21st Annual Green Economics Institute 3 day Annual Conference 2025
Mon, 16 Jun, 2025 at 10:00 am to Wed, 18 Jun, 2025 at 05:30 pm
Mansfield College, University of Oxford | Oxford, EN

Cutting edge ideas & philosophy: Survival of civilisation, other species & the planet
About this Event
The 16th Annual Green Economics Institute Conference
Back after 2 year covid lock down absence: (Incorporating events, field trips and summer schools and conferences at GEI) Starting on Saturday 3rd September with a 2 day conference at Christchurch College, University of Oxford with our global network linking to our summer schools and incorporating summer schools at Christchurch College Research Centre, University of Oxford
Conference plan:.
A) Conference Symposium on climate science and climate finance and policy. Economics, Finance, Trade and International Relations:
C)11-12 September 2022 A 2 day conference at Mansfield College University of Oxford with a Research Symposium -Ideas Forum- .Call for Papers and disscusion points- Accomodation available
D) 3-4 th September 2022. Feminists in the Environmental Movement. Interactive summer school. Weekend -2 days at Christchurch College, Research Centre University of Oxford. Accomodation available
G) Outings and tours to historic and also to Green Oxford throughout the 2 days .See below. More being posted shortly.
Catering information will also be posted shortly.
Interesting visits and tours will be posted here shortly including museums, 500th Anniversary of the botanical and medicinal garden -one of the oldest in the world. Alice in Wonderland Tours and Harry Potter Tours etc Oxford tours, colleges tours and many more.
Call for Papers, Speakers, Workshops, Debates, Presentations, Exhibition Stands, Sponsors, Cutting Edge Ideas, Experts.
Previous event Themes-
* Minding and Maintaining Mother Earth Existence and Public Agency Action.
* The Relationship between nature and human culture
* Imagine this is the coolest year to come- as the planet heats up
*How is our existence in the future going to look ?
* What we can say about the future history of our civilisation today ? Difference narratives -competing narratives -Debate. Techy or back to nature or wild.
* Evolution of sapiens, way we are related to food- and animals-which are our habits- can we really change our habits. Are we fruit gatherers or fierce hunters.Debate.
* What does evolution really mean? is it time to update it?
* Evolution -is it Darwin, Lamarck and Spencer - or is there a feminist alternative?
* USA arrival after 1492 is technically an imigrant- debate?
* Economics -how models are related to these models.
*Diversity. pluralism, which are the economic theories which can help us rethink the evolution of economics. How can models and methodology can help us to think about the future of economics. The missing dimensions of reality- in the real world -
*How big data- computational economics -how this is defining a new trend in terms of ideas and models - are they leaving reality behind- ? has there been a divorce from reality-from climate- biosphere and from mother earth. ?
* New Methodology--'Multi dimensional economics' - spatial, temporal, and movement. Earth, real time and evolution and 'complex economics' Debates- what is complex economics -what is multidimensionsal economics -what are the dimensions we want.
* Space time -economics -3 men with half the worlds wealth going up in symbolic fallic symbolic to the heavens -having destroyed the earth- ! Deepening the discussion about the symbols of economics.
* The symbolic drivers of economics - what are the drivers- and how do we change it to benefit mother earth- clawing back reality, health and resources. The well being of the other 9 billion people on the earth.
* From the anthropocene to the biocene to the Age of Stupid- why dont we save ourselves when we have the chance? Why dont we change what we do when we can?
* Moving in wrong direction -Branding and leadership today. Rediscovering matrifocal leadership and compassion and solidarity. Discovering new habits- food, relationship with sentient beings-and food technology and nature. Debate
*The Ethics of mucking up space and exploitation? commodification of space
*How to rethink our degrees of freedom -reconceptualise freedom nowadays- what does mean? one persons freedom is another persons nightmare- the reconceptualisation of freedom and community- and civilisation -responsibility- agency and compassion.
* Matrifocal main stream economics -a completely new era in economics is going to have to dawn -what does it look like? what are its basic foundations?
* Why hasnt homo sapiens saved itself and its habitat and its nest when it could? a great mystery- but one that must be solved now- Planning to do that- Debate.
Philosophy for survival of people, other species, the planet, civilisation, biodiversity, human health
Email [email protected] to make contact.
The conference will feature our work on climate in preparation for the CoP 15 Biodiversity IPBES United Nations Conference in Kunming, China and
This event will build on our diversity work from our COP26 Climate Change United Nations Conference and delegation in Glasgow Uk with our delegation, loads of climate action, our official side events and official exhibition stands, our Green Hub Events, our training courses, our climate feminist ambassadors and much more
The economics of survival
Supply chains as the vectors of corruption
Walking the talk on diversity and inclusions
The Age of Stupid is well and truly upon us- how do we get out of it? Why dont we act to save ourselves?
A human economy that doesn’t destroy but nurtures and rebuilds and rewilds- how do we do it?
Rethinking the Human -can we do it in time- ?
Stopping runaway climate change. Using human ingenuity to tackle ourselves and our ghastly mistakes- can we turn ourselves around in time?
Examining the science of climate and biodiversity and life
Air, water, soil, ice- respect reinstalled.
Understanding who matters in society.
Psychology of power corruption and oligopolies, why half the worlds value is in the hands of a few men - psychopathy and exploitation at the heart of our world view and civilisation -time to stop and take stop –
Gender, intersectionality and matrifocal leadership -what does it mean -what do we need to change?
Follow the leader- the psychopaths in the boardroom and in politics- time to change what we views as true leadership.
Rebalancing the gender inequality- and the species inequality. Sitting back down and taking our real place in nature.
Come and join us for a lovely week or part of the week
Change the world for the better- for those who really care and really want to change things.
The Green Economics Conference week will host a wide range of speakers from across the world, delivering presentations on a variety of topics from wherever they are, including on responses to the latest challenges.
Day 1 Programme Economics, Environment, Economy, Green Deals, Build Back Better- Economics Futures in the Pandemic Age..Corruption green selfishness- is this the epitaph of the human species or can we do much better much more quickly? The Time of Biodiversity and Climate Action and Recalibration of our entire role in the universe. Preparing for the 2 big United Nations Conferences in 2021. This day is open to people to attend in person -if you register for this and we will discuss with your our COVID safety measures in place. It is also available on line for everyone.
Day 2 Social Perspectives in 2021. Caring for others, our own role in the pandemic, equality, inclusion, caring sharing and supporting each other. Theories of other, and ethics for the 3rd millennium. Assessing how to achieve the SDGs. Our survival, our recovery, our well being.
Mental health, social prescribing, recovery in nature.
Extinction, survival, archaeology, historical records, species, Pandemic, health, vaccine - no one is safe until everyone is safe.
Debates, experts, workshops, campaigns, research. We explore fact, truth reality, democracy and the current dilemmas of technology vs freedom and surveillance vs health which are affecting everyone on the planet.
Do we want Factory Farmed Humans? Or do we want well-being and a work life balance exploring the cultural impacts in shaping a new human beyond homo economicus.
Smart Cities, smart women, smart lives? Young peoples futures, older people care, indigenous peoples, we are all one humanity. Our future is their future. We must work together.
8.00-9.00 am uk time -Technical connection session
Programme Day 1
9.0 0-9.30 UK Session 1 time-Introduction and welcome to the conference
Principles of Green Economics, Green Economy and the Green New Deal-? Global Reset, The Great Reset, Build Back Better. How are they constructed- what are their founding ideas and philosophies. How do they affect behaviours.?
What are our values today in a COVID and warming world with mass extinctions and increasing inequality? -Values, Valuation and Valuing -in 2021- what counts, what adds up, what matters, what is truth, what is science- what is right- what is ethical, what do we do about those who have been left behind ? Reseting Global Industry in the pandemic age
9.30-9.45 Short Break
Session 2 Opening Plenary 9.45-10.45 am uk time
New Structures of the Global Economy
The Emerging economy of revitalised international institutions-the United Nations and the World Health Organisation
The role of the state-is now expanding after a period of contraction and the role of the debt - Keynesianism or mismanagement? The neoliberal narrative is about mismanagement.?
How do we save the benevolent state -privatisation -enclosure a terrible denouement of capitalism -New perspectives after the virus.
The corruption of truth and democracy- what do we do -how does it work -how can we heal the system itself? The role of the media in regime formation, corruption and the treatment of the media and roles and responsibilities of journalists in the contemporary age? Can we continue to expect independent journalism in an age of privatisation and corruption?
Speakers: Professor Denise Hawkes, (She/Her) Professor of Education Economics, PhD Economics and PFHEA Professor of Education Economics and Chair of local stonewall group
10.45- 11.00 UK Time BST Short Break
11.00- 12.00 UK Time Session 3 -Building a better world and a green recovery
Humans learning to share the world with other systems and creatures ? Can we really learn to do it.? Is the age of man the hunter over- is it now time to nurture and enhance ? The age of the benevolent gatherer returns. The Green Economic Recovery, No More Business As Usual, Global Reset, Build Back Better. Building a Better World. A Just Transition: Diversity, Holism, Sustainability, SDGs, We explore how to change economics, investment and finance to provide a future for humanity, other species, the climate and the Earth. The circular economy, Basic Income, The Green New Deal - no more business as usual. The future is in our hands! Reclaiming Economics from its small group of narrow interests in profit, growth, greed and destruction - and turning it into something beneficial where all the World flourishes.
Speakers :
Tim Chalibois- University of Oxford Environmental Change Institute -and GEI COP Rep-Strategy Consultant and Co-Founder / #GreenHydrogen #CircularEconomy
12.00 - 12.15 UK Time BST Short Break
12.15-13.15 UK Time BST Session 4 Parallel Sessions- Practical Economics Future
Matrifocal mainstream economics is needed now and fast- what does it look like- ?
Non standard economics Professors and experts debate this controversial subject.
Session 3a) Equity is the price of survival - Contraction and convergence -
Session 3b) Man the fixer to women's soft power to heal? Jobs for the boys or an inclusive green economy ? Technological options from man the fixer?
Session 3c) -An Economy for Future Generations . Natural systems to care for the planet and the economy of the 7th generation -who really counts, who really matters- values, valuation and valuing.
Invited speakers
Professor Maria Madi -(Brazil)
Professor (Poland)
Professor Ioana Negru (Romania and Cambridge UK)
Professor Ying Xie (She/Her) Professor and Head of School in Economics Finance and Law at Anglia Ruskin University (UK)
Professor Peter Yang -(USA and China)
Lunch 13.15-13.45pm UK Time BST
13.45-14.45 UK Time BST Session 5. Visits to Global and regional areas: Building our green diplomacy network
Global Diplomacy and our new global network and research
Session 4 a) Greening the Japanese Economy
The greening of the Japanese Economy-Environmental Economics Perspectives: Koryo Suzuki and others.
b) Global Trade Flows and their impact on poverty and development and gender.
Focus on China and the USA. Speaker invited Yanling Hu, (China)
14.45-15.45 UK Time BST Session 6 Parallel Sessions
Session 5a) Debate on the scope of economics and private property. Can we ever own the Earth?
Session 5b) If we have destroyed one planet - do we have the right to go and muck up another one? Hurting nature - the cause of future pandemics? 143 Million people being climate migrants by 2020 - is not a change -
Session 5c) It's a climate emergency! Species and people are all on the move towards cooler climates. The Arctic heatwaves signal warming unseen since before human civilisation began. We explore the climate science and facts and ask what does it take to convince people - that it's finally time to act?
15.45-16.00 UK Time BST Short Break
16.00-17.00 UK Time BST Parallel Sessions Session 7
Session 6a) The economics of food farming and agriculture - domestication ? Is the age of man the hunter over- is it now time to nurture and enhance? The age of the gatherer returns.
6 b) Our exciting formal Debate between natural foods and scientific futures, frankenstein foods, sweeping all life from the sea floor or lab grown food?
6c) Animals as sentient beings - The triumph of nature or the triumph over nature? Come and debate with our expert speakers.
6d) Nature based solutions, ecosystem services - environmental economics -ecological economics, circular economy, sustainably managed fisheries- stakeholder capitalism-green wash or making a difference- or green economy and deep ecology and existence value approaches survival solutions-with the precautionary principle?
17.00 - 17.15 UK Time BST Short Break
17.15 -18.15 UK Time BST Session 8 - Digitalisation and Amazonisation of the global Economy and supply chains:
Banking and stability in 2021- the new stress tests:
The golden age investment switch has arrived? Green Investment cycles in 2021.
Bitcoin and on line values. Modern supply chains and the ethics of global resources- mining for metals- can it ever be fair- can the green recovery be inclusive and fair.?
Hi tech -digitisation and the future of the economy and democracy- now inextricably bound up together- can democracy withstand and prosper in the age of algorithms and tech giants? The next wave of the internet. Economics, Digitisation of world- the lasting legacy of the pandemic? or natural order of development? The re emergence of Technology in 2021-The role of health economics.
Tech investment, Build Back Better -A just transition :The green economy and renewable energy and technology. Speakers include: Professor Baghdadi Mahmouz -Algeria specialist in battery power
18.15 - 18.30 UK Time BST Short Break
18.30- 19.30 UK Time BST Section 9 Partner Sessions -with other groups and organisations:
Session 8a) : Partner session with the Association of Heterodox Economics and their speakers.Chaired by Prof Simon Mouatt.
Session 8b) The views of 2021 from around the NGOs - which of the momentous developments really matter? what actions should we take?
Programme Day 2
Climate and Biodiversity at a cross roads Environmental Perspectives 2021
Discussion of COP26 Climate Change Glasgow and COP15 Kunming China, Biodiversity Summits.
8.00-9.00am - BST UK Time Connection testing for participants
9.00-9.30 am -Introduction and Welcome to the conference and Day 2 -
Setting the Scene Preparing for the 2 big United Nations Conferences in 2021.
9.30- 9.45 am BST UK time Short Break
9.45-10.45- am Uk time BST Opening Plenary
The Time of Biodiversity and Climate Action and Recalibration of our entire role in the universe.
Panel debate -Equity is the price of survival - Contraction and convergence
-The situation in nature in 2021 Setting the Scene--Results of scientific reports- and research. the shocking state of nature and how humans have wiped most of it out. How this has helped create a series of pandemics and a new environment which threatens our future.
Speakers include
Dr Asia Mohamed, University of Khartoum Sudan, Economist, United Nations-IPBES lead Africa-Green Economics Institute Research Group
Dr Susan Canney, Professor of Zoology, University of Oxford and author at the Green Economics Institute
Dr Djana Bejko, Former Minister of Environment, Albania and currently Director of the Environment Ministry. Professor of Ecology and Biology.
10.45-11.00 Uk time BST Short Break
11.00- 12.00 BST Uk time- Session 2 -
Climate Change and COP26 Latest science on climate change
Panel Plenary experts on the link to pandemics and biodiversity and nature
Is this our future or can we change it? Race to zero, net zero, renewables
The activities in 2021 to deal with this- solutions, philosophical adjustments needed. Different paths and policy choices- humans at a cross roads. The International institutions -what are they offering and how do they differ. Economic Options- what are they offering and how do they differ.? Nature based solutions, ecosystem services - environmental economics -ecological economics-green wash or making a difference- or green economy and deep ecology and existence value approaches survival solutions-with the precautionary principle.
Speakers include:
Prof Asia Mohammed Sudan, IPBES Africa Lead
Dr Vandana Shiva, India
Baronness Natalie Bennett, UK House of Lords. TBC
Speakers include:
Dr Djana Bejko Former Environment Minister of Albania and currently its Director
Prof Asia Mohammed Sudan, IPBES Africa Lead
12.00-12.15 Short Break
12.15-13.15 Session 3 Parallel Session Plenary Climate change and our delegation to COP26 United Nations - what are the issues-? how do we each make a difference?
Session 3a) -Master classes- the science - the current state knowledge
Session Master classes- 3b) the law of international treaties- How the law works and why it matters
Session 3c) Governance -and how it works and why it matters
Session 3d) Democracy in a post COVID world- what will it look like?
13.15-13.45 BST UK time Lunch Break
13.45- 14.45 Session no 4 Green Diplomacy International. Our report back from the GEIs United Nations Diplomatic Climate Missions Our house is on fire-GEI Methods for putting out the flames effectively. The Green Economics Institute Policies to achieve stabilisation of the climate and provide for momentum for climate ambition.
Renewables and the green technology revolution -how far has it come- what is its current progress and values?
Summary of next steps to save the climate and next actions and proposals for the United Nations.
Session no 5 Virtual visits -sessions- around the world
Session 5a) Food and Farming
Global Reset, Grow your own! Ending Pollution, The New Normal, Reclaiming our own food, Fresh, Healthy, Life Giving Food, Locally Grown - the links between healthy food, avoiding pandemics, keeping safe and ending the power of corporations to skew our health, make us ill and then mend us all for a profit.We can grow our own food - all we need is light and a window sill, nature provides well for us. Let's not allow her to be destroyed in the name of profit and greed and economics. Virtual visits to farms, gardens and kitchens around the world.
'The rescue of the old autochthone pepper varieties in South India – Ark of Pepper. A world heritage project' Germany
Speakers include - Rudolf Bühler, Organic Farmer at Sonnenhof, Germany. Expert in Biodiversity (Germany) Also President of ECOLAND International and Farmers Association of Schwäbisch Hall. Founder of Foundation House for Farmers, Castle of Kirchberg – Germany
Session 5b) Virtual visits to forests and trees and the oceans
Saving our friends the Trees and the Habitats they provide:
Exploring the Primal Forests of Europe, the cultural respect for Trees, the secret life of Trees and how they nurture us. Understanding the power processes which have sought to destroy trees and how we need trees for our survival and how to protect them and how to change the legal system so it supports life on earth, rather than endorses and reinforces its destruction in the name of law and order and the economy. Trees are life givers, oxygen creators, important habitats and climate regulators. We need them.
5 c) Saving our oceans and the Habitats they provide:
15.45-16.00 BST Short Break
16.00-17.00 Session no 6 Partners and climate action with NGOs and campaigners Trashing the planet- can we reform humans ? -Biodiversity - Keeping Life on Earth during an attack of the humans!Preparing for COP15 Biodiversity Summit and beyond. The situation in nature in 2021 Setting the Scene--Results of scientific reports- and research. the shocking state of nature and how humans have wiped most of it out. How this has helped create a series of pandemics and a new environment which threatens our future.
Speakers include
Professor Vandana Shiva, India
Bianca Madison-Vuletta
17.00-17.15 Short Break
17.15-18.15 BST Session no 7 Parallel Sessions- Nature and Biodiversity and preparing for Kunming COP15 IPBES : Biodiversity Segment .
The Need for Nature -Making a new contract with Nature- Recalibrating our relationship with the entire natural world and making an entire new philosophy. Latest reports and science- setting the scene
Agroecology, agriculture -intensive or extensive, fish, oceans, water, life on earth -can it withstand the onslaught of classical economics? How does a green economy differ? Outlook for policy recommendations from the Institute to policy makers. Next steps
Core Next steps that need to be taken and where green economics perspectives can help us. Taking a more comprehensive view of biodiversity -some kind of principles- taking value can be measured in different ways. Can policy makers make sure they include this solutions- what does it mean for the institutes views on this topics.
Debate -what are the next steps -what are policy choices- ?
The Biodiversity Initiatives and activities in 2021 to deal with this- solutions, philosophical adjustments needed. Different paths and policy choices- humans at a cross roads. The International institutions such as the United Nations, The IPBES, President Macrons -One Planet Summit, Prince Charles Terra Carta etc. what are the initiatives offering-what are they offering and how do they differ.
Speakers include:
Prof Asia Mohammed Sudan, IPBES Africa Lead
Dr Vandana Shiva, India
Baronness Natalie Bennett, UK House of Lords. TBC
Speakers: Bianca Madison-Vuleta (UK, Denmark, Croatia, Italy) and Dorothy Nalebega Uganda
7a) Marine ecosystems
7b) Forests trees- climate -the stage of the next fight and back lash
7c) water, rivers, landscapes, biodiversity and habitat, clean air and soil . Oceans water rivers and biodiversity and marine life and environments
18.30-19.30 Concluding Session Day 2 next steps and policy and action plans
Outlook for policy recommendations from the Institute to policy makers. Next steps
Core Next steps that need to be taken and where green economics perspectives can help us. Taking a more comprehensive view of biodiversity -some kind of principles- taking value can be measured in different ways. Can policy makers make sure they include this solutions- what does it mean for the institutes views on this topics.
Debate -what are the next steps -what are policy choices- ?
Conclusions and next steps - inputs to our main conference and to the United Nations and other initiatives to address this threat. All participants and discussion.
Destruction or survival -how do the paths appear to us now in 2021?
Programme Momentum for raising ambition on Social Justice -
Health, Pandemics,Gender, Indigenous world views, access to IT and participation in the world education and economy -time for a global reset.
We are all in this together, if we hurt one person and keep them in poverty and injustice, they are far more likely to become ill and we can catch it - so never has it been so important to look after every person and every living being properly. We exploit anyone and we hurt ourselves. Everyone needs the same opportunities as everyone else - we cant have just 8 men to own half the world's wealth - its time to share properly. vTowards a new philosophy of what a human is -values valuation and valuing- evaluating 10,000 years- was it worth it ? Social justice and equality- poverty distribution - global family of humans. Deep Dive Into Global Poverty Prevention
BST UK time -Technical connection session
Introduction and welcome to the conference day 3.
Short Break
Opening Plenary Session 1
The new importance of international regimes, institutions and trade blocks in determined the health and well being and social standing of humans and non humans- how do we manage this?
Speakers: Leena Ahmed -Green Diplomacy International , Michelle Gale USA
Public policies on health -social determinants of health Miranda Brown
Public investments in early childcare. The importance of education in the recovery
Privacy and data privatisation and ownership of data
Introducing our Green Economics Institute Trust charity work and public benefit
Speakers- Trustees
Short Break
Session 2 Panel no 5 Mental Health, well being and Green and social Prescriptions
Dr Katherine Kennet Social Prescribing
Dr Alex Lai to be confirmed Well Being
Bianca Madison -Vuleta Mental health, Life style and well being expert
Extinction and the mechanics of species survival, Mental health, social prescribing, recovery in nature.
Extinction, survival, archaeology, historical records, species, Pandemic, health, vaccine - no one is safe until everyone is safe. Research methodologies and philosophies
Short Break
Session 3 Parallel Sessions Diverse Experiences and perspectives-
Diversity in Action -Methods and tools for diversity-The Green Economics Institute Trust - Miriam Kennet and trustees
The need for Realist Biographical Methodology and the life lived.
The disproportionate effect of the pandemic on certain groups - inequality- contraction and convergence of wealth.
a) Social Perspectives in 2021. Caring for others, our own role in the pandemic, equality, inclusion, caring sharing and supporting each other. Theories of other, and ethics for the 3rd millennium. Assessing how to achieve the SDGs.
Sustainable Development and Business- Professor Dzintra Astaja Latvia
b) the wages of corruption -
How do we emerge from years of corruption and inequality and exploitation into a green economy of the future?
c) The legacy of coloniality and exploitation on our economy and society - can we re configure this? The lessons from 2021 around the world
d) Understanding the black lives matter movement and why it matters and its symbolism for the worlds power and wealth -why we need to address this now- equity is the price of survival
e) Equity is the price of survival - Indigenous voices from around the world- the amazon a human construct- whose is it- is it time to listen and learn from our elders?
Speakers: Professor Chelsea Fairbank -USA Anthropologist -Philosophy and impacts of Inequality and Agneta Granstroem Indigenous Sami -MP Sweden.
Lunch Break
Session 4 -Future global leaders: Visits to global and regional areas- building our regional diplomacy network
The future is Africa- exploring the future of us all.
Short Break
Equity is the price of survival
a) Session 5 The pandemic pushed 75million into poverty in India. The effects of the pandemic on poverty- methodology and literatures - what are the issues- global extreme poverty- effects on food, housing, agriculture and resources- flash points of the future-
b) Women and the pandemic effects. Poverty and social justice - gendered poverty effects.
Bianca Madison-Vuleta chairs a Panel
a) The role of the internet in driving social justice in 2022:The Potential for the Internet in Driving Social Justice-Can it be fair- ? an issue for our times
The internet is a powerful tool. The wide potential for democratisation and social justice are evident, yet many of these movements have failed to develop into real social change. Paradoxically, the same tools with the potential for social justice have fuelled the very opposite. To effectively utilise the power of the internet for social justice, we must navigate these problems and understand how detrimental outcomes materialise. This session will explore the conflicting realities of the nature of the internet and offer solutions for reclaiming it as a tool for social justice.
Since its inception, this power has been recognised for its potential in driving social justice in a variety of ways. A space to bring together new or marginalised communities despite geographical boundaries; a public sphere for debate and deliberation; a means to spread information and hold power to account; and a platform for the organisation and mobilisation of incipient social movements; and various technologies enabling social change.
