Aarhus Nordic Week 2025
Wed, 05 Feb, 2025 at 12:00 pm to Sun, 09 Feb, 2025 at 06:00 pm
Bartholins Allé 16, 8000 Aarhus, Denmark | Arhus, AR
(For dansk scroll helt ned i bunden)
Ready yourselves, because the time has come, it’s happening, the time of your life! It’s that special time of the year, Nordic Week is happening in Denmark, in the birthtown of the int.sek., it is in Aarhus, also known as Smilets By.
The theme of the week is Regulating the intangible: NFT’s, Data and Personality rights. During the week you get to attend lectures from one of the leading lawfirms in Denmark, and also from an acclaimed professor in the field. There will be lots of the local spirits(some foreign as well), an AMAZIIING Årsfest, good company, and amazing hospitality.
On Tuesday there will be a pre-surprise, location: To kolde. Where you will get to taste some of the local drinks. I must warn you, the beer here is really cheap. Actually so cheap, that you can buy open bar for 2 hours for 20 EUR! You have been warned.
The official kickoff of the week is at the JUS office at 12 o'clock on wednesday where everybody will receive their nametags and goodiebag. This will be followed by the very traditional welcome eating and learning surprise sponsored by @Interlex advokater. Get your ears ready! you will not want to miss this learning opportunity!
Afterwards we will take the bus to the hytte. So get ready to name that game, and get F***ed up. We also have a surprise competitive game at the hytte. After that we will have the hyttesitning where the theme is “The outfit you didn’t get to wear”. Followed by a night of fun. Sorry no badstu, we don’t do that here.
(a little birdie have also told me, that there will be a very special tasting menu at the hytte, for the people interested in it - so don't forget to listen for the birdie on the bus-ride, to find out what we're tasting)
Hopefully all the fun from last night won’t make you too tired on Thursday morning, because the bus leaves from the hytte 9:30, so get up and get ready for a new and surprising day. The bus ride is about an hour, so use that time to energize yourself. When we get back to the city of Arnbitter, smiles and seagulls, we will have a learning and eating surprise. After that, don’t worry my dear guests there is a long mellansurprise.
What’s next you may ask? Ofc a pointy surprise. After that we have a short mellansurprise, before the no. 100th suprise of the week held at the university. You can either order something to eat during the surprise or eat before, but do make sure you get some, because we are opening the bar, and I must warn you once again(the beers are really really cheap).
After that we are going to set the Aarhusianske dance floor on fire at the afterparty at Waxies. Where you get to experience a true Aarhus Thursday night party.
Good morning my little ones, Friday is here, so be prepared. We will kick of at the university with a learning surprise by professor René Franz Henschel at 10:00. Afterwards there will be a short mellansurprise and we will prepare for a Jungle surprise. It is based off my favourite Finnish game, so get yourselves ready. Hop in your overalls and prepare to taste some exotic goods, while walking through the city.
After all the walking and exploring you need a break while recharging yourselves to prepare for the nordic sitning. The theme of the sitning is “Your favorite fictive person" After the sitning we will head to the afterparty for a full night of dancing under the stars.
Rise and shine, it is time for the Årssurprise. The girls will have their presurprise at Boulevarden and the boys will head to barberlounge, before meeting up at the medal surprise sponsored and held by @Holst advokater. After the medal ceremony we will head to the legendary Årssurprise at @Turbinehallen, and be warned, there will be an open bar for quite some time. Flasks are also welcome #konference.
When the årssurprise is over the night is not over, we will continue partying all night. It is time for the last day of the Aarhus Nordic Week, but we still have sillis, before the lovely guests say “vi ses I norden”. And thanks to everyone for participating.
The price for the full week is 200€ and 180€ for helgen (7.-9.02.).
Each association has three (3) spots. Possible extra spots will be handed out after the signups. Please sign up via your local int.sek. by the 13th of january.
Please include your:
Full name
Phone number
Special diets or allergies
Arrival and departure times
If you need a host
If you are finlandssvenska
If you are planning to buy open bar for the preparty (two hours for 20 EUR)
Anything else we should know
If you have any questions regarding the week, please do not hesitate to contact us! We all look forward to seeing you in the best city of Denmark.
Anton Kinly
Int.sek. of Aarhus
[email protected]
+ 45 21 39 38 13
Mie Blak
+ 45 21 39 38 13
Vice International Secretary
Tuesday 4/2:
19:00 Pre-Partying surprise @ To kolde (Åboulevarden 18, 8000 Aarhus)
Wednesday 5/2:
12:00 Meeting surprise at the University (Bartholins allé 16)
13:00-14:00 Welcoming surprise sponsored by @Interlex Advokater (Mariane Thomsens Gade 8, 1c)
15:00 driving surprise leaves from the University (Bartholins allé 16)
** WAIT! First a drinking surprise (choking surprise)
** WAIT WAIT! Competetive surprise!
18:30 Sit sit surprise (Theme: The outfit you didnt get to wear)
**: Hytteparty!
Thursday 6/2:
8:30 Rise and shine to the musical surprise!
8:40 Eatable surprise!!!
9:00 Driving surprise goes back to the University
11:50 Learning surprise
** Mellansurprise
15:00 Pointy surprise
18:00 Noisy-surprise (Bartholins allé 8, building 1322-013)
22:00 Aftersurprise @ Waxies (Frederiksgade 16, 8000 Aarhus)
Friday 7/2:
10:00 Learning surprise by professor Rene Franz Henschel (Bartholins allé 9 Building: XXX)
** Mellansurprise
13:30 Jungle Surprise (Bartholins allé 16)
** Mellansurprise
17:30 Nordic Sit sit surprise @ Fuglesangsalle, 2640-124A Lille Sal (Theme: Your favorite fictive person)
xxxx Aftersurprise @ Bierbar
Saturday 8/2:
12:00- Girls presurprise @Boulevarden (Åboulevarden 30)
13:30- Boys presurprise @barber lounge (Rosenkrantzgade 12)
15:45-17:00 Medalsurprise @Holst, Advokater (Hans Broges Gade 2)
17:30 Årssurprise @Turbinehallen (Kalkværksvej 12, 8000 Aarhus)
** Aftersurprise!
Sunday 9/2:
12:00 Fishy surprise @Eforen (Karl Verners Vej 2)
**:** bubbly surprise
**:** Int.sek = dead.sek
(Program is subject to change)
Gør jer klar, fordi tiden er kommet. Det er nu. Den ene gang om året der er Nordisk Uge i Danmark. I smilets by, Aarhus.
Temaet for ugen er Regulating the intangible: NFT’s Data and Personality rights! Under ugen vil der være oplæg fra advokatfirmaer og en førende forsker på området. Der vil i ugen være masse af våde varerne, lokale såvel som udenlandske. NB hvis man køber deltagelse til ugen, er der inkluderet en årsfestbillet!
Hvis man skulle have lyst til at opleve hvad en nordisk uge er og åbne op for en masse vilde oplevelser på tværs af nordens lande. Så skriv til Juridisk Selskab på diverse platforme, eller skriv direkte til Mie eller jeg, vores info kommer igen under denne tekst. For at læse hvad det hele omhandler, så er der både program og tekst ovenover, ellers så tøv endelig ikke med at spørge. Jeg håber vi ses.
Det er både muligt at deltage ved at være vært for en nordisk gæst, eller ved at betale deltagerprisen (OBS Årsfestbillet inkluderet i at købe deltagerpris)
Anton Kinly
Int.sek. of Aarhus
[email protected]
+ 45 21 39 38 13
Mie Blak
+ 45 21 39 38 13
Vice International Secretary