DEGROWTH FESTIVAL 2024 - om solidaritet, samfund og spirende fremtider


Sat, 21 Sep, 2024 at 09:30 am to Sun, 22 Sep, 2024 at 04:30 pm


Kulturhuset Islands Brygge | Copenhagen , SK

DEGROWTH FESTIVAL - om solidaritet, samfund og spirende fremtider ***ENGLISH BELOW***
Kulturhuset Islands Brygge 21-22 sept. 2024
En folkefestival med talks, samtale, tanker, kunst og fællesspisning, alt sammen for i fællesskab at fremdrive nye ideer og forestillinger om et samfund af regenerative strukturer og omsorgsfulde fællesskaber med hinanden og naturen.
Man skal registrere en billet til 30,- kr. pr. dag
Der indgår gratis vegansk mad og kaffe. (Beløbet er symbolsk, for vi kan ikke gøre det gratis, fordi så mange registrerede sidste år uden at komme og fratog dermed muligheden for andre)
Billetlink for lørdag d. 21.9.2024. kl. 9.30-19.00:
Billetlink for søndag d. 22.9.2024. kl 10-16.30:
Samfundet står overfor store udfordringer for omstilling til et regenerativt system. Degrowth bevægelsen arbejder på at udvikle ideer for hvordan vi kan leve med hinanden og naturen uden at nedbryde, men i stedet bygge op – sammen. Degrowth festivalen vil italesætte radikale løsninger, på vores radikale problemer, ved at præsentere nye tænkninger for hvordan vi organiserer os og opbygger spirende fællesskaber for omstilling. I løbet af weekenden får alle mulighed for at deltage i samtalen om, hvordan vi kan løse de hårdknuder, vi står i, blive inspireret og finde håb i fællesskabets muligheder for omtænkning.
Degrowth Festival 2024 handler om samfund, solidaritet og spirende fremtider. Temaer med fokus på strategier for håb, vil blive præsenteret gennem workshops og paneler. Oplæg og workshops vil kredse om solidaritet og visionær omstrukturering, inddragende workshops, fællesspisning og sanselige kunstneriske indslag, der stimulerer forbundenheden til hinanden og hacker vores vanetænkning. Desuden vil der indgå et solidaritets-panel lørdag aften.

Talks lørdag kl. 10-14.00 (foregår på engelsk):
Basic introduktion til Degrowth ved Human Økolog Michelle Appelros
Samtale: Degrowth and Beyond: Movement Building, Alliances and Solidarity med forskere- og aktivister Laura Horn (Associate Professor, Department of Social Sciences and Business, RUC) & Vasna Ramasar (Senior Lecturer, Lund University).
Seminar: Klimaretfærdighed og Systemforandring: Fra Modstand til Transformation med Salvatore Paolo De Rosa (aktivist og forsker i politisk økologi, Københavns Universitet).
Kunst performances lørdag:
SHADOW GLEANERS – På en petanquebane nær havnen strækker en utålmodig rytme sig ud. En samlers cirkulære bevægelser inviterer publikum i kontakt med jordens tæthed og vindens kontinuerlige asymmetri. Danser/koreograf Stine Frandsen og musiker/komponist Felia Gram-Hanssen undersøger gennem krop og lyd sanselige og imaginære relationer til hverdagslige omgivelser.
YANA – Titlen YANA er kort for ”You are not alone”, eller ”du er ikke alene”, som er det vi i klimabevægelsen råber som støtte mens en aktivist bliver arresteret. Vi hjælper hinanden at huske på, at vi ikke er alene med følelser og ønsker om hvordan fremtiden vil se ud – vi er mange. Men hvordan ser den fremtid ud vi kæmper for? Miljøet YANA er skabt af tripods. Her mødes performer og tilskuer i at forestille sig hvordan verden, lokaltog internationalt, vil se ud i fremtiden. Mens performeren bevæger sig med miljøet, fortæller hun sine egne historier fra fremtiden, som udvikles mens hun får nye impulser fra tilskuerne i form af sætninger, spørgsmål og forslag. Kunstnerisk leder / Performer: Tanya Montan Rydell
Udviklet i samarbejde med: Aleksandra Lewon, Esther Wrobel og Mari Vincentz
Co-produceret af: Nexus Dance og Tårnby Park Studio.