Speakers tbc
Facilitators- tbc
Short Break
Session 7 Managing Migration and climate and resource stress- the growing issues of in country displacement, poor country hosting of migration eg Jordan, Bangladesh- water stress eg Nigeria, Latin America- Columbia. Venezuela, Somalia. Ethiopia- how do we help during the rise of climate and biodiversity stress. Urban - countryside mass movements of people- relocation and reversal of the urbanisation. Forced migration and fleeing conflict and humanitarian focus and human and institutional capacity to offer support to them- and the conditions of life- in transit camps- health implications How will it look -after the pandemic -How we value migrant labour- exceptions made for certain professions over others. Changing the narrative of migration- the new normal.
Hosted by Leena Ahmed and Miriam Kennet-
UK time Green Economics Institute Conference: Concluding Session and Next Steps
Debates, experts, workshops, campaigns, research. We explore fact, truth reality, democracy and the current dilemmas of technology vs freedom and surveillance vs health which are affecting everyone on the planet. Do we want Factory Farmed Humans? Or do we want well-being and a work life balance exploring the cultural impacts in shaping a new human beyond homo economicus. Smart Cities, smart women, smart lives? Young peoples futures, older people care, indigenous peoples, we are all one humanity. Our future is their future. We must work together.
Call for papers, speakers, sponsors, exhibition stands, workshops presentations
Please note all speakers are currently being confirmed. Please keep in touch for more information as the conference evolves. Please save the date in your diary.
Summer Conference Call for Papers.
Our Second ever blue sky thinking conference symposium
This symposium conference explores the philosophy of our changing world and tries to find threads and pointers to a better future.
The conference will feature live link ups with different parts of Africa, Bhuttan , China and other regions of the world to share different perspectives and ensure we get a full range of human experience.
It will focus on:
Inspiration, leadership and human development- what does it mean caring sharing supporting each other?
Physical and human geography and social and environmental justice
Economics- of all kinds -
Human development and anthropology- our futures
Economics and trade and international relations
Technology and smart futures- IT and Data and democracy challenges
Truth understanding narratives -the hidden fears about the future driving a non truth world- the attractiveness of liars and deceivers and scammers- why do we follow them?
Story telling in an age of deceipt - how history and futures are bound up together
Refugees-mobility- climate displacements migration etc
The role of war and violence in human evolution -
Finance -new financial landscapes- climate finance and biodiversity and environmental issues- pollution, deforestional, deadzones in the sea- amazonian depletion -the race for the poles and the race for space, Bitcoin block chain and non conventional financial futures and regulations.
Can there be a just transition ?
Climate science - biodiversity loss- the figures- the earths vital signs
The Sustainable Development Goals- the facts and figures- where are we now?
Life style changes needed in the 21st century and the planning implications for cities- rural areas and other dwellings. Transport habitation
Gender issues and how they are the solution-The stats
Any other issues relevant to future life on earth in all its forms and earth systems.
The conference will take the form of 2 days of symposiums- with a stimulating scene setting and challenging presentation followed by group work and debate. The aim being to come up with original perspectives and solutions to todays problems. Each presenter is asked to come up with a short paper and if possible a short PPT to enable participants to follow new argumentation.
The participants are expected to be global -some people will come in via zoom and some will be in the room.
There will be a book or books from the conference papers ( previous books from our conferences can be seen at www.geibooks.org.uk and also a special issue of the academic journal and possibly academic proceedings too- so it is hopped that participants may get at least 3 citations from the event.
We are also looking for good research projects and all submissions will be assessed for suitability.
Programme will include
Day 1
Session 1
Introduction and scene setting and overarching narrative presentations - where are we now and how did we get here and how do we get out of here? and move on successfully as a species?
Session 2 Presentations and debate
Break into smaller groups for working on solutions
Session 3 Presentations and debate
Session 4 Presentations and debate
Session 5 Presentations and debate - Next steps from today
Evening tours and walks round Oxford
Common Dinner in Oxford Style Restaurant together
Programme will include :
Day 2
Session 1 Presentations and debate
Session 2 Presentations and debate
Break into smaller groups for working on solutions
Common Lunch
Session 3 Presentations and debate
Session 4 Presentations and debate
Session 5 Presentations and debate - Next steps from today and symposium and planning publications
Evening tours and walks round Oxford
Common Dinner in Oxford Style Restaurant together
Please book your tickets here: and please send your ideas for sessions and presentations to [email protected] -
All sessions need to be applied for- with a short 300 word explanation.
