5 years of Magnitude Dance - Anniversary Edition


Fri, 06 May, 2022 at 06:00 pm to Mon, 09 May, 2022 at 04:00 am


Hotel Zimbru Iasi | Iasi, IS

Lume dansatoare,
O bucurie imensă și un prilej de celebrare deosebit!
? Magnitude Dance are deosebita plăcere de a vă invita la aniversarea celor 5 ani de activitate, în Iași, România, în perioada ?6-8 Mai 2022?.
? "5 ani de Magnitudine" va însuma dansatori dornici de distracție de pretutindeni, artiști și performeri care vor întreține atmosfera într-un weekend de excepție.?
O experiență de neuitat ce se așterne pe 4 zile pline de distracție, amestecate cu petreceri până la LAST MAN/WOMAN STANDING , condimentate cu muzică de salsa, bachata și kizomba a celor mai buni Dj, cu un top-line de excepție alcătuit din artiști naționali și internationali.
?Meniul principal:
• 3 zile de workshop-uri în 2 Sali concomitent
• 3 nopți de petreceri ( Salsa & Bachata Room / Kizomba Room )
• SHOW-uri în premieră ale artiștilor locali, naționali si internationali
Joi,pe data de 5 Mai,vom avea PRE-PARTY la locatia Magnitude Dance. Accesul nu este inclus in pass-ul achizitionat.
? Ne vom bucura de tot meniul într-un singur loc .

LOCAȚIE EVENIMENT : ***Hotel Zimbru***
? Salsa
Dandy & Deep Art | Italia - confirmat
Alex Tzenu & Smaranda | Universul Latino, Iasi – confirmat
David & Zoe | Caliente, CLuj - confirmat
Andrei & Lucia | Salsa Family, Suceava - confirmat
? Bachata
Barny & Dorottya | Ungaria - confirmat
Marius & Elena | Dansatorii Anonimi, Iasi -confirmat
Ady & Alisor | Dance Xplosion, Sibiu - confirmat
Rebeca Bumputu aka Becky | Bucuresti - confirmat
? Kizomba
RIchard Voogt | Londra, UK - confirmat
Stefan-Cosmin & Oana | Magnitude Dance
Armand & Lavinia | Dansatorii Anonimi Iasi-confirmat
? Dj`s Line-up:
Dj Seth | Bucuresti – confirmat
Dj Zoe | Cluj-Napoca – confirmat
Dj Mag | Magnitude Dance
Dj Clau | Oradea – confirmat
Dj Marius D.A.| Iasi – confirmat
Dj Tzenu | Iasi - confirmat
Dj Andy | Bucuresti - confirmat

? Photo:
▫Alexandru Pascariu
▫Dan Florin
? Video:
▫Lorin Deleanu | Videograf Iasi

?Preturi pana la data de 7 Martie ? :
?Full Pass - 275 ron / 55 Euro -acces workshop-uri ,petreceri si show-ri
?Party Pass - 225 ron / 45 Euro - acces petreceri si show-uri
?Preturi pana la data de 7 Aprilie ? :
?Full Pass - 300 ron / 60 Euro -acces workshop-uri ,petreceri si show-ri
?Party Pass - 250 ron / 50 Euro - acces petreceri si show-uri
?Preturi pana la data de 5 Mai ? :
?Full Pass - 325 ron / 65 Euro -acces workshop-uri ,petreceri si show-ri
?Party Pass - 275 ron / 55 Euro - acces petreceri si show-uri
★AT THE DOOR (incepand cu 6 Mai):
?Full Pass - 350 ron / 70 Euro -acces workshop-uri ,petreceri si show-ri
?Party Pass - 300 ron / 60 Euro - acces petreceri si show-uri

?Achizitie si Plata PASS-uri :
Pass-urile pot fi achizitionate prin reprezentantii scolilor de dans sau se poate depune in urmatorul cont pentru a intra in posesie:
0758515946- Stefan Cosmin
-cu mentiunea tipului de pass si numele integral
IBAN: RO07RZBR0000060023016718
Valuta: Lei
Nume banca: Raiffeisen Bank
Cod swift: RZBRROBU
Dupa efectuarea platii va rugam sa ne transmiteti printr-un mesaj privat sau pe mail achizitionarea pass-ului.
? ? Cazare:
***Hotel Zimbru***
Camera single : 190 ron /noapte (fara mic dejun )
Camera dubla : 230 ron/noapte (cu mic dejun inclus)
‼Aceste preturi preferentiale sunt valabile doar direct de la organizator. Daca veti opta pentru varianta de booking direct, veti plati pretul intreg de receptie. ‼
Pentru rezervare,se poate face direct prin organizatori sau personal la receptia hotelului cu mentiunea "Eveniment aniversar Magnitude Dance".

