Fri, 02 May, 2025 at 07:30 pm
20-28 Mount Pleasant, WV14 7LJ Bilston, United Kingdom | Bilston, EN
Recorded at the now infamous Planet Z Studios in Hadley Massachusetts by Zeuss (Hatebreed, Shadows Fall), Warriors is the yet another landmark in hardcore’s history. Produced this time around by vocalist Roger Miret’s little brother, Freddy Cricien (Madball, Hazen Street), the bands message of family and unity has never come across stronger in their music. Warriors is a statement of strength in the face of adversity and few bands make a statement louder than AGNOSTIC FRONT.
In today’s civilization, people continue to suffer undergoing the grief, corruption, oppression and exploitation without a way to elude their troubles. Many have lived through these problems for ages, and the moment one tries to fight for what they believe is right, the elite brings them down and their voices are disregarded.
For over a decade, AGNOSTIC FRONT has helped get these messages across to the populace to help solve these problems through socially driven music known as “hardcore.”
Where is it happening?
20-28 Mount Pleasant, WV14 7LJ Bilston, United Kingdom, 28 Mount Pleasant, Bilston, WV14 7, United Kingdom,WolverhamptonEvent Location & Nearby Stays: