Avoiding grievances & tribunals: the lost art of conversation
Tue Jun 10 2025 at 12:30 pm to 01:30 pm
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About this Event
Avoiding grievances & tribunals: the lost art of conversation will run on Tuesday 10th june @ 12.30pm and will last approx 1 hour.
The event will not be recorded so please attend in person.
Most HR professionals get involved in formal grievances at some point in their career. Most would agree that they solve nothing – in fact they often make things worse. Then we go through an appeal, which normally concludes the same way.
By this time the aggrieved employee is really hacked off - nobody believes them. The “accused” feels like they want to raise a counter-grievance for false allegations, managers hearing the grievance and HR lose the will to live at the thought of another grievance!
There is a much better way, and this session is all about avoiding those formal grievances - helping employees to nip issues in the bud. It’s also about cultural change, leadership accountability and enriching the HR role.
This highly interactive session will give hints and tips plus valuable insights for any HR professional. It will not be recorded, so please try to attend in person if you can!
Pete Colby (FCIPD) runs Pragmatism (UK) Ltd, an organisation specialising in resolving disputes, and training workplace mediators. The company name reflects Pete’s approach – he certainly isn’t a theorist! Pete enjoys helping individuals and organisations to develop “issue resolution” cultures - he calls this his revolution to resolution!
Pete first trained as a mediator back in 1996, so he has seen thousands of issues, but has heard very few grievances. He has worked at a senior level in corporate giants such as British Steel and Rolls-Royce, and has also worked with the smallest of organisations with a handful of employees.
Pete’s career has predominantly been in HR and employee relations, but he also spent several years as a Factory manager responsible for 850 people.
Having been involved in every level of dispute, from individual spats in the office to national industrial action with trade unions, Pete is looking forward to an interactive session helping us all to avoid those dreaded grievances and tribunals!
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