Customer Engagement Summit - 2023


Thu, 27 Jul, 2023 at 08:30 am to Fri, 28 Jul, 2023 at 06:30 pm


Serena Hotel, Kampala, Uganda | Kampala, KM

Due to the amount of new technologies that is now available on the market it is imperative that organization’s keep up-to-speed to ensure that the customer has the right experience.

We are living in the most transformational period that may many will ever experience where the voice of the customer and experiential aspect is more important than ever.

Under the over reaching theme of the only constant change to shape this trend and how to keep customers engaged is the hottest topics coming this April 21st – 22nd 2023 at Speke Resorts in Kampala.

Where is it happening?

Serena Hotel, Kampala, Uganda

USD 0.00 to USD 350.00

3i Consulting Group

Host or Publisher 3i Consulting Group

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