A BIG Spring Day Out 2
Sat, 19 Apr, 2025 at 09:30 am
Bristol Independent Gaming | Bristol, EN
Welcome We are proud to present our latest MESBG GBHL 90 event, A BIG Spring Day Out 2
Location: Bristol Independent Gaming 11-16 Cater rd,Block 8,Bishopsworth, BS13 7TW
Website: https://www.bristolindependentgaming.co.uk/
Arrival from 9:30am
We will be playing 4 games and aim to finish around 6:30pm ish.
Parking is avaliable outside the venue with plenty of free on road parking.
Lunch and refreshments
Lunch is not included in the ticket price, The Venue supplies Hot food for breakfast and lunch as well as snacks and drinks. (if you bring you own cup you will recive a discount on hot drinks)
Please do not consume food and drink that has not been purchased on site.
Schedule for the Tournament
9:30 – 10:00 Registration
10:00 – 11:45 Game 1
12:00 – 13:45 Game 2
13:45 – 14:30 Lunch – Display Armies for Best Painted
14:30 – 16:15 Game 3
16:30 - 18:15 Game 4
18:30- Awards
Army Composition
Select one good or evil list comprised of no more than 475 points.
For this event there will be normal composition rules are in place, except those listed below*. Players are free to choose whatever they want to within these confines and by their own army and rule book of course!
Players may choose from any current Games Workshop Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game.
Any source books released after the time of this publishing will be legal as long as they are released before the list submission date.
List submission is due 5 days prior to the event start date please email your lists to: [email protected] Please indicate on your army lists who is your leader.
Army Restrictions
All models must be fully painted and based to a battle-ready standard. All models must be ‘What You See Is What You Get’ (WYSIWYG) and follow all restrictions in the Matched Play Guide.
What you need to bring on the day
Fully painted and based 475 point army
Any sourcebooks with rules for your models.
(FAQ’s for these are also useful although they will be on hand)
A copy of The Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game Rulebook
A copy (paper or digital) of this rules pack
(If you forget there will be copies available on the day)
A copy of your 475 point list(s) (paper or digital)
Measuring tape, dice, writing implements and any
Objective markers that you’ll need to play
A tray (Handy to save you packing and unpacking models all day)
Tournament structure and scoring Structure
The first-round pairings for the tournament will be randomly drawn.
The tournament will use Swiss ranking.
After the first game the highest scoring player who play the second highest scoring player on table one. The next highest scoring two will play each other on table two and so on down through the rankings.
In the unlikely event that you are drawn against an opponent you have already played please inform the judges and we will switch you around to find a new opponent.
A total of 12 points are available to each player over the course of the tournament and each of the games will use the following scoring system:
Win: 3 TPs
Draw: 1 TPs
Loss: 0 TPs
Tie Breakers: VPs, then VP difference
Tables and Terrain
Games will be played on a 4 x 4 table.
Army painting
As the tournament requires fully painted armies, there are no points available for army painting. The criteria for qualifying as fully painted is “three colours and based”.
Best Army
There are no tournament points for best army, there will be a prize for best painted as voted on by the players. Sportsmanship
We won’t be asking players to award each other any sportsmanship points as we are presuming that we can all enjoy the weekend without any major sportsmanship issues arising.
In the unlikely situation where a player is being obstructive or unreasonable or is affecting other people’s enjoyment of the weekend the tournament organisers will take appropriate action.
Judges rulings
Should you come to a situation where your opponent is referring to a rule you’ve never heard of, it’s perfectly reasonable to ask them to show you it in the rule book or source book, but please keep in mind that we’ll be asking all players to keep to time throughout the weekend so anything you can do to keep your games flowing would be appreciated.
If you come to a point where something occurs that’s not covered clearly by the rules, try to resolve it
in a mutually agreeable manner. If this is not possible, ask a judge. Bear in mind that a judge’s ruling is final, regardless of whether it goes your way or not, or even if it’s “roll a dice for it”. You have limited time to play your games, so quickly resolving these issues is encouraged.
By attending this event, you understand and agree to the below Conduct and Complaints Procedure:
Winning the tournament and Victory Points
With the possible 12 points being available to each player, the tournament winner will be the player with the highest score at the end of the day/weekend.
In the event of a tie between two (or more) players,
The Victory Points will be used to determine the winner.
In an event of another tie then it will be the player who scored the most Victory Points Difference.
Players should therefore record both their tournament points and victory points.
There will be prizes available for the following:
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place
Best Armies
Most Sporting (Wooden Spoon)
Gbhl points and prizes
This tournament will be a GBHL 90 event for the 2025 Great British Hobbit League season.
Recording your results
Please enter your game results into the provided score sheet after the conclusion of each game.
When all of the results for each game are in, the tournament organisers will post up your table allocation and your opponent for your next game.
This will be based on a running total of points scored so far as described in the structure section of this pack.
Four different scenarios will be played over the course of the day.
All scenarios will be played on 4x4 foot tables.
If, during any game you concede before the end of the game, your opponent will receive full victory points for all available objectives. Also, you will not receive any points of any kind from the game. We sympathise if you’re getting beat, but conceding to your opponent only shortens the game playing time for you both and more often or not will result in the winning player receiving more VPs than they normally would have got, which can affect the overall standings for the tournament. The scenarios below will be used during
the course of the tournament can be found in the Scenarios section of the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game Rulebook.
Summary sheet
A quick breakdown of the details:
Tournament Organisers: Jim Harding
Event Category: GBHL 90
Date: April 19th
Location: Bristol Independent Gaming
Format: 4 Rounds
Points Value: 475
Time of Games: 1:45
Win Conditions:
Highest Tournament Points.
Tie Breakers:
Victory Points followed by most Victory Points Difference scored.
(Day 1) Registration Time: 9:30am
Price and payment details: £20
Schedule for the Tournament:
9:30 – 10:00 Registration
10:00 – 11:45 Game 1
12:00 – 13:45 Game 2
13:45 – 14:30 Lunch – Display Armies for Best Painted
14:30 – 16:15 Game 3
16:30 - 18:15 Game 4
18:30 Awards
Where is it happening?
Bristol Independent Gaming, Bakers Cafe, Cater Road, Bristol, BS13 7, United Kingdom,Bristol, United KingdomEvent Location & Nearby Stays: