Chances R Good - Cacao Ceremony- Sound Healing with All Love Movement
Wed Apr 16 2025 at 07:00 pm to 10:00 pm
Unity Center of Des Moines | Des Moines, IA
His music speaks for itself, have a listen here
6pm: Opening Movement session with
Michael Kolbeck, Tai Chi Instructor and Martial Arts practitioner. He will get you centered and warmed up for the festivities of the night through some gentle, flowing Tai Chi and Qi Gong exercises. Inviting you to slow your mind, breath, and body that you may connect more deeply to your internal world and energy, allowing yourself to flow freely from this place of truth and authenticity.
6:45pm We will come together in circle for a Cacao Ceremony, guiding us to connect with our hearts, and set intentions for our time together. Please arrive in time for this <3
7:15pm Showtime With Chances R Good. Take in the good vibrations and earthly wisdom of this experience. We hope you dance, but feel free to enjoy this transmission in whatever position you feel most comfortable in!
8:45pm Closing Sound Healing with Olive and Flick! Ground in, find a cozy space lying down or seated, and absorb the healing energy of quarts bowls, shruti box, hand-pan, Ngoni, classical guitar, and more <3
There will be food available by donation and we are open to a couple other vendors too! Message Olive at 530-416-1932 to be considered for vending.
This event is brought to you by Des Moines Ecstatic Dance, and we just ask you follow a few guidelines for this:
1. No drugs or alcohol at the event, and we ask that you come free from mind-altering substances. This helps us create a safe container for everyone, and allows us to attain a natural high from the music, movement, and community <3
2. No talking during the show, in the designated dance space. Singing, howling, playful noise is welcome. We invite you to fully receive and listen carefully to all that is offered.
3. Take your shoes off to feel the maximum benefit of this movement. Feel the earth beneath your feet, and enjoy a dance floor free from sticky booze <3 If you need to wear shoes for a medical reason that's okay.
Tickets are $25 early bird/$33 second tier/$45 at the door
Mark you calendars, Tickets drop March 1st!
Maximum 75 tickets available, will likely sell out. Kids are welcome and free, and will not be included in this count!
Event Venue is Unity Center, a healing space for all walks of life. Come and feel the supportive energy of these smooth hardwood floors, and sparkling stained glass windows.
Where is it happening?
Unity Center of Des Moines, 414 31st St,Des Moines, Iowa, United States
USD 28.52 to USD 48.80