Babylon 4: Session 12
Sun Mar 02 2025 at 02:00 pm to 06:00 pm
Bargoonga Nganjin | Melbourne, VI
ISN is on every screen with major headline after major headline:
The first broadcast is an ISN Special Report concerning the battle at Ixan III.
A week later, ISN reports with the headline:
++Bomb Blast Rocks Geneva, Free Mars Terrorists Arrested, War Criminal Walks Free++
The news story describes a series of Free Mars attacks, some of them on Earth, and that the war criminal Branmar escaping during the attacks.
And just one week ago, ISN released exclusive footage showing that some Centauri still keep Narn slaves despite the 24 year old treaty prohibiting this. The footage shows a dozen Narn slaves in the compound of House Drusella and asks the question “What else are the Centauri lying about?”
In the aftermath of the Second Dilgar War, Captain John Sheridan arrives at Babylon 4 on board the EAS Agamemnon, a new Narn Ambassador arrives, and the council meets to discuss the future of the Ixan III system.
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