Butler Bulldogs Women's Basketball vs. Seton Hall Pirates
Sun Dec 29 2024 at 02:00 pm to 04:00 pm
| Indianapolis, IN
**Attend Butler Bulldogs Women's Basketball vs. Seton Hall Pirates at Hinkle Fieldhouse, Indianapolis, IN, United States** Join us for Butler Bulldogs Women's Basketball vs. Seton Hall Pirates. It's going to be a fun and relaxed event with great music and good company. A perfect way to spend your evening. **Event Details:** * **Location:** Hinkle Fieldhouse, Indianapolis, IN, United States Register now to secure your spot at this landmark event. #ButlerBulldogsWomen'sBasketballvs.SetonHallPirates #event #exciting #IndianapolisEvents #INEventshttp://maps.seatics.com/HinkleFieldhouse_Baseball_2024-03-27_2024-03-27_2013_03272024_131754_SVGC_tn.png