2nd National Astro Carnival
Fri, 07 Oct, 2022 at 09:00 am to Sun, 09 Oct, 2022 at 08:00 pm
Jamuna Future Park, Bashundhara, Dhaka. | Dhaka
![2nd National Astro Carnival](https://cdn.happeningnext.com/events10/banners/8c4a65c280ca42e16cfdca52670c80d507a2d96cf46ba91e7b4c87c9d4f44b74-rimg-w960-h502-gmir.jpg?v=1664283426)
OCTOBER 7, 2022 10:00AM - OCTOBER 9, 2022, 9:00PMNational Astro Carnival, which aims to create interest in space technology & science among all Bangladeshi students and reveal the true potential of children and young students with a keen interest in science, technology and astronomy. School, college and university students attending National Astro Carnival competitions to boost their confidence both in personal and as a part of a group to become prepared as scientists and enthusiast to achieve their dreams.
1. Primary (Class 1 to 5)
2. Junior (Class 6 to 8 )
3. Secondary (Class 9 to 10)
4. Senior (Class 11 to 12 + )
1. Astronomy Olympiad
2. IT Genius
3. Astrophysics Olympiad
4. Earth Science Olympiad
5. General Science Olympiad
6. Math Olympiad
7. Astrobiology Olympiad
8. Astro chemistry Olympiad
9. Quiz (Solo)
10. Rocket Model Making
11. Project Display
12. Wall Magazine
13. Scrapbook Display
14. PowerPoint Presentation
15. Instant Story Writing
16. Photo Exhibition
17. Rubik’s Cube Competition
18. Short Film { Science & Space }
19. Arts Exhibition
20. Debate
21. Extempore speech
22. Art Competition
23. Workshop
24. Rover & Mars Drone Making
25. Web Design & Development
26. Star mapping
27. Craftwork
28. Treasure Hunting
29. Cosplay
30. Chess Competition
Segment Details & Rules:
★ Olympiad
○ Category:
■ Primary (Only for General Science Olympiad)
■ Junior
■ Secondary
■ Senior
Astronomy 2 catagory (secondary and senior)
It genius 3 catagory (junior secondary senior)
Astro physics 1 category (senior)
Earth science 3 category (junior secondary senior)
General science 4 category (primary junior secondary senior)
Math Olympiad 3 category (junior secondary senior)
Astrobiology 2 category ( secondary and senior)
Astro chemistry 2 category ( secondary and senior)
○ Rules:
■ 25 minutes will be given to the participants for every olympiad.
■ Using a calculator is prohibited.
■ It will be short questions.
■ Participants have to bring necessary stationeries(pen, pencil, board, etc).
■ Primary category participants can only participate in the general science
olympiad(Class- 1 to 5).
★ Quiz (Solo)
○ Category:
■ Junior
■ Secondary
■ Senior
○ Rules:
■ Questions will be based on general knowledge and current affairs.
■ Participants will be called on the stage and ask questions verbally.
■ Correct answering participant will be the winner.
■ Rounds will be based on the amount of participants.
★ Rocket Model Making
○ Category:
■ Junior
■ Secondary
■ Senior
○ Rules:
■ Participants have to be in a team of 3 members.
■ Members can be from different institutions.
■ Models can be any size and shape.
■ It can be realistic or your own creativity.
■ Judgment will be based on the beauty, presentation and proper use of materials.
■ Must submit on 6th October
★ Project Display
○ Category:
■ Junior
■ Secondary
■ Senior
○ Rules:
■ Participants have to be in a team of 3 members.
■ Members can be from different institutions.
■ There will be two categories(mechanical and non-mechanical).
■ Participants are encouraged to come 1 hour before the event starts.
■ We will provide electricity.
■ Participants have to bring their own electrical instruments(multi-plug,
laptops, etc).
■ Judgment will be made based on the project’s beauty, explanation and
■ Must submit on 6th October
★ Wall Magazine
○ Category:
■ Junior
■ Secondary
■ Senior
○ Rules:
■ Participants have to be in a team of 3 members.
■ Members can be from any institution.
■ The size of the magazine can be upto 8X8 feet maximum. The shape or
thickness does not matter.
■ Any type of materials can be used.
■ Judgment will be made by planning, beauty and presentation.
■ Must submit on 6th October
★ Scrapbook Display
○ Category:
■ Junior
■ Secondary
■ Senior
○ Rules:
■ Participants have to be in a team of 3 members.
■ Members can be from any institution.
■ The size of the magazine can be upto 4X4 feet maximum. The shape or
thickness does not matter.
■ Any type of materials can be used.
■ Judgment will be made on beauty and presentation.
■ Must submit on 6th October
★ PowerPoint Presentation
○ Category:
■ Open for all
○ Rules:
■ Participants will be given 4 minutes to show their presentation.
■ Participants have to complete their presentation in 4 minutes on stage.
■ There is no specific subject but astronomy or space is preferable.
■ Presentations can be in bangla or english language.
■ There is no slide limit.
■ Presentations must be submitted on the first day of the event.(October 7, 2022).
■ Presentations can be submitted to our official email address
( [email protected] ) or must be bought by a pendrive.
★ Instant Story Writing
○ Category:
■ Open for all
○ Rules:
■ Participants will be given 40 minutes to write any science or space related story.
■ Stories can be in Bangla or English. Mixing both languages is prohibited.
■ Stories cannot cross 300 words.
■ Judgment will be based on story, data, proper use of grammar, etc.
★ Photo Exhibition
○ Open competition.
○ Rules:
■ There will be 2 categories(Mobile Photography and DSLR Photography).
■ Photos have to be studio print.
■ Stolen or copied photos will be disqualified.
■ Black and White or edited photos are accepted.
■ Watermark photos are prohibited.
■ A participant can submit upto 3 photos.
■ Authorities have the right to decline your photo(by informing you) if they
find any nudity, violence, political issues and other non-acceptable matters.
■ Theme: Open
■ Photos cannot be changed, turned back after submitting.
■ Must submit on 6th October
■ Photo size: 6R (Fixed) for both DSLR and Mobile photography
■ Photos will be selected first before putting in the display
★ Rubik’s Cube Competition
○ Category:
■ Junior
■ Secondary
■ Senior
○ Rules:
■ Participants have to bring their own cube.
■ Time will be given for inspection.
■ It will be round based on the amount of participants.
■ The final round will be on stage.
■ If someone’s cube gets broken they will be disqualified immediately.
★ Short Film { Science & Space }
○ Category:
■ Junior
■ Secondary
■ Senior
○ Rules:
■ Film has to be cosmology, education, science and business based.
■ Film must not be a PowerPointpresentation.
■ Film has to be minimum 4 minutes and maximum 9 minutes.
■ Film has to be in mkv or MP4 format. No other formats are permitted.
■ Participants have to submit their film on the official mail
( [email protected] ).
■ Participants have to submit details ( Title of their film, A small description
and participant's identity ).
★ Arts Exhibition
○ Category:
■ Secondary
■ Senior
○ Rules:
■ Theme: Open
■ Digital artworks are not permitted.
■ Participants can submit both sketch and colored art.
■ Canvas/paper size: 8X8", 10X8", 12X8", 12X12", 20X12", 20X20"(In inch)
■ Participants are allowed to use any materials.
■ Participants must use their sign on their artworks.
■ Stolen or copied artwork will be disqualified.
■ Captions are mandatory in the artwork. It can be in English or Bangla.
Captions have to be written on the backside of the artwork or in a paper
attached to the artwork along with the participant's Name and Institution.
(Example:Caption, Name, Institution name).
■ Authorities have the right to decline your photo(by informing you) if they
find any nudity, violence, political issues and other non-acceptable matters.
■ There cannot be any changes after submitting the artwork.
■ Participant's artwork will be displayed October 7-8.
■ Must submit on 6th October
★ Debate
○ Category:
■ Senior
○ Rules:
1. Fromate: Barowari
2. Speech time will be 5 minutes.
3. Warning bell in 4 minutes.
4. Debate will be 1 round.
5. Motion will be posted on the event page on 4th October.
6. 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize will be given.
7. Last date of registration 3rd October.
8. There will be no on spot registration for debate.
★ Extempore speech
○ Category:
■ Secondary
■ Senior
○ Rules: Students from the Junior, Secondary, Higher Secondary, and Senior
categories will participate in this segment. From each category, the best three
participants will be rewarded. This is an individual segment. Each participant will
only be given three (03) minutes.
■ Speech Topic:
● Junior - General Science
● Secondary - Science
● senior - Astronomy
The speech should be given in either Bengali or English. It is better not to mix
both languages in speech.
Judges will select the winner depending on the style of speech, presentation,
data, relevancy to the topic, etc.
★ Art Competition
○ Category:
■ Primary
■ Junior
○ Rules:
■ Only for Primary ( Class- 1 to 5 ) and Junior (Class-6 to 8) participants Art
Competition is permitted.
■ There will be 1 hour for the participants to complete their art.
■ Participants have to bring their own art materials ( Color pencil, board,
pencil, eraser, sharpener, etc).
■ Participants can art both sketch or colored art.
■ Theme: Open
★ Workshop
○ Category:
■ Open for all
○ Rules:
■ Workshops will be for space, science and technology enthusiasts.
★ Rover & Mars Drone Making
○ Category:
■ Secondary
■ Senior
○ Rules:
■ Participants have to be in a team of minimum 2 and highest 3 members.
■ Members can be from any institution.
■ Participants are encouraged to come 1 hour before the event starts.
■ We will provide electricity.
■ Participants have to bring their own electrical instruments(multi-plug, laptops)
■ Judgment will be made based on the project’s beauty, explanation and presentation etc.
■ Must submit on 6th October
★ Web Design & Development
○ Category:
■ Open for all
○ Rules:
■ Participant have to submit their website on the first day of the event.
■ Copied or stolen web design will be disqualified.
■ Authorities have the right to decline your website (by informing you) if we find
any political issues, nudity, violence, etc.
■ Judgment will be based on presentation, appearance, information, etc.
★ Star mapping
○ Category:
■ Secondary
■ Senior
○ Rules:
■ Participants will be provided with a star map.
■ Participants have to match patterns and identify the marked constellation
and stars.
■ There will be 30 minutes for star mapping.
■ Participants have to complete within 30 minutes. Or winners will be
chosen from the closest one to solving.
★ Craft work
○ Category:
■ Primary
■ Junior
○ Rules:
■ Participants have to submit their craft on the first day of the event.
■ Participants cannot change or take back their craft work after submitting.
■ Craft work can be any size.
■ Theme: Open.
■ Craft work will be judged by its appearance, presentation, topic, etc.
★ Treasure Hunting
■ Secondary & Senior
○ Rules:
■ Participants have to register on the first day of the event.
■Treasure will be hidden throughout the event venues.
■ Participants have to find riddles and solve them with included clues.
⚫Chess Competition:
Open For All Student and visitor
⬛There is no restrictions or procedure to participate in this.
⬛This is just an experience zone for everyone to have fun with their friends and
Registration link : http://astrocarnival.bsrs.xyz/
For Contact:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BSRS19/
Event Page: https://fb.me/e/36ltHJmgY
Email: [email protected]
Md Rakibul Islam (General Secratary)
+8801857108193 ( Whatsapp )
Saadad Jahan Khan ( IT Department )
+8801933684557 ( Whatsapp )