24 2023 at 06:00 pm


Krulli kvartal | Tallinn, HA


XVIII Disainiöö "DISAIN 4.0. AI: tööstus või töötus?"
[EST] 18.–24. septembrini toimub Krulli kvartalis järjekorras juba kaheksateistkümnes disainifestival Disainiöö, seekordse teemafookusega „DESIGN 4.0. AI: tööstus või töötus?“. Maailmas hetkel üliaktuaalset AI teemat, selle võimalusi ja ohte disainisektorile käsitlevad Disainiöö raames nii Eesti kui ka rahvusvahelised eksperdid.
Disainiöö üks tähtsamaid sündmusi on rahvusvaheline konverents “DESIGN 4.0. AI: Industrial (un)employment?”, mille peaesinejateks on ? Surya Vanka (USA), ? Darren Yeo (Singapur), ? Carlo Branzaglia (Itaalia), ? Haeun Kim (Lõuna-Korea), ? Xenia Joost (Eesti) ning ? Jaan Aru (Eesti). Lisaks kuuluvad programmi pidulik tantsuline avaetendus, rõivadisainietendus DOM, disainijutud ja PechaKucha välkloengud, erinevad materjalidisaini töötoad, postindustriaalse kunsti grupinäitus "Unknown Error", nädalavahetuse disainiturg Disainitänav. Esmakordselt toimub minimess SISUSTUS+, kus saab tutvuda sisustus- ja tööstustoodetega. Üle linna avanevad satelliidid, mis viivad avatud stuudiotesse, galeriidesse, ekskursioonidele ja teistele põnevatele üritustele. Väikesi külastajaid ootab taaskasutusmaterjalidest loodud lasteala KidZone ning lasteprogramm, mille muudavad eriti põnevaks robootikaeksperdid.
Tulemata ei jää ka mitmekülgne näituste ja väljapanekute osa. Selle aasta Disainiöö peanäituseks on koostöös Itaalia Saatkonnaga toimuv Itaalia tööstusdisaininäitus „Created in Italy“. Külastamist väärivad ka eesti disainikoolide lõputööde näitus, ArtsThread'i (Inglismaa) ülemaailmne disainierialade parimaid lõputöid koondav „Design Graduate Show“ koos Gucciga, Haapsalu Graafilise Disaini Fesivali plakatinäitus „Lootusrikas“, koostöös EKA DiMA ja Tartu Ülikooliga valmiv materjalidisaininäitus „Aine-Material II“, EKA eksperimentaalvormide näitus „Padjapiir“ ja läbilõige eesti mööblist, valgustitest ja sisustustoodetest.
Disainiöö eelüritus MOOD on seotud Eesti rõivadisainiga ja see toimub 05.09 Helsinkis koostöös Eesti Majaga.
„Aastatega on Disainiööst kujunenud Baltimaade suurim disainisündmus, mida külastab igal aastal üle kümne tuhande huvilise nii Eestist kui välismaalt. Avastamist jäktub nii disainimaastikul professionaalsel tasemel tegutsejatele kui ka lihtsalt valdkonnast huvitatutele, eraldi oleme mõelnud läbi kaasavate tegevuste ka kõige väiksematele külalistele. Muidugi näeb festivalil põnevaid lahendusi, näiteks nagu savist ja tatratangudest lounge-mööblit ning sammalt, mis turritab välja seinapaneelist,“ tutvustab Eesti Disainerite Liidu president ja Disainiöö peakorraldaja, Ilona Gurjanova.
XVIII Disainiöö toimub Krulli kvartalis, mis sobib nii festivali teema kui Disainiöö missiooniga tõsta fookusesse seni mahajäetud ja vähekülastatud arhitektuurimälestised ning tööstushooned, mis on teel uuele ärkamisele.

? Peanäitus: Created in Italy - Itaalia tööstusdisaini näitus koostöös Itaalia Saatkonnaga
? Design Graduate show by ArtsThread (UK) in cooperation with Gucci (ülemaailmne disaini lõpetajate toote- ja tööstusdisaini lõputööd)
? Eesti disainikoolide (lõputööde) näitus (EKA, Pallas, TÜ-Haapsalu, Viljandi)
? Haapsalu Graafilise Disaini Festivali plakatinäitus LOOTUSRIKAS (Kuraator Marko Kekishev)
? Aine - Material II - materjalidisaini näitus koostöös EKA DiMa ja Tartu Ülikooliga (Kuraatorid Kärt Ojavee, Annika Kaldoja, Mariae Vihmar) - näitus, mida eksponeeritakse ka Mehhikos ja Veneetsias
? Eesti mööbli, valgustite ja sisustustoodete väljapanek SISUSTUS+
? TSOON - valgusintallatsioonide väljapanek endises valvuriputkas
? EKA eksperimentaalvormide näitus “Padjapiir”

? Disainiöö satelliidid
XVIII Tallinn Design Festival „DESIGN 4.0”
[ENG] The 18th Tallinn Design Festival will take place from 18 to 24 September 2023 in the premises of the Krull plant. The choice of location is based on the festival's concept of furnishing abandoned and scarcely visited architectural sites and industrial buildings, enlivening them with design and culture. The aim of the festival is to improve design awareness; to introduce new design from Estonia and abroad; to raise current design issues; to launch discussions with internationally renowned design experts and to create networking opportunities for designers.
In a time of crisis in society, culture and the economy, themes at the centre of this year's festival are related to technological developments, industry and the possible threat that creatives face from the quick rise of artificial intelligence. Under the slogan "DESIGN 4.0. AI: Industrial (un)employment?" the pros and cons of the rapid development and deployment of AI will be discussed. Society is expected to gradually embrace the changes, which will also be reflected in the economy and in everyday life. What position will designers be left in, and what will their reception of the new era be?
The term "Industry 4.0" was introduced in Davos in 2011. At the heart of the fourth industrial revolution are the 'smart factories', where ideally less than 10% of production processes require human intervention to operate; these smart factories combine analytics, big data and cognitive and predictive methods to be fully automatic. Despite the fact that automation is possible in many areas, human oversight of the entire process must remain in place.
Industry 4.0 is advanced use of the internet, where systems which are communicate with each other make decisions based on data, enabling the application of artificial intelligence and the management of high-tech robotics. The terms Big Data, Internet of Things (IOT), Blockchain and Metaverse have become increasingly important. ChatGPT is omnipresent, NFTs are gaining popularity in the fine arts world and as collectible investments. 3D printing has become increasingly accessible, and the field of gene editing is also promising.
Why should Industry 4.0 matter to designers? Does everyone even know what the aforementioned terms mean? Do new times call for innovative designers? What is Design 4.0? Can designers compete with artificial intelligence? Are designers at risk of unemployment? Can digital culture also help reduce our environmental footprint?
These and many other questions will be answered at the international conference "DESIGN 4.0. AI: Industrial (un)employment?". The conference is organised in partnership with Arts Thread (UK); the Italian Embassy and the University of Tartu. One of the keynote speakers is Darren Yeo from Singapore; an expert in design, behavioural science, technology and innovation culture. Clothing designer Xenia Joost will also talk about her experience of NFTs and Metaverse-culture in the fashion landscape. A number of product designers have also been invited to present, describing the changes that the application of new technologies has brought to product development. What has the experimentation process become today; can flawless artificial intelligence replace humanity in creation?
The festival programme is put together on the experience and traditions of previous years. There will be design talks, including PechaKucha Night; an opening event of the festival; the clothing design performance D_O_M.; several exhibitions; and a Children's Corner Minitics created from recycled materials. The programme will include a variety of workshops to showcase new technologies; an outdoor area; light installations; etc. The children's programme will feature robotics experts and engaging events.
Design Street is planned for the weekend, where self-generating designers will be able to showcase their latest creations. Design studios, galleries and museums across the city will open their doors as part of the satellite events.
Tallinn Design Festival is the largest of its kind in the Baltics. Most of the events are free for all. Last year's festival attracted over 10 000 visitors, including 15% from abroad.

Main exhibition - "Created in Italy" an exhibition of Italian industrial design in collaboration with the Italian Embassy (overview and exhibition design in annex)
Design Graduate show by ArtsThread (UK) in cooperation with Gucci (global design graduate show of product and industrial design graduates)
Estonian Design Schools (graduation) exhibition (EAA, Pallas, UT Haapsalu, Viljandi)
Haapsalu Graphic Design Festival poster exhibition HOPEFUL (curated by Marko Kekishev)
Substance - Material II - Biodesign exhibition in cooperation with EAA - DiMa and University of Tartu (Curators Kärt Ojavee, Annika Kaldoja, Mariae Vihmar) - exhibition will also be exhibited in Mexico and Venice
Exhibition of Estonian furniture, lighting and interior design products
TSOON - display of light installations in the former guard booth
EAA exhibition of experimental forms ‘Pillow’s brink’

? www.tallinndesignfestival.com ?


Where is it happening?

Krulli kvartal, Kopli 70a,Tallinn, Estonia

Event Location & Nearby Stays:

Tallinn Design Festival \/ Disaini\u00f6\u00f6

Host or Publisher Tallinn Design Festival / Disainiöö

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