Accumulation, exploitation and caste oppression in rural Uttar Pradesh


Thu Mar 09 2023 at 05:15 pm to 07:00 pm


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Face-to-face seminar and online webinar examining historical trajectories of caste–class oppression and exploitation in Uttar Pradesh, India
About this Event

Caste from Field to Factory: 100 years of accumulation, exploitation and caste oppression in rural Uttar Pradesh, India

This presentation focuses on the relations of exploitation and accumulation, and of oppression and discrimination in two villages in the state of Uttar Pradesh in North India, between the landowning dominant caste and the main Dalit caste from 1992 to 2018. It does so based on the historical trajectories of caste–class oppression and exploitation in the region. It shows that in the neoliberal period, the landowning castes have embarked on very successful non-agricultural accumulation strategies. Dalits are still at the receiving end of economically exploitative relations, even as they move out of agriculture. The presentation reinforces the view that the co-constitution of class relations and social oppression is entrenching Dalits at the bottom of social and economic hierarchies. Moreover, there are significant changes to the relations of oppression and discrimination under neoliberalism in rural India, both in their legitimisation and enforcement, and regarding who is at the receiving end.

About the presenter

Jens Lerche works on agrarian relations, labour relations, and caste and racial discrimination and oppression. His research focuses on India, where a main concern of his is Dalit class-caste oppression and work relations, including seasonal labour migration. Publications include the book Ground down by growth: tribe, caste, class and inequality in 21st century India (co-authored, 2018, Hindi edition 2019) and ‘The farm laws struggle 2020–2021: class-caste alliances and bypassed agrarian transition in neoliberal India’ (Journal of Peasant Studies, 2021).

PLEASE NOTE: This event will be run in a hybrid format. The seminar will take place at SOAS campus in London (Room RB01, SOAS Main Building) and be livestreamed via Zoom. This is a free event but registration is required. The link to the Zoom session will be sent close to the webinar's date to the email address provided during registration.

This seminar is part of the Agrarian Change Series, jointly organized by the Journal of Agrarian Change and SOAS Department of Development Studies.

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Images by Jens Lerche


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Journal of Agrarian Change and SOAS Department of Development Studies.

Host or Publisher Journal of Agrarian Change and SOAS Department of Development Studies.

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