Pentru mai multe detalii:
Stefan-Cosmin : 0758515946
Oana-Diana: 0745988838
Facebook : Stefan-Cosmin Ioneasa & Oana Diana
Mail: [email protected]
??Începutul unei experiențe de neuitat cu spirit primavăratic și multă dorința de dans!??
********* ENGLISH **********
Spring begins with us!
Magnitude Dance is delighted to invite you at our 5th year anniversary in Iași, Romania, between 6-9 May?
There will be dancers from everywhere eager to have fun and artists and performers that will create an amazing vibe in one exceptional weekend! ?
An unforgettable experience awaits you during 4 days filled with fun and parties with a LAST MAN/WOMAN STANDING , everything mixed with spicy ? salsa, bachata and kizomba music from the best DJs and an outstanding top-line of national and international artists ??
EVENT LOCATION: ***Hotel Zimbru***

Main course:
? 3 days Workshops in two Rooms simultaneously
?3 nights of Parties (Salsa & Bachata Room / Kizomba Room)
? premiering SHOWS from national and international artists

? Salsa
Dandy & Deep Art |Italia - confirmed
Alex & Smaranda | Universul Latino,Iasi – confirmed
David & Zoe | Caliente, Cluj- confirmed
Barny & Dorottya | Hungary - confirmed
Marius & Elena | Dansatorii Anonimi, Iasi -confirmed
Ady & Alisor | Dance Xplosion, Sibiu - confirmed
Stefan-Cosmin & Oana | Magnitude Dance
Richard Voogt | London, UK
Armand & Lavinia | Dansatorii Anonimi Iasi-confirmed
Dj Seth | Bucuresti – confirmed
Dj Zoe | Cluj – confirmed
Dj Mag | Magnitude Dance
Dj Clau | Oradea – confirmed
Dj Marius | Iasi – confirmed
Dj Tzenu | Iasi - confirmed
★PRICING up to 7th of March :
Full Pass - 275 ron / 55 Euro - access to workshops, parties and shows
Party Pass - 225 ron / 45 Euro - access to parties and shows

★PRICING up to 7th of April :
Full Pass - 300 ron / 60 Euro - access to workshops, parties and shows
Party Pass - 250 ron / 50 Euro - access to parties and shows
★PRICING up to 5th of May :
Full Pass - 325 ron / 65 Euro - access to workshops, parties and shows
Party Pass - 275ron / 55 Euro - access to parties and shows
★AT THE DOOR ( starting 6th of May ) :
Full Pass - 350 ron / 70 Euro - access to workshops, parties and shows
Party Pass - 300 ron / 60 Euro - access to parties and shows

Passes can be purchased through the dance schools representatives or by a deposit to the following bank account:
0758515946- Stefan Cosmin
-mentione please the type of pass and the full name
IBAN: RO07RZBR0000060023016718
Currency: Lei
Bank Name: Raiffeisen Bank
Cod swift: RZBRROBU

After the payment is processed, please contact us through a private message or by e-mail and let us know you acquired the pass.
***Hotel Zimbru***
Single room: 190 ron/night (breakfast included)
Double room: | 230/night (breakfast included)
!! These preferencial prices are available only directly from us. If you opt for direct booking, you will pay the full reception price.
For more details, make sure to contact us at:
Stefan-Cosmin: 0758.515.946
Oana-Diana: 0745988838
Facebook: Stefan-Cosmin Ioneasa & Oana Diana
E-mail: [email protected]
Let the spring begin with a blast of dancing and fun in a spectacular experience! ✨??

Where is it happening?

Hotel Zimbru Iasi, Bulevardul Chimiei, nr. 2,Iasi, Romania

Event Location & Nearby Stays:

Magnitude Dance

Host or Publisher Magnitude Dance

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