Workshop program lørdag 14.30-16.45 (foregår på dansk og engelsk):
Materialeworkshops med svampebyggeworkshop af Hypha Co-La
ZOMBIES - CONNECTING PEOPLE – with the Social Choreography Lab Helsinki.
Velfærdsstaten og postvækst: allierede eller modsætninger? – med Louison Louison Cahen-Fourot, Lektor of Economics, RUC.
Naturpoesi, menneskepoesi? Skrive workshop med forfatter Ursula Andkjær Olsen.
Deep listening med Johannes Meusburger from Degrowth CPH.
A Ritual for the Ecological Crisis – with Maya Johansen & Naja Heuch.
A Degrowth vision for Copenhagen 2050 – with Linda Luciani from Degrowth CPH.
Talks søndag fra kl. 10-13.50 (foregår på engelsk og dansk):
Samtale om Degrowth strategier og aktivisme med forsker Ekatarina Chertkovskaya (Project coordinator, Researcher, Environmental and Energy Systems Studies, Lund University) og Fernando Racimo (Associate Professor, University of Copenhagen; member of Scientist Rebellion and Academics for Palestine).
”Hvad kommer efter forbrugssamfundet?” Oplæg og samtale med Jens Friis Lund (professor i politisk økologi ved Københavns Universitet og medstifter af Klima- og Omstillingsrådet).
Kunst performances søndag:
i mulighedernes skygger – claus haxholm vil lave en kropslig og vokal performance der bl.a. igennem yderkanterne af vores sprog, eller overskydende ordklange danner potentielle steder hvor der i fællesskab kan erfares muligheder for hvordan vi taler om den verden vi ønsker at arbejde os frem imod.
Workshop program søndag 14-16.00 (foregår på dansk og engelsk):
Næring og Nydelse. Permakultur workshop – med Kunstner Karin Lorentzen.
(Re)writing the Future - an Investigation of Speculative Degrowth. Realities – With Tone, Esther, Tessira and Robin from Degrowth CPH.
Diskussionsmenu for Madsuverænitet – med Forum for Madsuverænitet. – med Forum for Madsuverænitet.
False Solutions to the Climate Crisis, Understanding Carbon Removal – w. Linda Luciani, Degrowth CPH and Jens Friis Lund, professor, UCPH.
Body Mapping Emotions in Degrowth Activism – with Mélanie Baume, Degrowth CPH.
Gode Penge holder boligauktion – med Mathias Kærn Berggreen fra Gode Penge.
Installationer og kunstværker:
Præsentationer af materiale fra Earthweavers, mycelie-installationer af Hypha Co-La, , stof og latex installationer af The Syndicate of Creatures i samarbejde med Mélanie Baume.
Bag initiativet står Signe Vad og Michelle Appelros fra the Syndicate of Creatures og Kulturhuset Islands Brygge. Festivalen er blevet til igennem et samarbejde mellem mange forskellige organisationer og grupper så som Global Aktion, Degrowth CPH.
Med støtte fra Statens Kunstfond, Amager Vest Lokaludvalg, Fællespuljen, LB Foreningen og International Degrowth Network.

DEGROWTH FESTIVAL - on Solidarity, Society, and Sprouting Futures
Kulturhuset Islands Brygge, September 21-22, 2024
A people's festival with talks, conversations, reflections, art, and communal dining, all aimed at collectively driving forward new ideas and visions for a society based on regenerative structures and caring communities with each other and nature.
Link to Facebook event:
Participation for each day: 30 DKK (The amount is symbolic, as we cannot make it free due to many registering last year without attending, which prevented others from joining). The fee includes free vegan meals, tea/coffee and snacks.
Ticket link for Saturday, 21.9.2024:
Ticket link for Sunday, 22.9.2024:
Our society faces significant challenges in transitioning to a regenerative system. The Degrowth movement works on developing ideas for how we can live with each other and nature in a way that does not continue the destruction and exploitation but rather regenerate it – together.
The Degrowth Festival will address radical solutions to our radical problems by presenting new ways of thinking about how we organize ourselves and build sprouting communities for transformation. Throughout the weekend, everyone will have the opportunity to engage in conversations on how to solve the challenges we face, be inspired, and find hope in the possibilities of community-driven rethinking.
Degrowth Festival 2024 is about community, solidarity, and sprouting futures. Themes focusing on strategies for hope will be presented through workshops and panels. Presentations and workshops will revolve around solidarity and visionary restructuring, inclusive workshops, communal dining, and sensory artistic expressions that stimulate interconnectedness and challenge our habitual thinking. In addition, there will be a Solidarity panel on Saturday evening.
Talks Saturday 10:00-14:00 (in English):
Basic introduction to Degrowth by Human Ecologist Michelle Appelros
Conversation: Degrowth and Beyond: Movement Building, Alliances and Solidarity with researchers and activists Laura Horn (Associate Professor, Department of Social Sciences and Business, RUC) & Vasna Ramasar (Senior Lecturer, Lund University).
Seminar: Climate Justice and System Change: From Resistance to Transformation with Salvatore Paolo De Rosa (activist and researcher in political ecology, University of Copenhagen).
Art performances Saturday:
SHADOW GLEANERS At a restorative space near the harbour an impatient structure is pulled apart. By sensing the
thickness of the ground as well as the ticklish touch of the wind, a gatherers pathway unfolds.
Through body and sound dancer/choreographer Stine Frandsen and musician/composer Felia
Gram-Hanssen explore sensuous and imaginary relations with our everyday surroundings.
YANA – The title YANA is short for "You are not alone", which is what we in the climate movement shout as support when an activist is being arrested. We help each other remember that we are not alone with our feelings and desires for how the future should look – we are many. But what does the future we fight for look like? The environment of YANA is created by tripods. Here, performer and audience meet to imagine how the world, locally and globally, will look in the future. As the performer moves with the environment, she tells her own stories from the future, which develop as she receives new impulses from the audience in the form of sentences, questions, and suggestions. Artistic leder / Performer: Tanya Montan Rydell
Developed in collaboration with: Aleksandra Lewon, Esther Wrobel og Mari Vincentz
Co-produceret by: Nexus Dance og Tårnby Park Studio.

Workshop program Saturday 14:30-16:45 (in Danish and English):
Material workshops with Mycelium Building Workshop by Hypha Co-La
ZOMBIES - CONNECTING PEOPLE – with the Social Choreography Lab Helsinki.
The welfare state and postgrowth: allies or antinomies ? – with Louison Louison Cahen-Fourot, Associate Professor of Economics, RUC.
Nature poetry, human poetry? Writing workshop with author Ursula Andkjær Olsen.
Deep listening – with Johannes Meusburger from Degrowth CPH.
A Ritual for the Ecological Crisis – with Maya Johansen & Naja Heuch.
A Degrowth vision for Copenhagen 2050 – with Linda Luciani from Degrowth CPH.
Talks Sunday from 10:00-13:50 (in English and Danish):
Conversation on Degrowth strategies and activism with researcher Ekatarina Chertkovskaya (Project coordinator, Researcher, Environmental and Energy Systems Studies, Lund University) and Fernando Racimo (Associate Professor, University of Copenhagen; member of Scientist Rebellion and Academics for Palestine).
"What comes after the consumer society?" Presentation and conversation with Jens Friis Lund (Professor in Political Ecology at the University of Copenhagen and co-founder of the Climate and Transition Council).
Art performances Sunday:
In the Shadows of Possibilities – claus haxholm will perform a physical and vocal performance that, through the fringes of our language or surplus word sounds, creates potential spaces where we can collectively experience possibilities for how we talk about the world we wish to move toward.
Workshop program Sunday 14:00-16:00 (in Danish and English):
Nourishment and Enjoyment. Permaculture Workshop – with Artist Karin Lorentzen.
(Re)writing the Future - an Investigation of Speculative Degrowth Realities – With Tone, Esther, Tessira, and Robin from Degrowth CPH.
Discussion Menu for Food Sovereignty – with Forum for Food Sovereignty.
False Solutions to the Climate Crisis, Understanding Carbon Removal – w. Linda Luciani, Degrowth CPH and Jens Friis Lund, professor, UCPH.
Body Mapping Emotions in Degrowth Activism – with Mélanie Baume, Degrowth CPH.
Gode Penge holds a housing auction – with Mathias Kærn Berggreen from Gode Penge.
Installations and artworks:
Presentations of material from Earthweavers, mycelium installations by Hypha Co-La, fabric and latex installations by The Syndicate of Creatures in collaboration with Mélanie Baume.
The festival is initiated by Signe Vad and Michelle Appelros from the Syndicate of Creatures and the Culture House Islands Brygge. The festival has been made possible through collaboration with various organizations and groups such as Global Aktion, Degrowth CPH.
Supported by the Danish Arts Foundation, Amager Vest Lokal Udvalg, Fællespuljen, LB Foreningen, and the International Degrowth Network.

Where is it happening?

Kulturhuset Islands Brygge, Islands Brygge 18, 2300 København S, Danmark,Copenhagen, Copenhagen , Denmark

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