The conference team will advise if its accepted and then you will be advised about a slot for presentation. Please suggest your idea and also 3 questions you would like participants to consider as the debate part of the session. Some sessions will have 1 presenter and other may have up to 3 in total to offer contrasting perspectives.
We are also looking for good research projects and all submissions will be assessed for suitability. Some of these will then also be invited to our research conference in September at Christchurch College, University of Oxford.
For more information, speakers and program please visit our website: www.greeneconomicsinstitute.org.uk
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Initial list of invited speakers:
Professor Denise Hawkes University of Greenwich
Professor Maria Madi- (Brazil)
Professor Alexandra Harrington (USA)
Professor {ek Chuen Khee, Eugene Dean, Faculty of Business and Management, UCSI Malaysia (Allumni of the Green Economics Institute)
Professor Cara New Daggett, Professor of political science at Virginia Tech
Professor Ioana Negru (Romania and Cambridge UK)
Professor Ying Xie (She/Her) Professor and Head of School in Economics Finance and Law at Anglia Ruskin University (UK)
Professor Peter Yang -(USA and China) GEI Author and authority in Green Technology and renewables- author of 2 of our GEI Books
Professor Ehtisham Abassi -(India) and Princes Course- University of Oxford Urban Planning.
Professor Vandana Shiva (India )
Professor Monder Ram (UK) Professor of Small Business, Centre for Research in Ethnic Minority Entrepreneurship, Aston Business School, West Midlands, England, United Kingdom
Dr Susan Canney Zooologist University of Oxford specialist in societal conservation for Elephants in Mali (UK)
Lynne Franks global icon and campaigner Leader of the worlds Public Relations Movement
Jean Lambert former Member of the European Parliament
Bianca Madison -Vuleta (UK and Croatia)
Rakesh Kumar ( Gartners Head of IT) tbc UK
Rudolf Buehler -Ecoland (Germany) - organic and eco friendly farming and charity for global small farmers around the world- solar garage, green restaurant, new concepts in provisioning for ordinary people. Krischberg Castle, refugee refuge and seniors home and musical academy.
Leena Ahmed Global Diplomacy
Sukriti Anand (India ) Economics and Accounting
Richard Wouters Challenges of the Green Economy and the future of mining for minerals- todays urgent dilema. (The Netherlands)
Chelangut Scholar (Kenya)
Agnetta Granstroem -(Sami Sweden ) Indigenous perspectives
Baroness Natalie Bennett- House of Lords
Asia Mohamed (Sudan ) Head of IPBES Africa
Koryo Suzuki (Japan) Environmental Economics Author of 3 of our gei books
Tim Chalibois- University of Oxford Environmental Change Institute -and GEI COP Rep-Strategy Consultant and Co-Founder / #GreenHydrogen #CircularEconomy
Dr Katherine Kennet Consultant Pyschiatrist (UK)
Dr Alex Lai -General Practitioner (UK ) specialist blogger in well being and mental health
Gabrielle Sousa e Silva Hiltmann (Brazil and Germany) Climate Feminist Ambassador. Renewable Energy & Civil Engineer: Climate Resilience through Energy Transformation: an intersectional perspective: Energy is at the core of climate change, and clearly, it will not be transformed by the same tools which have brought us here. The productive sectors, and the gendered male-based discourses, leave women and most minorities lacking a legitimate language to articulate and confront the status quo. To achieve transformational change not only technologies but also normative perspectives are to be challenged.
Michelle Gale (USA and Brazil) VP Charity Chicago
C40s speaker-tbc -explains the importance of the role of gender and equity in planning for a fair, fast and inclusive energy transition in cities as the main place of human habitation tbc 40 cities in the USA for climate action.
Natalie Lolar to be confirmed- indigenous perspectives
Clare Lunn (USA)
Laura de Macedo Architect (Brazil)

Where is it happening?
Mansfield College, University of Oxford, 56 Woodstock Road, Oxford, United KingdomEvent Location & Nearby Stays:
GBP 11.37 to GBP 162.29