#379 The Necks (AU)
Mon, 26 May, 2025 at 08:00 pm
Pawilon | Poznan, WP
The Necks – australijskie awangardowe trio jazzowe założone w 1987 roku przez Chrisa Abrahamsa (fortepian, organy Hammonda), Tony'ego Bucka (perkusja, gitara elektryczna) oraz Lloyda Swantona (gitara basowa, kontrabas).
Wstęp: 70 zł (ulgowy, poniżej 26 lat i powyżej 60) / 80 zł (normalny)
Ilość miejsc siedzących: 200
Koncert dofinansowany jest z budżetu Miasta Poznania i odbywa się w ramach cyklu koncertowego LASu w Pawilonie.
The Necks are one of the great cult bands of Australia.
Chris Abrahams (piano), Tony Buck (drums), and Lloyd Swanton (bass) conjure a chemistry together that defies description in orthodox terms.
Featuring lengthy pieces which slowly unravel in the most mesmerising fashion, frequently underpinned by an insistent deep groove, the eighteen albums by The Necks stand up to re-listening time and time again.
The deceptive simplicity of their music throws forth new charms on each hearing. Not entirely avant-garde, nor minimalist, nor ambient, nor jazz, the music of The Necks is possibly unique in the world today.
Entry: PLN 70 (reduced, under 26 and over 60) / PLN 80 (normal)
Number of seats: 200
The concert is co-financed from the budget of the city of Poznań and takes place as part of the LAS concert series in the Pawilon.
Where is it happening?
Pawilon, ulica Ewangelicka 1, 61-104 Poznań, Polska,Poznan, PolandEvent Location & Nearby Stays: