2025 SDCASEA Annual Banquet
Sat Mar 22 2025 at 11:30 am to 03:00 pm
The Heights Golf Club | San Diego, CA

About this Event
科工會將於3月22日於 The Heights Golf Club 舉行第42屆年會暨新春午宴。席間我們十分榮幸邀請了前中研院院長: 翁啟惠 博士主講 " 以Universal 疫苗對抗病毒感染及癌症的最新研究。

- 報到及交誼時間於11:30am開始
- 年會從 12到3pm
- SDCASEA Member (會員), $50
- General Ticket (非會員), $60
- Student (學生), $50
- [方式一]您可繼續選擇 Select Tickets,然後前往 Checkout 在線上立即直接購票 (這個網站會加收一個小額的服務費),
- [方式二]您也可以直接與科工會的任何一位理事購票及選擇您的餐點,而不需要選擇 Select Tickets 以及前往Checkout
- 會議場所(The Heights Golf Club) 有提供免費停車。請參考以下附圖 (於 Bernardo Heights Parkway 轉入 View Pointe Row 之後,免費露天停車場在您的左側)

我們提供 3-Course Platted Lunch。除了有Soup or Salad,以及甜點之外,主餐選項包括:
- Flat Iron Steak Chimichurri (with Mashed Potatoes & Seasonal Vegetables)
- Pan Seared Salmon (Choice of Sauce (Lemon-Caper, ChardonnayMushroom Cream Sauce or Honey BalsamicGlaze), Roasted Potatoes & Seasonal Vegetables
- Butternut Squash Risotto (Vegetarian)
本活動由 中華民國 僑務委員會 贊助,十分感謝大家的參與,祝您新春如意、大吉大利!
Thank you kindly,
SDCASEA Committee
翁啟惠教授現任美國史克里普斯研究所(The Scripps Research Institute)Scripps Family Chair 化學講座教授,並兼任中央研究院基因體研究中心特聘研究員。
他在國立臺灣大學獲得學士與碩士學位,隨後於麻省理工學院(MIT)攻讀化學博士學位(1979-1982 年,師從 George Whitesides 教授)。博士畢業後,他隨 Whitesides 教授前往哈佛大學(Harvard University)進行一年博士後研究。1983 年,他獲聘為德州農工大學(Texas A&M University)化學系教授,並於 1987 年晉升為正教授。1989 年,他加入史克里普斯研究所,擔任教授並獲聘為Ernest W. Hahn 化學講座教授。2006 至 2016 年間,他擔任中央研究院院長。
他的研究領域涵蓋化學生物學與合成化學,特別專注於開發新方法與工具,用於合成與研究複雜醣類、糖蛋白及其在疾病進程中的醣基化機制。迄今,他已發表超過750 篇學術論文,擁有120 多項專利,他的論文被高度引用,h-index 為 156。
• 美國國家科學基金會 (NSF) 總統青年學者獎(Presidential Young Investigator Award, 1986)
• 國際 Roy Whistler 醣化學獎(International Roy Whistler Carbohydrate Award, 1994)
• 美國化學學會 (ACS) Claude S. Hudson 醣化學獎(ACS Claude S. Hudson Award in Carbohydrate Chemistry, 1999)
• 國際酵素工程獎(International Enzyme Engineering Award, 1999)
• 美國總統綠色化學挑戰獎(Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Award, 2000)
• 美國化學學會創新有機合成獎(ACS Creative Synthetic Organic Chemistry Award, 2005)
• 美國化學學會 Arthur C. Cope Medal(2012)
• 以色列沃爾夫化學獎(Wolf Prize in Chemistry, 2014)
• 英國皇家化學學會 Robert Robinson 獎(Royal Society of Chemistry Robert Robinson Award, 2015)
• Robert A. Welch 化學獎(Robert A. Welch Award in Chemistry, 2021)
• 化學先鋒獎(Chemical Pioneer Award, 2022)
• Tetrahedron 有機合成創新獎(Tetrahedron Prize for Creativity in Organic Synthesis, 2022)
• 中央研究院院士(Academia Sinica, 1994)
• 美國藝術與科學學院院士(American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1996)
• 美國國家科學院院士(National Academy of Sciences, 2002)
• 歐洲分子生物學組織 (EMBO) 院士(2010)
• 美國國家發明家學院院士(National Academy of Inventors, 2014)
• 日本理化學研究所 (RIKEN) 前沿醣科技研究計畫主任(1991-1999)
• 美國國家研究委員會化學科學與技術部門委員(2000-2003)
• 德國馬克斯·普朗克研究所科學顧問(2000-2008)
• 日本理化學研究所 (RIKEN) 諮詢委員會成員(2010-2016)
• 臺灣政府首席科學顧問(2006-2015)
• 臺灣生技醫藥產業發展協會會長(2019-)
• 台灣浩鼎生技 (OBI Pharma) 科學顧問(2016-)
• Delos Capital 科學顧問(2021-)
• RockBiomedical 科學顧問(2022-)
Professor Wong is currently the Scripps Family Chair Professor of Chemistry at the Scripps Research Institute with a joint appointment as Distinguished Professor at the Genomics Research Center, Academia Sinica.
He received his B.S. and M.S. degrees from National Taiwan University, and Ph.D. in Chemistry from MIT (1979-82 with George Whitesides). He then moved with Prof. Whitesides to Harvard University as a postdoctoral fellow for another year before taking a faculty position at Texas A&M University (1983) where he was promoted to full professor in 1987. He then moved to Scripps Research in 1989 as Professor and Ernest W. Hahn Chair in Chemistry. From 2006 to 2016, he served as President of Academia Sinica.
His research interests are in the field of chemical biology and synthetic chemistry, with particular focus on development of new methods and tools for making and studying complex carbohydrates and glycoproteins and the associated glycosylation in disease progression. He has published over 750 papers and more than 120 issued patents, and is a highly cited scientist with an h-index of 156.
Professor Wong received numerous honors for recognition of his accomplishments, including, for example, Presidential Young Investigator Award in Chemistry (1986), International Roy Whistler Carbohydrate Award (1994), ACS Claude S. Hudson Award in Carbohydrate Chemistry (1999), International Enzyme Engineering Award (1999), Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Award (2000), ACS Creative Synthetic Organic Chemistry Award (2005), ACS Arthur C. Cope Medal (2012), Wolf Prize in Chemistry (2014), Royal Society of Chemistry Robert Robinson Award (2015), Robert A. Welch Award in Chemistry (2021), Chemical Pioneer Award (2022), and Tetrahedron Prize for Creativity in Organic Synthesis (2022). He is a member of Academia Sinica (1994), American Academy of Arts and Sciences (1996), National Academy of Sciences (2002), European Molecular Organization (EMBO) (2010) and National Academy of Inventors (2014). He served as Head of the Frontier Research Program on Glycotechnology at RIKEN in Japan (1991-1999), a board member of National Research Council on Chemical Sciences and Technology (2000-2003), a scientific advisor of Max-Planck Institute (2000-2008), a member of RIKEN Advisory Council (2010-16), the Chief Science Advisor to the Taiwan Government (2006-2015), and as President of Institute of Biotechnology and Medicine Industry, Taiwan (2019-). He also served as scientific advisor for OBI Pharma (2016-), Delos Capital (2021-) and RockBiomedical (2022-).
Where is it happening?
The Heights Golf Club, 16066 Bernardo Heights Parkway, San Diego, United StatesEvent Location & Nearby Stays:
USD 53.64 to USD 64.01